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(Message started by: Seiji on Oct 1st, 2003, 6:39am)

Title: Oxygen concentrator or Tanks
Post by Seiji on Oct 1st, 2003, 6:39am
Just wondering which one most folks have, tanks or concentrator.

Title: Re: Oxygen concentrator or Tanks
Post by brewcrew on Oct 1st, 2003, 7:32am
Tanks. I know it's been a good stretch when I forget how many I have left and have to go check in the closet ;).

It was my understanding that the machine that pulls the O2 from the room air and concentrates it can't produce it at the flow rates clusterheads need (8-10 lpm).


Title: Re: Oxygen concentrator or Tanks
Post by ave on Oct 1st, 2003, 12:26pm
That is right.

Title: Re: Oxygen concentrator or Tanks
Post by Not4Hire on Oct 1st, 2003, 6:27pm
...forget the concentrators.... I have done quite a bit of research and they can only deliver *max* 8 LPM and only at about 95% oxygen.... admittedly this is better than trying to hyper-ventilate (don't ask me how I know this  ;) ) but not really very effective....

..if you are having a CH *full blown* ...the best you can expect with full 100% oxygen and the RIGHT mask is shorter duration and a bit less intensity.... at least for ME.... but o2 will/should kick the MOFO in 15 minutes....

good luck.....and *TANKS* to you.... Steve(N4H)

Title: Re: Oxygen concentrator or Tanks
Post by Ueli on Oct 2nd, 2003, 6:47pm
Add to this: the concentrators have a start-up time of  about 5 minutes. An awful long delay when it comes to abort a CH attack, in fact so long that it can make the difference between success and failure.  :(

Title: Re: Oxygen concentrator or Tanks
Post by Zonie on Oct 5th, 2003, 10:05pm
Tanks are the only way to go for what we clusters need.  Like they said earlier, the concentrator's cannot put out the LPM (liters per minute) that we need.  Luckily, my sister & hubby owned a medical equipment rental company which included oxygen.  If your insurance will cover it, I would recommend a "J" Tank for your bedroom (that's the big one) and Portable "E" tanks for your auto or anytime that you leave home.  The J also has a bubbler (water) which will help to eleminate the dryness of your airways.  Check the Oxygen Info in the left margin and that should answer any of your questions.

Good Luck

Title: Re: Oxygen concentrator or Tanks
Post by forgetfulnot on Oct 6th, 2003, 1:28pm
Ahh….. butt not always the case Kimosabie…..I consistently get rid of those nighttime buggers with a meek little 5 LPM (Invacare 5) concentrator. For me it has been a no hassle, less costly solution to the BIG GREEN TANK and much better looking I might add. The trick is start the machine as you go to bed, there is a five minute lag for the machine to get up to speed (95%) O2. I bought this machine new on E-Bay for $600.00, it was paid for in ten months considering my rental co-pay was around $60.00 a month for the BIG GREEN TANK and a small family of little green tanks. You can always start out with the BIG GREEN TANK and experiment on what your exact O2 requirements are and do what is best for you as you learn. Also it is possible to run two concentrators in tandem for 10 LPM (95%) O2. The bonus is you don’t have to take off work to meet the delivery guy and the sheetrock in your hall is saved from the constant battering of the BIG GREEN TANK and you can leave your dirty underwear lying around because no strangers are going in your bedroom.


Title: Re: Oxygen concentrator or Tanks
Post by Seiji on Oct 6th, 2003, 7:36pm
got another question

How long do you stay on the o2 to abort an attack
I am on about 5 min or less since i am a resp therapist
i have all the o2 i need at work seems i would get an attack around 5 am

Title: Re: Oxygen concentrator or Tanks
Post by Not4Hire on Oct 6th, 2003, 7:46pm
...Seiji... personally, i need about 15-18 minutes... 12 or so to kick the MOFO and another 5 to make sure he's gone.... YMMV

...yer a resp therapist? ... did ya get yer certificate (like i got ALL my credentials) ...from a coupon on the Wheaties box? ...LOL

...good luck....yer friend, Kemosabe

...and I'm glad ya get off with the concentrator Lee... i tried ole MOM's machine and it didn't do diddly....

Title: Re: Oxygen concentrator or Tanks
Post by forgetfulnot on Oct 6th, 2003, 8:28pm

...good luck....yer friend, Kemosabe  

...and I'm glad ya get off with the concentrator Lee... i tried ole MOM's machine and it didn't do diddly....

I knew I misspelled that, try cleaning the filters, makes a huge difference.

PFDAN to all


Title: Re: Oxygen concentrator or Tanks
Post by dberg99 on Oct 7th, 2003, 2:59pm
I had a concentrator, but it didn't put out enough oxygen. You need somewhere between 6 lpm to 10 lpm to abort the headache.  So, unless concentrators have improved in the last few years, tanks are the only option.

Title: Re: Oxygen concentrator or Tanks
Post by LasVegas on Oct 14th, 2003, 3:27pm
Today is Tuesday, got a big green tank in my bedroom this past Staurday.  Have not had to use more than 8 liters per minute for more than 15 minutes on any given attack.  Fortunately, I have been home when each attack has occured or feel like it was about to hit.  The mask is a nuisance with the strap so I just hold it to my face and breathe slowly.  The o2 supplier said they don't make 100%, this stuff comes from liquid 02 huge tank in the back of the complex.  Says I and everybody else gets about 94%.  It has worked wonders and haven't had to use any Imitrex since I got it, then again I have only had attacks at home.  I'm wondering if the Prednisone/Verapamil combo is the reason for my reduced # of attacks and also severity of attacks or maybe the 02 is acting as a preventative as well.  Who knows, but i'm starting to feel like myself again.  Did you know the air we breathe only contains 21% o2?  Interesting fact.
Gregg in Las Vegas

Title: Re: Oxygen concentrator or Tanks
Post by Not4Hire on Oct 14th, 2003, 9:30pm
...vey excellent news, gregg, that the o2 is working for you...

The o2 supplier said they don't make 100%, this stuff comes from liquid 02 huge tank in the back of the complex.  Says I and everybody else gets about 94%.  It has worked wonders and haven't had to use any Imitrex since I got it, then again I have only had attacks at home.

hmmm, o2 in the *complex*... i just GOTTA ask: are you, or have you EVER been, ... uh, incarcerated?.....LOL

...yer profile sez yer 35 and live in Lost Wages... go find Bob... stool 17...nickel slots... Nevada Club... or Queens of Fremont Street.. or maybe HOOTERS...

but i digress....

it's part of the DEAL: we emit NITROGEN (or in DON's case: methane...LOL)...and the plants give back OXYGEN.... keeps the planets in alignment and all... and gives us CHer's a bit of relief....

keep doin' THAT....and good luck.....


Title: Re: Oxygen concentrator or Tanks
Post by LasVegas on Oct 15th, 2003, 1:24am
Creative reply.  
Gregg in Las Vegas

Title: Re: Oxygen concentrator or Tanks
Post by brewcrew on Oct 15th, 2003, 7:27am
N4H - Almost correct - we breathe in mostly nitrogen, some oxygen, and a host of other gases (Don's methane included). Then we emit carbon dioxide, which the plants take in, giving off oxygen, completing the circle of life, keeping the planets aligned, etc., etc.


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