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(Message started by: jokrs2 on Apr 3rd, 2005, 3:17am)

Title: Woodrose LSA Success
Post by jokrs2 on Apr 3rd, 2005, 3:17am
Hi all. An amazing day ;;D. For the first time in over 13 years I was released from the shadow world. In short I took 2 Hawaiian Baby Wine Woodrose seed and smashed them in a baggie added it to 1/8 cup of water & microwaved for 1:30sec. This formed a light green liquid which I strained through a coffee filter and added fruit juice to make 3/4 cup of liquid. I took 2 tblsp. of Mylanta 20 minutes before guzzling down the mixture. I will prepare my more detailed report & submit it to ClusterBusters tomorrow as it is getting late. My dose was not intended to create hallucinations or to get tripped out 8) and there was only a hint of that at most. I also had no upset stomache at all. Most certainly the best medicine result for me yet. This dose also took away 90% of my other chronic pain and just left me feeling very alert and very comfortable. This message is not intended to promote or suggest the usage of LSA or any other hallucinogenic. Blessings & PFD&N's to all, Joe

Title: Re: Woodrose LSA Success
Post by miapet on Apr 3rd, 2005, 3:44am
*YAY* and *happy dance*
we couldn't be happier for you joe!!
*positive light and energy*
D & miapet

Title: Re: Woodrose LSA Success
Post by rextangle on Apr 3rd, 2005, 11:30pm
Joe, this is great news....
I've had lots of great results with HBWR seeds too!

I'm having a few PF nights here and there, and when I do get hit, it's really really been mild....

I would recommend this over mushrooms for people who are afraid to try them... the "buzz" effect is soooo mild, hardly noticable...

I hope you stay PF

Good luck to you!

Title: Re: Woodrose LSA Success
Post by jokrs2 on Apr 4th, 2005, 12:35am
Hi Rex, Not bad for a first trial ;;D. I made it 32 hours without an HA and 15 hours out of shadow. The shadow is back now and I am just under a k2. I am going to stay off the kudzu and grin and bear it till wednesday and then do another trial at just 4 seeds so I can begin to draw a baseline and see what is acceptable. Can I ask you what seed level you found appropriate? I feel that my trial may have been a bit skewed as I wasn't completely purged of kudzu or melatonin and had a zanax 2 nights before. It was sure great to feel almost completely "normal" after 13 years. ;;D. PFD&N's, Joe

Title: Re: Woodrose LSA Success
Post by Renee on Apr 4th, 2005, 5:05am

Title: Re: Woodrose LSA Success
Post by LeeS on Apr 4th, 2005, 10:58am
Great news Joe, and all the best for Wednesday.


Title: Re: Woodrose LSA Success
Post by Sophie on Apr 4th, 2005, 12:36pm
Hey Joe
It is fabulous that your LSA experiment is working. To tell the truth I was rather concerned about it. I remember hearing stories--way back---about the dangers.
I have Moon Flowers in my yard. Wouldn't it be ironic if I had the cure or the fix right here under my nose. Again, I have heard horror stories about that trip----kids getting really sick. Are you familar with the Moon Flower?
So glad you are doing well.
I am shadowing bad---did my first dose w/ fungus about
10 days ago. At the same time got a crapy sinus infection that wants to hang on. Was hoping to follow up dosing this week but thought maybe I should get healthier???? I was taking some aspirin for the sinus--didn't remember that it could be a conflict.
What I really mean to say--is thanks for the report and best wishes---will be looking for the next one.
                                                     Sophie :)

Title: Re: Woodrose LSA Success
Post by PaulL on Apr 4th, 2005, 1:41pm
My latest episode has been over for about two months but I'm still getting a stuffy nose and the occasional twinge.  Is it worth trying the LSA treatment for something that minor or should I wait until the next episode, whenever that occurs?

Title: Re: Woodrose LSA Success
Post by rextangle on Apr 4th, 2005, 2:21pm
Hey Joe,

Mostlikely you should detox from everything before dosing.
Even from the Kudzu.
I took 5 seeds... I actually cracked the shells and removed the inner core that I put in water for 2 hours. Then I drank the slimy green water and chewed the remaining of the inner seeds.... Everytime I do it, I get hit within the hour after ingesting them, then get hit the next day.
After that, they start disappearing slowly.

Same thing for me... the daily shadows are gone, and you can tell that there's progress after a couple of days...

I hope it'll work for you!

Title: Re: Woodrose LSA Success
Post by jokrs2 on Apr 4th, 2005, 4:26pm
Thank's to everyone for the support. The kudzu smell that has been in my nose is almost gone now. Feeling rather good today with slight shadow and k1 pain, which is really good for me. ;;D.
Sophie . I hope you are feeling better soon.
Paul. I would say that it is completely up to you. I have a very strong feeling that breaking up these clusters can be worth getting used to. My body sure adapted to the suffering and stayed there for a very long time, and in my case I need to retrain my body's "character". I think the periodic dosing at low levels will accomplish this. I have to be positive about it. ;)
Thanks for all the info Rex.
Blessing's to everyone, Joe

Title: Re: Woodrose LSA Success
Post by PaulL on Apr 4th, 2005, 5:24pm
One of the sites that sells HBW grades the seeds by their viability, from 35% per batch up to 95%.  This tells me how well they grow into flowers but does it have any relevance to medicinal value?

Title: Re: Woodrose LSA Success
Post by Pinkfloyd on Apr 5th, 2005, 11:25am

on 04/04/05 at 17:24:09, PaulL wrote:
One of the sites that sells HBW grades the seeds by their viability, from 35% per batch up to 95%.  This tells me how well they grow into flowers but does it have any relevance to medicinal value?

I believe it does.
When you crack them open, you can tell the difference between one that is still "alive" and one that has rotted inside of the shell. Not sure if all the LSA has degraded or not but, I assume it has and besides, you wouldn't want to injest a rotted seed.
I would suggest ordering what they consider to be the top of the line seeds. Not sure how long they remain viable or what the best storage system would be to keep them viable for as long as possible. Not even sure if it makes a difference other than keeping them dry so they don't sprout. Although. they do make for pretty flowers and would grow a continuous supply of seeds. (but I don't belive they go to seed every year.)
As you can see...I have a lot more research to do on them myself.

All I can tell ya now is....don't eat yellow snow or rotted HBW seeds.


Title: Re: Woodrose LSA Success
Post by PaulL on Apr 5th, 2005, 1:48pm
I had assumed that not viable meant sterile, not rotted.  Good to learn these things.

The snow in my backyard finally melted completely this weekend so there's no danger of yellow snow anymore.  My dog did his best, but it wasn't quite good enough.

Title: Re: Woodrose LSA Success
Post by mynm156 on Apr 5th, 2005, 3:25pm
Right on!  I tried them and didnt have much luck.  Good for though.

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