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(Message started by: Med_Student on Apr 3rd, 2005, 7:41pm)

Title: Short Increase in ICP: may help you
Post by Med_Student on Apr 3rd, 2005, 7:41pm
Hi I'm a fellow clusterhead and in medicine.

(I'm sorry I haven't time to read what everyone else writes but here is what helped me.)

It's absolute agony. I was reading the theorized mechanism of why we get cluster headaches. It appears to me, that it is vasospam. (100%02 can give eventual rise to constriction of vessels, which stops the attack or rigorous physical exercise, I would think jumping jacks. Also, compression of temporal artery has shown some patients relief or make it worse.)

I also read that increasing intracranial pressure can alleviate or abort an attack.

Well, this weekend I ran out of Verapamil. A calcium Channel blocker that has always worked for me in the past, but has become less effective with this latest cluster.

So, I figured I would try out my theory of raising the intracranial pressure (ICP), without anything invasive.

Basically, as silly as this sounds, it sure beats headbanging.

I stood on my head for two minutes against a wall (With my elbows and forearms on the floor bracing me.) . After one minute it decreased and by the second minute it was gone entirely.  (Yes it was uncomfortable, but not painful like a cluster head ache.)

One could also lie horizontally and benchpress something a few times. Make sure you have a spotter.

This was the first time I tried it based on theory and it worked. Hope this helps ::)

Title: Re: Short Increase in ICP: may help you
Post by nani on Apr 3rd, 2005, 7:49pm
:o  I could not imagine standing on my head! Just leaning too far over at the waist is a trigger for me. Some folks have aborted with strenuous activity. I've never tried. May I suggest that you have a look at the kudzu threads on the medications board? If you are taking verapamil (and not triptans) you may want to give it a try. It's been very effective for some of us. Watch your BP, though. It has calcium channel blocking (and maybe beta blocking) effects. A future doctor with CH...that is hopeful! (unfortunately) Good luck and pain free wishes to you, nani

Title: Re: Short Increase in ICP: may help you
Post by Sean_C on Apr 3rd, 2005, 7:52pm

on 04/03/05 at 19:41:27, Med_Student wrote:
Make sure you have a spotter.

Thanks for the tip

Title: Re: Short Increase in ICP: may help you
Post by Lizzie2 on Apr 3rd, 2005, 7:54pm
LOL I gotta agree with Nani...if I stood on my head, I'd probably have a stroke.

Even though you know what you're talking careful suggesting to a wide population to increase ICP even in a benign way.  Some people really might run into some serious medical conditions by doing this!

Always best to err on the side of caution.

Glad it worked for you, though...

I'd be a med student now myself if it weren't for CH, chronic daily migraine and some other crap.  But...I'm quite happy with nursing.   ;;D

Best of luck!

Lizzie :)

Title: Re: Short Increase in ICP: may help you
Post by don on Apr 3rd, 2005, 10:10pm

One could also lie horizontally and benchpress something a few times.

Like a large meatball sub from Papa Ginos.

Title: Re: Short Increase in ICP: may help you
Post by mynm156 on Apr 4th, 2005, 12:52am
HHHHHHHHMMMMMMMMMMM  sounds interesting

Title: Re: Short Increase in ICP: may help you
Post by BobG on Apr 4th, 2005, 4:08am
Stand on my head? lie horizontally? During a cluster attack? Not me. No way. Never. Ever.

But, glad it works for you Med Student.

Title: Re: Short Increase in ICP: may help you
Post by PaulL on Apr 4th, 2005, 5:34pm
Stand on your head?  You've got to be kidding!  I was a big fan of roller coasters when I was a kid but hadn't done it in years.  Then I took my kids to a fair a few years back, while I was between episodes.  For fun I got on the Hammer(?), which locks you in a car and rocks back and forth slowly, each time moving higher in a large circle.  The (literal) high point of the ride was when the car was completely upside down at the top of the 50' circle. AHeeeeeeee.  It took three days before I didn't feel like my head was going to explode.

Title: Re: Short Increase in ICP: may help you
Post by Mr. Happy on Apr 5th, 2005, 2:37am

I stood on my head for two minutes against a wall

Youth is wasted on the young. Alas. The last thing you'll hear any of these agings sucks yell is "Hey! Watch THIS!"
Standing on your head.
Heck, most of these folks have problems with Feet.

Wish I could join you, but my spine would collapse.

Title: Re: Short Increase in ICP: may help you
Post by Marta on Apr 5th, 2005, 9:42am

Thanks for your tip.  I'll try it tonight and let you know what happens!

It'll take me back to childhood when I would do that for half an hour and feel very proud of myself (it didn't take that much).

Anyway, thanks again

Be in touch soon


Title: Re: Short Increase in ICP: may help you
Post by pattik on Apr 5th, 2005, 9:45am

on 04/05/05 at 02:37:11, Mr. Happy wrote:
Youth is wasted on the young. Alas. The last thing you'll hear any of these agings sucks yell is "Hey! Watch THIS!"
Standing on your head.
Heck, most of these folks have problems with Feet.

[smiley=laugh.gif] [smiley=laugh.gif]...that's a funny image.  I guess I might try it just one time, only the best I can hope for is draping myself over my exercise ball with my head down for a couple of minutes.  Hmmmm, maybe some of those gravity boots from the 70's might do the trick ;)

Title: Re: Short Increase in ICP: may help you
Post by sandie99 on Apr 6th, 2005, 1:08am
Standing on my head????! :o
I do yoga, but that's one move I've never tried...
I'm glad it works for ya, though.  :) Message Board » Powered by YaBB 1 Gold - SP 1.3.1!
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