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(Message started by: neetnut on Mar 12th, 2005, 12:38am)

Title: Lamictal
Post by neetnut on Mar 12th, 2005, 12:38am
My Nuro has recently started me on Lamictal tablets. I have been taking them for 6 weeks now, starting out at a low dose and gradually increasing. So far they have lessened my clusters by about 80%. I am also taking Lithium and Verapamil. He is weaning me off those to see if the Lamictal will work, since we now know the others have not. I was wondering if anyone else has tried this drug and if so have they had any success? I do know that the one serious side effect is a rash that may have you hospitalized, have not had that so far.

Anita    :)

Title: Re: Lamictal
Post by don on Mar 12th, 2005, 7:01am

My Nuro has recently started me on Lamictal tablets. I have been taking them for 6 weeks now, starting out at a low dose and gradually increasing. So far they have lessened my clusters by about 80%. I am also taking Lithium and Verapamil.

You dont suppose that maybe, just maybe, its the verapamil and Lithium that have resulted in the decrease?

Title: Re: Lamictal
Post by catlind on Mar 12th, 2005, 8:09am
Anita, I tried to look for your other posts but couldn't get them to show up on the search.  Are you episodic or chronic?

The lamictal might be working for you, it's an anti epiliptic drug and there are several folks who have had success with other anti epileptics.  If you are episodic though, it may just be that your cycle is winding down and that the verapamil and lithium have finally reached therapeutic levels in your system.  Keep a good headache diary so that you can really monitor whether it's the lamictal or the verap and lith that are helping you.

Regarless of which is happening, I'm glad you are getting some relief.


Title: Re: Lamictal
Post by unsolved1 on Mar 12th, 2005, 11:40am
I tried it briefly and it didn't help me. Glad you're getting better results.


Title: Re: Lamictal
Post by neetnut on Mar 13th, 2005, 7:30pm
Thanks for the fast replies. I have been suffering from Chronic  Clusters for about 10 years now, each year worse then the last.  It has only been a year and a half since I have been treated for them.  What a relief to finally put a name to what was going on in my head.
I have been taking the Lithium and Verapamil for a year now, the nurologist started me on the Lamictal about 6 to 7 weeks ago then slowly started to wean me off the other meds. I also take the Imitrex shots and Oxygen when a severe one hits.
By the way, does anyone on this site live in Michigan?
Its good to know I am not crazy or alone in this pain. Most people just don't understand. They think a tylenol will do the trick. They are soooo wrong!

Title: Re: Lamictal
Post by PCMCCK on Mar 13th, 2005, 11:38pm
I took Lamictal for 5 months and then went into a remission that lasted for one year (I'm chronic CH).  My neurologist and I thought that the Lamictal might be responsible for the remission and I remained on it, but, unfortunately, the pain returned and has been with me constantly for 3 years now.  I remained on the lamicatal for about 4 months after the pain returned but it had no effect, so, for me at least, Lamictal did not work and the remission was just one of those spontaneous ones that are a part of the chronic cluster pattern.  There is always the possibility that it may work for you, so follow your neurologist's advice and good luck. Message Board » Powered by YaBB 1 Gold - SP 1.3.1!
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