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(Message started by: becky8 on Nov 7th, 2004, 2:42pm)

Title: What can I try next???
Post by becky8 on Nov 7th, 2004, 2:42pm
5 weeks ago I started on Verapamil. Its seems to help alot, even thought this was a rough weekend for me, but I otherwise pretty good week. Problem is the side effects just kill me and I have tryed EVERYTHING known to mankind to help with my problem but its only a very temporary fix. The consipation thing and now I am starting the nauseous thing. I'm pretty sure its the Verapamil since it comes and goes (I'm on timed released stuff) I take it at bedtime and last night my guts were killing me and now all day today its on and off and I don't have a HA. I am SUPER depressed now case the verapamil works but I can't handle the side effects. I need help here fast, I see my new neuro Tuesday and I thought I was ready to tell him what was working for me and now its not. WHATS the second preventive drug that works good for CH. please need this help ASAP and no jokes now, okay?? I gotta start from scratch and get educated again. THANKS!!!!

Title: Re: What can I try next???
Post by Redd715 on Nov 7th, 2004, 2:58pm
Might I suggest a daily...yes daily...stool softener that isn't harsh on your system...better living threw chemistry.

I'm not talking about just till you go and then stop it...I'm talking every day just like you take your Verap.  There is no quick fix for anything in this disease.  The Verap is working for the find a way to deal with the side effects...thats my attack plan and has been for months.  I don't complain about the constipation and stomach upset.  Hell of a lot better than getting addition to the softener take daily fiber tablets, easier to palatt than the drinks, and drink plenty of water.  EVERY DAY!  Think of it as more Head medicine because in it's own way it is.  It's a way we must cope if we are going to beat the beastard.

Don't stop the Verap untill you find out if takeing daily care of the other stuff fails.  Sometimes you have to decide on the lesser of all evils.

Title: Re: What can I try next???
Post by becky8 on Nov 7th, 2004, 3:05pm
Is that safe to do??? And about the nausea thing??? I am not a wimp by no means but  the nausea thing about killed me last night, if I get off the timed released stuff and use the sustained help that at all???

Title: Re: What can I try next???
Post by Redd715 on Nov 7th, 2004, 3:08pm
Stool softeners and fiber tablets are definately safe...laxatives on a long term basis is not...

Part of the nausia can be from the fact that your irregular...fist get yourself as regular as possible...then see how the tummy fairs...that could be as simple as some peppermint and chamomile tea before bed.

Title: Re: What can I try next???
Post by sandie99 on Nov 7th, 2004, 3:16pm
When you find out, let me know, ok?
I'm on verapamil, too, and it's not exactly working.
I am having PF day 2 (I don't recall when I had one before these two), but I had hellish week before this. For me verapamil is the preventative no 7, so I am pretty much out of ideas, too...

best wishes & PFdays,

Title: Re: What can I try next???
Post by nani on Nov 7th, 2004, 3:34pm
I agree also that fiber and stool softeners are safe, probably even the occasional enema is safe... talk to the doc-he might have some good ideas. Hang in there...

Title: Re: What can I try next???
Post by don on Nov 7th, 2004, 4:19pm
What is your daily verapamil dosage?

Title: Re: What can I try next???
Post by becky8 on Nov 7th, 2004, 8:00pm
360mg, any suggestions. Everyone keeps telling me just to eat more fiber and drink, drink, drink. Don, I am DOING all that and have been pretty from the beginning cause I knew verapamil did this to you. But I am beginning to think it's really messing up my digestive system? Not just the consipation thing but the upset stomache now with it. Who knows??? Don or anyone any ideas???

Title: Re: What can I try next???
Post by don on Nov 7th, 2004, 8:17pm
Well. Talk to the Doc about cutting back on the dosage or replacing the verapamil with another blood pressure med that will provide the same theraputic effect on the CH. without the side effects.

Title: Re: What can I try next???
Post by becky8 on Nov 7th, 2004, 8:27pm
I have been reading and I have the HeadHelp Book (the newest one) I read that lithum with the verapamil works good but I don't want to be a zombie. Do you know much about the combo???The funny thing it says that Verapamil has the least amount of side effects than any of them. BUT since we are all different maybe it just does that too me??? I am dumbfounded AGAIN!!! LOL!!!

