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(Message started by: becky8 on Nov 3rd, 2004, 11:51am)

Title: Not a pleasant subject,BUT here's GOES
Post by becky8 on Nov 3rd, 2004, 11:51am
Verapamil at 360mg is helping me, but what do you do about MAJOR constipation. I have been eating nothing but fiber, so much no-one wants to around me (JUST GAS) lol!!!! But seriously, even laxatives are of very little help. I don't want to taken off it (verapamil cause its helping,BUT.....I see the Dr. next week and I will ask him but I know alot of you have taken Verapamil and probably had this problem too. I am chronic so even if the Dr. gives me powerful poopers, I can't be on them forever. BY the way am I the only to ever ask this question????

Title: Re: Not a pleasant subject,BUT here's GOES
Post by broomhilda on Nov 3rd, 2004, 1:35pm
Nope, hear this a lot myself!!! Search the archives, theres been discussion on this before... I do believe magnesium will help with it, add it into your diet as a supplement, should be able to find it at the health food store or pharmacy...(hopefully the archives will give you the doseage, I will look if I can find it...)

Good luck and glad to hear the verap is helping you, good news!

edit, sp's

Title: Re: Not a pleasant subject,BUT here's GOES
Post by becky8 on Nov 3rd, 2004, 2:01pm
I am taking it, how long before it helps? I only started about 11/2 to 2 weeks ago. Do you know the where I might find it? Thanks, before my blue eyes turn brown!!! LOL!!! [smiley=laugh.gif] [smiley=laugh.gif]

Title: Re: Not a pleasant subject,BUT here's GOES
Post by broomhilda on Nov 3rd, 2004, 2:07pm
LOL Becky, grape juice, prune juice, good old natural fiber...........I saw in an old post to take up to 200 mg's??? May be up the doseage? Not sure how long it would take, I know you are anxious :D... not funny....

Not sure where you could find it, like I said health food store or pharmacy, I would think it would be easy to find...


Title: Re: Not a pleasant subject,BUT here's GOES
Post by nani on Nov 3rd, 2004, 2:10pm
OK - talk about gross...have you considered a colonic becky. At least after that you can start "fresh" so to speak. Most massage therapists can either do one or find you someone who can. Good luck and I hope everything comes out allright. ;;D (sorry- couldn't resist.)

Title: Re: Not a pleasant subject,BUT here's GOES
Post by Melissa on Nov 3rd, 2004, 2:13pm
flax seed oil works well also.

sorry to hear of your pain :(

Title: Re: Not a pleasant subject,BUT here's GOES
Post by becky8 on Nov 3rd, 2004, 2:29pm
I am laughing my ass off now, but I am also serious and I know other people have had to have this problem. I CAN'T eat or drink anymore fiber than I am already doing. And the werid thing is nothing (meds) are helping. I guess I am sorta FOS, no pun intended. It's funny but not that funny!!!! I am taking magnesium(SP)also, just whatever is on the bottle,should I try upping that. Nani, I don't know anyone around here who does that. Can't wait for the guys to reply on this one, should be intresting though.

Title: Re: Not a pleasant subject,BUT here's GOES
Post by sandie99 on Nov 3rd, 2004, 3:04pm
Trick from my mama: eat plums; fresh or dry, both will do. ;;D

Good luck!


Title: Re: Not a pleasant subject,BUT here's GOES
Post by becky8 on Nov 3rd, 2004, 3:09pm
I tryed prunes, high fiber cereal, broc, any wheat, lots of water, and laxtives. Nothing is helping (a tiny bit) I am on magnesium but maybe I need to up it, I am just taking what the bottle says. But I don't know much about mag, like how much is too much. Anyone know???There's only one thing I haven't tryed and I am not doing that guys!!!!

Title: Re: Not a pleasant subject,BUT here's GOES
Post by becky8 on Nov 3rd, 2004, 3:13pm
Hey, Where's good old Don when you need him, he should know how to handle this one!!!LMAO!!!

Title: Re: Not a pleasant subject,BUT here's GOES
Post by Bob P on Nov 3rd, 2004, 3:39pm
Common problem.  Caused me to quit taking the stuff.

Dr. Robinson, at the Vancouver convention, said that they could give those of us with this problem some "industrial strength" stuff that was sure to get things moving.  See if you can get your Dr. to prescribe some draino over the phone.

Title: Re: Not a pleasant subject,BUT here's GOES
Post by becky8 on Nov 3rd, 2004, 5:26pm
Sounds good and all but what about long term? Since I'm chronic how safe is that to do all the time?? GEE, can't win, stopping hurts so much on one and now the end is messed up!!! Go figure???LOL!!!

Title: Re: Not a pleasant subject,BUT here's GOES
Post by nani on Nov 3rd, 2004, 6:45pm

Where's good old Don when you need him, he should know how to handle this one!!!

