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(Message started by: Hiker on Oct 21st, 2003, 12:11pm)

Title: Mushroom Therapy?
Post by Hiker on Oct 21st, 2003, 12:11pm
Howdy all....

For the past week, I've been reading the threads on with great interest.  Unforetunately, the reason I'm here is the recent events of my latest episode.  

A brief bio.  I was diagnosed with CH's 25 years ago or so.  At the time and years past I've been lucky that during episodes of having only one HA a day, like clockwork, but very painful up to a kip 10.  As I recall, the one time I was treating them was with  Florinal, which seemed to work fine if I caught it on time, otherwise it was a disaster.

This recent episode, unlike the others has me getting 2, 3 or more HA a day with only minor relief between.  It's also stopped me from carrying on a normal routine in anticipation of my next HA.  Since I don't have a MD., insurance or a fulltime job at the present time I've been using OTC meds with very limited success.

I know that these episodes are only temporary and that, perhaps, is my only saving grace, but in the meantime, as you all very well know they hurt like hell.  Thankfully it's already been over a month and I feel as though they're on the way out.

I'm also seriously considering the "mushroom therapy" since it appears to be most effective in prevention, and with limited side effects such as caused by their prescriptive chemical cousins or other drugs I'm not keen on taking.  

A couple questions though.  By following the links, info, directions on clusterbusters, etc, is it likely I'll be successful growing my own?  What are the best varieties?  I see where I can get Ecuadors spores in a syringe.  Is this my best bet?  All other supplies I plan on buying locally.  If anyone has any constuctive suggestions or comments I'd be forever grateful.

Thanks for your time,


Title: Re: Mushroom Therapy?
Post by JDH on Oct 21st, 2003, 1:17pm

on 10/21/03 at 12:11:32, Hiker wrote:
I know that these episodes are only temporary and that
A couple questions though.  By following the links, info, directions on clusterbusters, etc, is it likely I'll be successful growing my own?  What are the best varieties?  I see where I can get Ecuadors spores in a syringe.  Is this my best bet?  All other supplies I plan on buying locally.  If anyone has any constuctive suggestions or comments I'd be forever grateful.

Thanks for your time,


Yes you can grow your own, for about $100.00...I did it and if I can do it ANYONE can.
The pressure cooker and syringes were my biggest expense but the rest of the stuff was fairly cheap and easy to find.
On the advice of someone at clusterbuster I used the Ecuador spores. I bought 4 syringes for $48.00 from Sporeworks and in about 2 months I had many. many 'shrooms.
Just go to and you'll find all the info you need to start your own farm.
Good Luck,


Title: Re: Mushroom Therapy?
Post by Hiker on Oct 21st, 2003, 2:04pm

Thanks for your encouragement.  

I've found this forum and the knowledge, advice and links gleaned from it a godsend in a difficult time.

PF days and happy trails to all,


Title: Re: Mushroom Therapy?
Post by pinksharkmark on Oct 25th, 2003, 11:56am
I always advise a first time grower to start with the Ecuador strain. They are very reliable producers. By reliable I mean they do pretty much everything they are supposed to pretty much WHEN they are supposed to. Some of the other strains can sometimes  "stall out" at various points in their growth cycle, leading a new cultivator to worry he may have done something wrong. Ecuadors tend to just keep on truckin' -- provided of course that the temperature and humidity ranges are met.

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