Title: Re: What can I try next???
Post by Kris_in_SJ on Nov 7th, 2004, 8:53pm
Hi Becky,

I seem to remember you were going to add Magnesium to your daily diet?  I will tell you that I had HORRIBLE stomach problems when I was taking it - my constipation from the Verap was a little better, but I was nauseous almost all the time.  I don't think it affects too many people this way, but it sure did me!  Two days after I stopped it, my stomach problems were gone.  

If you're taking it now, you might want to try a few days off it and see if you get better without having to eliminate the Verapamil.


Title: Re: What can I try next???
Post by becky8 on Nov 7th, 2004, 9:03pm
Once again good advice. You're right I did just add that not to long ago. Maybe thats whats upsetting my stomache. The other problem, do you know if its safe to take stool softeners everyday???

Title: Re: What can I try next???
Post by Kris_in_SJ on Nov 7th, 2004, 9:05pm
Absolutely safe - highly recommend it!


Title: Re: What can I try next???
Post by eyes_afire on Nov 7th, 2004, 9:09pm
Hi Becky,

Stomach upset with verapamil is not unheard of:

I don't know everything you've tried, but if I were you, I would try Lithium.

Generally, here's my 'Order of Preventatives' plan (please note I've only ever tried indomethacin, verapamil, psilocybin, melatonin, and prednisone... so this list is simply 'my plan' with the order that I would try things):

Tier 1
1.  Indomethacin
2.  Verapamil
3.  Psilocybin
4.  Melatonin
5.  Lithium
6.  Verapamil + Lithium

Tier 2 (for when desperation sets in)
7.  Topamax
8.  Neurontin
9.  Methocarbamol, etc
10.  Inderal
11.  Any combination from Tier 1 and Tier 2

Tier 3 (grasping for straws... and stuff... total desperation)
12.  Prednisone
13.  DHE
14.  Depakote
15.  Clomid
16.  Aricept

Tier 4 (avoid at all costs... I refuse to take these... but... never say 'never')
17.  Narcotics (methadone, fentanyl, etc)
18.  Paxil, Zoloft, Serzone, etc
19.  Olanzapine, Aripiprazole,  Seroquel, etc
20.  Sansert

IMHO, once past Tier 1, the choices are not good.... it's like choosing between 'dark' and 'darker' and I would consider 'existing' by aborting with triptans and oxygen before moving to Tier 2.

--- Steve

Title: Re: What can I try next???
Post by becky8 on Nov 7th, 2004, 9:10pm
Hope you have the best week ever!!! Thanks for your help once again, I will get off the magnesium and try the other stuff daily. If I was with you now I would buy you the BIGGEST ICE-CREAM sundae ever ( hot fudge)YUM!!!

Title: Re: What can I try next???
Post by don on Nov 7th, 2004, 9:17pm

( hot fudge)


You Wish!

Title: Re: What can I try next???
Post by nani on Nov 7th, 2004, 10:00pm
Wendy- Verapamil and lithium are working for me. The first week of lith was kinda weird. Muscle tension and spaciness, but it got better. I take 240ER  verap in the am, and 120ER verap and 150 lithium at bedtime. Hang in there sweetie. I also take 1800 mg of Neurontin a day. It's hard, but you're going to have to decide which is the lesser of two evils. :(

Title: Re: What can I try next???
Post by Renee on Nov 7th, 2004, 10:59pm
Have you tried Zonegran?  It is in the Topomax family but without all the side effects that topomax has.

If verap fails ya, ya might ask about the zonegran.

Let me know if ya have any questions about it,

Title: Re: What can I try next???
Post by becky8 on Nov 8th, 2004, 9:20am
Thanks guys (ladies) for all the suggestions, hanging on. See the big expert tomorrow, so we will see?????Oh, Don, I will be sure to keep you informed of my daily bowl habits cause I know it makes your day!!! What'd think Nani? Won't Don enjoy that!! LOL!!!!

Title: Re: What can I try next???
Post by Karla on Nov 8th, 2004, 10:25am
I would try a lower dose of lithium mixed in with 900mg lithium.  If the verapamil still bothers you try it with just the lithium.  The lihtium alone did wonders for me for a couple of years.  Good luck!! Message Board » Powered by YaBB 1 Gold - SP 1.3.1!
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