Sorry Becky...don's FULL of CHit, as far as I can tell he's never empty of it.  ;;D

Title: Re: Not a pleasant subject,BUT here's GOES
Post by eddie on Nov 3rd, 2004, 7:09pm
epsom salt not for long term use
they have magnisium & lemon juice at wallmart
where the laxitive are and water 1 gallon before lunch
hope it helps ET

Title: Re: Not a pleasant subject,BUT here's GOES
Post by Mr. Happy on Nov 3rd, 2004, 9:55pm
All this constipation talk and medical remedilia is a hoot. Once you clean out the impacted specimen, eat a heaping bowl of chili every day. Not that crap from a store, or a package. We're talking the real deal here. If you can eat a heaping helping of my private recipe, and not have a colon blow from hell the next morning, you're a better man than my hemmoroids are.

Your rectum is your friend, eh......

Title: Re: Not a pleasant subject,BUT here's GOES
Post by don on Nov 3rd, 2004, 10:34pm

Where's good old Don when you need him,

Dirt Devil.

Full throttle.

(Docusate Sodium 200 mg)

Title: Re: Not a pleasant subject,BUT here's GOES
Post by miapet on Nov 3rd, 2004, 11:50pm
Don't take laxatives . . .you'll depend on them . . .glycerine supositories work very well when things don't want to move . . .and your bowel doesn't start depending on them . . .buy the big jar (cheap ones) at wal-mart . . .and be ready for them to work in 5 minutes to 2 hours (they really do work!).
*positive light and energy*

Title: Re: Not a pleasant subject,BUT here's GOES
Post by mynm156 on Nov 4th, 2004, 6:55am
Well my  [smiley=twocents.gif]  I tried those Atkins Friendly JELLY BEANS a small package but they went right through me and my Atkins Constipation without a problem.


Good Luck Man


Title: Re: Not a pleasant subject,BUT here's GOES
Post by floridian on Nov 4th, 2004, 8:16am

on 11/04/04 at 06:55:00, mynm156 wrote:
Well my  [smiley=twocents.gif]  I tried those Atkins Friendly JELLY BEANS a small package but they went right through me and my Atkins Constipation without a problem.


Good Luck Man


Yeah, some of those 'low-carb' foods use lots of sugar alcohols (xylitol, maltitol, sorbitol) - these are osmotic laxatives for many.

Did you try WWW - water, water, water?  In some groups, the amount of water in a stool is limited by water intake - not sure if verap does this to some people, but it is cheap and easy to drink more water.

Eur J Clin Nutr. 2003 Dec;57 Suppl 2:S88-95.      

   Mild dehydration: a risk factor of constipation?

   Arnaud MJ.  

   Constipation defined as changes in the frequency, volume, weight, consistency and ease of passage of the stool occurs in any age group. The most important factors known to promote constipation are reduced physical activity and inadequate dietary intake of fibres, carbohydrates and fluids. Fluid losses induced by diarrhoea and febrile illness alter water balance and promote constipation. When children increase their water consumption above their usual intake, no change in stool frequency and consistency was observed. The improvement of constipation by increasing water intake, therefore, may be effective in children only when voluntary fluid consumption is lower-than-normal for the child's age and activity level. In the elderly, low fluid intake, which may be indicative of hypohydration, was a cause of constipation and a significant relationship between liquid deprivation from 2500 to 500 ml per day and constipation was reported. Dehydration is also observed when saline laxatives are used for the treatment of constipation if fluid replacement is not maintained and may affect the efficacy of the treatment. While sulphate in drinking water does not appear to have a significant laxative effect, fluid intake and magnesium sulphate-rich mineral waters were shown to improve constipation in healthy infants. In conclusion, fluid loss and fluid restriction and thus de-or hypohydration increase constipation. It is thus important to maintain euhydration as a prevention of constipation.

Other articles:

Klauser AG, Beck A, Schindlbeck NE, Muller-Lissner SA.      
Low fluid intake lowers stool output in healthy male volunteers.
Z Gastroenterol. 1990 Nov;28(11):606-9.

Anti M, Pignataro G, Armuzzi A, Valenti A, Iascone E, Marmo R, Lamazza A, Pretaroli AR, Pace V, Leo P, Castelli A, Gasbarrini G.      
Water supplementation enhances the effect of high-fiber diet on stool frequency and laxative consumption in adult patients with functional constipation.
Hepatogastroenterology. 1998 May-Jun;45(21):727-32.

Chung BD, Parekh U, Sellin JH.      
Effect of increased fluid intake on stool output in normal healthy volunteers.
J Clin Gastroenterol. 1999 Jan;28(1):29-32.

Fiber will help 70% of the people, but for others, this problem can neurological, immunological, or electrolyte related.  The gut has more serotonin than the brain.  Anything that hits the endorphin receptors in the gut can slow things down (that is what immodium does).  Try water and walking first.

Title: Re: Not a pleasant subject,BUT here's GOES
Post by becky8 on Nov 4th, 2004, 9:35am
Well, everything came out alright(sort to speak) no pun intended!! I used some of your suggestions and I am fine for the time being. It sucks that I get something that helps me and then hurts me too. It's another trade off and I know which one I'll use!! VERAPAMIL!!! Thanks for all your help on such a unpleasant subject!!

