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(Message started by: Itz_Me on Apr 7th, 2005, 6:11pm)

Post by Itz_Me on Apr 7th, 2005, 6:11pm
Hi, Can any one gve me any advice? :)

Ive recently been to my gp for a ecg test as I was starting a course of varapamil.

Once the test was over the nurse told me the ecg had picked up a heart abnormality!! Obviously I was a little worried and asked her what she thought was wrong, but all she could tell me was my heart was not beating at the right pace or missing a beat so I was not to take my varapamil and just to stick to imigran and o2 until ive seen a neurologist. :-[

Im feeling worried that my ch will never go, the nurse told me the doc at my surgery cant help me any more and has ran out of alternative meds to give me and if the pain gets too bad im to phone for an ambulance and not contact them as they cant help me! This has upset me as I might have a good wait until I see a neurologist and I feel my luck is just getting worse. :'(

Does anyone know if im ok to start trying Kudzu? Will I be save using that if I have a problem with my heart?

julieann  ;)

Post by mynm156 on Apr 7th, 2005, 6:59pm
Hey Julieann,

Without seeing your ECG its impossible to tell what it might have been.  I would ask for a followup ECG or referral to a Cardiologist to make sure.  I have given 100s of ECG tests and at anytime anyone could have what you described.  If you had what is referred to as a sinus arrythmia that is no big deal.  You see during inspiration the heart rate quickens, on expiration the heart rate falls. Such conditions may be detected as intermittent pauses or complexes of premature beats and are normal.

Good Luck

Your Brother in Pain


Post by Kris_in_SJ on Apr 7th, 2005, 9:19pm
Hi Julieann,

The main reason Verapamil is prescribed is to stop irregular rhythms of the heart and to decrease blood pressure.  It just happens to also help with clusters because it's a Calcium Channel Blocker.

I would run, not walk to the nearest neurologist, or even a new GP, for a second opinion.  Telling you to stop taking Verapamil because of an irregular heartbeat is somewhat similar to telling you to take a laxative when you have the shits!

The only reason I could see for them stopping the Verap would be if your blood pressure were really low.

Just an opinion - I'm not a doctor, just a retired nurse.


Post by mynm156 on Apr 7th, 2005, 9:57pm
Actually given the Dosages that we tend to be on for Clusters.  EKGs should be checked on a regular basis.

Post by don on Apr 8th, 2005, 7:16am

just to stick to imigran

With a suspected heart problem? Strange advice.

Post by Bob P on Apr 8th, 2005, 9:40am
I have a left bundle branch block and the old ticker quite often goes to throwing PVC's.  I can take verapamil, kudzu and vaso-constrictors with no problem, yet.

Post by Itz_Me on Apr 8th, 2005, 10:07am
Thanx for all your advice.

I think its strange that they want me to stop taking the varapamil but to keep taking my imigran. Im sure I have read that the imiran slows the heart down and it not advisable to take if the patient has a heart problem!!

I do think its a case of "passing the book" because when I asked a doctor in a&e if I should take imigran he told me it has nothing to do with the heart and he could not understand why my gp wouldnt want me to use it while I was having an attack!!But he did say wait until your gp gets intouch!!

Im very confused as one doc tells me one thing and another tells me something very different. Im hoping my neuro will contact me shortly as its all very worrying.

At the time they did my ecg test I had taken 2x80 ml doses, can this of changed the rhythm of my heart and made my ecg look abnormal?

Post by Bob P on Apr 8th, 2005, 10:13am
From the "RxList" web site:

Serious cardiac events, including some that have been fatal, have occurred following the use of sumatriptan succinate injection or tablets. These events are extremely rare and most have been reported in patients with risk factors predictive of CAD. Events reported have included coronary artery vasospasm, transient myocardial ischemia, myocardial infarction, ventricular tachycardia, and ventricular fibrillation (see CONTRAINDICATIONS, WARNINGS, and PRECAUTIONS).

Post by Bionic_Daddy on Apr 8th, 2005, 5:26pm
Verapamil does play games with your blood pressure & heart beat in my case. I just had the Deep Brain Stimulator inplanted in my brain. While in the hospital my heart monitor would go nuts after taking the verapamil, the nurses wanted to stop giving me my meds. In my case all meds only work for about 2-3 monthes. Ask your neuro about O2 & prednisone, the only real relief i've found. Good Luck! Been chronic for 5 years & know the pain!

Post by pubgirl on Apr 8th, 2005, 7:07pm

Whilst there is a chance, however slim that you may have an underlying heart condition it seems really irresponsible to give you drugs which affect your heart. This includes Verapamil AND Imigran. Imigran is a vasoconstrictor, so of course it can affect your heart.

I think Kris is right, you should insist on having your heart properly checked out.
Meanwhile why not insist on being given 02 as an abortive as it carries the least risk.

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