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(Message started by: nathan_uk on Mar 13th, 2005, 1:18pm)

Title: 5-htp?
Post by nathan_uk on Mar 13th, 2005, 1:18pm
Hello, I'm from the U.K. and after suffering for 5 years with month long cluster bouts i have eventually been diagnosed as suffering from 'cluster headaches'. I thought was going mad! Month long migraines that wake you up at 5.20 every morning that aren't migraines?? Anyway, my point - those at Ouch UK don't seem to want to discuss non-pharmaceutical methods of treatment so they pointed me in your direction- I am interested in the Kudzu threads - is this available in the UK? I was prescribed Imigran but the doc would only give me 6 tablets at a cost of £6.40 ($11?) that lasted me a day and a half! I thought to myself I cant afford that and my ethics and lifestyle are such that I live a healty and natural life and don't want to be taking such medication if there is a herbal alternative. I did some research and found out that low serotonin levels can be to blame for Cluster headaches, having tried 5-htp for 2 days I can vouch for its effectiveness. I slept through the night last night- the first time for 3 weeks, and although I am shadowing still I havent had a full blown attack since. Has anyone else had success with 5-htp? It restores Serotonin (pre/post-cluster)to its natural level  so it follows that it should work and at £15 for 60 tablets its relatively affordable. Any thoughts??

Title: Re: 5-htp?
Post by floridian on Mar 13th, 2005, 1:32pm
I think it helps me.  Some others with clusters have said it helps, a few said it makes things worse.  It has been proven to help with migraines.

Title: Re: 5-htp?
Post by nathan_uk on Mar 13th, 2005, 1:37pm
:)Thanks Floridian - they didnt want to know on th U.K. forums so its nice to hear of someone else being assisted by it. Kudzu sounds amazing doesnt it? Have you tried that? Like I say i can still feel a dull ache but its lots better already from the 5-htp - how much do you take?

Title: Re: 5-htp?
Post by clarence on Mar 13th, 2005, 1:43pm
What up nathan?

I just moved from the UK, and if you need the Imigran, you should ask for the injections.  I had no problenms getting the injections from my doc, I would get 12 doses at a time for the normal script price - 6.80.

Anyway, I am not sure about Kudzu in the UK.  I only started it after moving here.  

Good luck and sorry you have Clusters.  You will find a good family here and at OUCH UK though.


Title: Re: 5-htp?
Post by Ellick on Mar 13th, 2005, 1:46pm
Hi Nathan,

You can gat Kudzu in the UK. Chinese herbalists stock it in root form or tablets. Some health food stores also stock it. If you have no luck where you are then check with leLimey she bought it online from the states.

Dependingon your viewpoint you might find the information on clusterbusters helpful. Try reading the thread 'no longer chronic.

My understanding of 5-htp's effectiveness depends on the amount of serotonin fluctuation.
If it works for you great.

Have you tried 02. There is useful advice on the OUCH UK site about what you need and how to get it in the UK If you go that route beware the system for supply is about to change. My view is you have to be careful with sumatriptans (Imigran/imitrex).

Good luck and best wishes.


Title: Re: 5-htp?
Post by floridian on Mar 13th, 2005, 1:46pm
I am taking kudzu now - although I am in remisison, my blood pressure is borderline high, and I have tinnitus.  

For 5-htp, I usually take 1-3 capsules per day (1 am/1 noon/1 pm).  The ones I take are 50 mg capsules.

Title: Re: 5-htp?
Post by nathan_uk on Mar 13th, 2005, 1:53pm
thank you for all your advice and support - i'm in floods of tears just knowing i'm not alone. you're all stars for being concerned and taking the time out to reply. I will try my local chinese herbalist tomorrow , and thanks for the advice about triptans too- thats why i have been looking for something natural as a remedy. btw with regards Oxygen I have found that running and therefore deep breathing (more oxygen?) can help during an attack. It beats 'the dance' anyhow!!  

Title: Re: 5-htp?
Post by clarence on Mar 13th, 2005, 2:00pm
I forgot to say that when I was in the UK it was difficult for me to get Oxygen, and then when I did, it was difficult to get it at the right flow rate.  OUCH UK was helpful with this, but it was still frustrating.  On the other hand, because mushrooms are "decriminalized" and sold "for research purposes" and not "for consumption" on every freaking street corner, I was able to try the alternative therapy.  Unfortunately, I was unable to continue with it for a number of reasons, but I would say it is worth a try.

You probably won't find help with this at OUCH UK, but there is plenty of info at the link above.  And for me in Edinburgh, it wasn't hard to find the shrooms.


Title: Re: 5-htp?
Post by nathan_uk on Mar 13th, 2005, 2:04pm
the days of me and hallucinogens are gladly ( sometimes sadly!) over but thanks for the suggestion you crazy ex-pat!!  I bet canada's beautiful ay? Better than Birmingham I shouldn't wonder!

Title: Re: 5-htp?
Post by LeLimey on Mar 13th, 2005, 2:07pm
Hi Nathan
I am using the kudzu and I bought it online from It was a hell of a lot cheaper that way even taking the P&P into account. If you want to try some shout, you can have some of mine and we can always do a bulk order next time and split the P&P! I'm not that far from you I see.. I'm just outside Nottingham so about an hour away, IM me if you want to take me up on that!

Title: Re: 5-htp?
Post by nathan_uk on Mar 13th, 2005, 2:17pm
thanks lelimey - ive sent you an email with regards your offer Message Board » Powered by YaBB 1 Gold - SP 1.3.1!
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