Title: Re: Not a pleasant subject,BUT here's GOES
Post by Bob P on Nov 4th, 2004, 9:39am

Your rectum is your friend
A man of great wisdom!

Title: Re: Not a pleasant subject,BUT here's GOES
Post by Biker on Nov 4th, 2004, 11:31am
Drinking alot of coffee in a short time gets me moving.

Title: Re: Not a pleasant subject,BUT here's GOES
Post by don on Nov 4th, 2004, 11:53am

Your rectum is your friend

There is a song written on the subject.

"The Rectum of Edmund Fitzgerald"

Title: Re: Not a pleasant subject,BUT here's GOES
Post by Bethany1 on Nov 4th, 2004, 12:24pm

Title: Re: Not a pleasant subject,BUT here's GOES
Post by nani on Nov 4th, 2004, 1:48pm
[smiley=laugh.gif]      [smiley=crackup.gif]

Title: Re: Not a pleasant subject,BUT here's GOES
Post by LeLimey on Nov 4th, 2004, 2:12pm
Unfortunately I know this problem too and its not funny.. it hurts!! Floridians advice is bang on the money in drinking as much water as you can this will prevent it in the first place. I have to take mega doses of Iron amongst other stuff and I take that with orange juice as it helps both with the absorbtion and the ..hmm.. shall we say expulsion! Sugar free mints containing sorbitol have a lightening effect on me and for a real dynamite solution eat licorice! I can't do that one any more as its not gluten free but its very efficacious!
Hope this helps make your brown eyes blue!!  [smiley=laugh.gif]

Title: Re: Not a pleasant subject,BUT here's GOES
Post by LeLimey on Nov 4th, 2004, 2:13pm
Actually... just to be pedantic... shouldn't the title of this thread be But here DOES'NT go?!! [smiley=laugh.gif] [smiley=laugh.gif] [smiley=laugh.gif]

Title: Re: Not a pleasant subject,BUT here's GOES
Post by Superpain on Nov 4th, 2004, 4:30pm
Verap almost killed me. I didn't go for 5 days... And 3 of those were spent in Vegas eating prime rib and king crab every day.
Eat total raisin bran every night before bed....
Good luck :-/

Title: Re: Not a pleasant subject,BUT here's GOES
Post by becky8 on Nov 4th, 2004, 5:20pm
SO funny, talking about shit could create so many post. Question to you people who had this problem did you stay on the Verapamil?? Most of you are probably not chronic though???

Title: Re: Not a pleasant subject,BUT here's GOES
Post by AAF123 on Nov 4th, 2004, 7:52pm
I'm freaking out here. I just filled my prescription for Verapamil tonight and am planning to ask what I can expect in s/e's!  Also,  I have had constipation problems in the past. Anyway, you can take a lot of Surfak daily. It's not addicting...very gentle. Magnesium is great. If you get chewable Mag/Calcium tablets you can eat them all day long like candy. If you drink very hot water with lemon first thing in the morning, for some reason it will encourage things to move. I like Kellogg's All Bran Apricot Bite Cereal with 11 grams of fiber. Eleven! That is MUCH more than typical, believe me. Don't get badly constipated. I've done that it it contributed to a pelvic floor problem that was very painful.

Title: Re: Not a pleasant subject,BUT here's GOES
Post by Jonny on Nov 4th, 2004, 8:04pm
Man, you peeps must have some underlying problems, Ive been taking 480 mgs of Verap for over 12 years daily and never had a problem.

Try a colonic ;;D

Title: Re: Not a pleasant subject,BUT here's GOES
Post by taraann on Nov 4th, 2004, 9:22pm
Try Kashi Cereal.......its in the healthfood dept of the grocery store.........wouldn't hurt to eat a bowl of that on top of the other stuff you are doing

Title: Re: Not a pleasant subject,BUT here's GOES
Post by Kevin_M on Nov 4th, 2004, 10:32pm

on 11/03/04 at 11:51:23, becky8 wrote:
I have been eating nothing but fiber, so much no-one wants to around me (JUST GAS

Becky, I stick with fiber and have been eating alot of natural grains and fruit.  Yeah, years ago when I started, it was like that at first, gassy I guess but keeping with it, it went away fast too.  Like your system getting used to it or something.  I eat lots of fiberous foods all the time and things flow ok.  The gassy part is just a stage or something, the problem didn't stay long.  In the long run, the fiber will be good all around.

*LOTS of water too, though.

Kevin M

Title: Re: Not a pleasant subject,BUT here's GOES
Post by Major_Headcase on Nov 17th, 2004, 12:23pm
"Scatalogical Survey says ... Metamucil Daily!"

Previous cycles I used Verapamil with no 'blockage' down below. This last one though things got bound up pretty bad. 1 teaspoon of generic metamucil-type fiber a day works great for me.  :P

Title: Re: Not a pleasant subject,BUT here's GOES
Post by jmorgan52 on Nov 18th, 2004, 8:38am
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