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(Message started by: markg111 on Oct 25th, 2003, 4:46pm)

Title: e-mail from a pesron named Ali Sultaneh
Post by markg111 on Oct 25th, 2003, 4:46pm
I was wondering if anyone else got this email:
I cut and pasted it here so dont blame me for the grammar or anything else it contains, I just thought I would share it......
Mark G.

The end of migraine, Cluster headaches was done by a simple surgery, that can cure all migraine, cluster headaches patients without any side effects.
All are true, and in surgery results talks.
No need to come to me for surgery its a simple surgery, just do a copy about the surgical treatment page and tell any surgeon you know, he can easy do it to you.
If he has any question I m ready to answer him.
All doctors and drugs in the world cant cure even one migraine, or cluster patients, because they think that intracranial arteries also cause migraine, cluster headaches, in my study I prove that only extracranial arteries cause migraine, cluster headaches, while intracranial arteiers cause aura and acompanied symptoms.
For many time Ulei and Frank C, said that migraine and cluster are different, I told them, that my simple surgery can cure not only migraine, cluster headaches, but also tension headache, and basilar migraine.
You must understand that, it can cure all kinds of vascular headaches.
What did that possibile, just because only extracranial arteries cause vascular headache.
They called it basilar migraine, and only finger pressure over places # 3 from both sides will make tension, and basilar migraine headache stop completelly all time you do finger pressure.
If you don’t believe that, I give you a simple finger pressure points test, its easy to be done, just do a finger pressure over places# 1, 2, and/or 3 in time of migraine attack and you will see how migraine headache stop completelly all time you do this pressure, in this way you can see the results of surgery, before you do it.
All Cluster headaches patients in time of theire headache attacke, if they do finger pressure over places# 1, and 2 in the side of headache you will see if what I said correct or no, just in rare cases must do also pressure over 1,2,and 3, in the same time.
So you can do this simple operation, or you can do at your home simple band that can do this pressure, in time of your headache, to get rid of headache.
This reality, that only extracranial arteries cause vascular headache, explaine why migraine, cluster headache have normal paraclinical investigation.
My abstract entitled Migraine - New Surgical Treatment - has been accepted for the Oral Poster Presentation category for the 2001 Congress of Neurological Surgeons meeting, September 29 - October 4, in San Diego, California. Abstract Number: 173

Where you can find My abstract:

click on meetings or

than click on search abstract archives or

you can find my abstract in abstracts on 2001 San Diego, California
put in keywords ( migraine)
or direct to the abstract:$retrieve?value=43363&field=RecID&html=detail&doscript=counter

They don’t want you to know about my new surgery, because they care more about your money. To read about that read this;

Shame, my new Idea that only extracranial arteries cause migraine headaches, was stollen by Dr Guyuron, and he try to treat migraine on this new idea but by removing the muscle that contain bifurcation of thies arteries. Here you can read what he do;

To read in Arabic;

Best Wishes

Ali Sultaneh

non-medicinal - non-surgical treatment of Migraine
The pain of migraine headache or any vascular headache such as tension headache or Cluster headache is caused only by dilation of one or more extra cranial superficial artery. This is both a new and correct idea. The frontal headache is caused by dilation of the superficial temporal artery, the main trunk of which passes under the site # 1; in front of the ear pavilion and above the upper edge of the external auditory duct.For severe frontal headache associated with ocular pain, we must determine where the frontal branch of the superficial temporal artery passes over the external edge of the eyebrow and call it site # 2.In case of occipital headache, where the pain is caused by dilation of the superficial occipital artery, which passes laterally at protuberantia occipitalis externa, a distance of about 2 - 4 cm horizontally, site # 3.
The devices are simple and the person who has a headache can use them easily.The devices help migraine patients or those with other vascular headaches, and healthy people in case of more usual headaches.

الآن .. أقوى إنترنت مجاني .. و في كل محافظات مصر .. أطلب  07070101 أو ضغط على

مصراوى .. خدمات أقوى .. كل يوم

Title: Re: e-mail from a pesron named Ali Sultaneh
Post by ave on Oct 25th, 2003, 5:31pm
Mark, Ali is a known quack; he has been haunting this board for some time and sends these long e-mails to anybody's e-mail addy he can get his hands on.

There is NO scientific basis for his claims. Stay away from him.

Title: Re: e-mail from a pesron named Ali Sultaneh
Post by sandie99 on Oct 26th, 2003, 7:46am
Hi there! :)

I got Ali's email today.
I read it, but it's good that you brought it up.

There's so much information going around about ch and especially when one is new to it, it is hard to know what to believe.

Knowledge is power, I believe and that's why I have read all medical stuff about ch I could get my hands on.

Best wishes & PFdays,

Title: Re: e-mail from a pesron named Ali Sultaneh
Post by Yos on Oct 26th, 2003, 7:33pm
Ave, are you saying this may be him?

Title: Re: e-mail from a pesron named Ali Sultaneh
Post by ave on Oct 27th, 2003, 3:50am
Baout, but more of a duckfaced face, if you get what I mean... lol

Title: Re: e-mail from a pesron named Ali Sultaneh
Post by Svenn on Oct 27th, 2003, 3:55am
Just stay away from this wannabedoc.He is crazy


Title: Re: e-mail from a pesron named Ali Sultaneh
Post by jmorgan52 on Oct 27th, 2003, 1:44pm
I just got an email from him today too. Wonderful use of the English language for a so called "surgeon" - what a nutter!

But what do you expect from someone named after dried fruit.


Title: Re: e-mail from a pesron named Ali Sultaneh
Post by vig on Oct 27th, 2003, 2:02pm
Way to go Yos, yes, Ali is Dr. Nick Riviera! Message Board » Powered by YaBB 1 Gold - SP 1.3.1!
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