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(Message started by: LasVegas on Aug 17th, 2005, 8:52pm)

Title: Insulin syringes & Imitrex
Post by LasVegas on Aug 17th, 2005, 8:52pm
OK, so considering over the years I still can't understand the Imitrex tip as many times as I have read it, so I give up and am trying something suggested to me that others have been successful with in splitting the Trex dose.

I got some insulin syringes to use with Imitrex.  However, can't seem to figure out the best way to get the med out of the statdose into the syringe.  I learned you can't put the insulin needle into the glass vile located within each side of the stat dose.  Took a nail file and got the vile and attached needle out.  But not sure the most effective way to get the Trex into the insulin syringe.  Any experienced replies to share?  Thanks in advance, Gregg in Las Vegas

Title: Re: Insulin syringes & Imitrex
Post by jcmquix on Aug 18th, 2005, 6:10am

on 08/17/05 at 20:52:36, LasVegas wrote:
OK, so considering over the years I still can't understand the Imitrex tip as many times as I have read it, so I give up and am trying something suggested to me that others have been successful with in splitting the Trex dose.

I got some insulin syringes to use with Imitrex.  However, can't seem to figure out the best way to get the med out of the statdose into the syringe.  I learned you can't put the insulin needle into the glass vile located within each side of the stat dose.  Took a nail file and got the vile and attached needle out.  But not sure the most effective way to get the Trex into the insulin syringe.  Any experienced replies to share?  Thanks in advance, Gregg in Las Vegas

Ok.. once you get the vial out of the stat dose pen, I pull the plunger out of 3 diabetic syringes, use a Q-tip to push the plunger on the TREX vial and put about 2mg in each syringe, replace the plunger into each syringe, turn the needle upwards and push all the air out of the syringe.

I usually push the plunger until I see the TREX almost coming out of the needle and then put the cap on the needle. I try to keep about 6 to 9 2mg shots at the ready, so that I am not messing with the TREX while I am getting hit.

Inject yourself into the fatting tissue, DO NOT INJECT INTO A VIEN OR MUSCLE TISSUE. Inject yourself just below the skin.

The Trex will kick in in about 8 - 10 minutes..

As for the syringes, I get mine from the Feed Supply Store, I just go in and ask for syringes for a Diabetic Cat, Its the same ones they sell in Walgreens, but I get mine for about $.69 each there..

If you have anymore question just PM me and I will answer ASAP...

I hope this helps, PFDAN's to You !!!

Title: Re: Insulin syringes & Imitrex
Post by don on Aug 18th, 2005, 6:45am
In 3 posts you mentioned prednisone, imitrex and Mexican Pharmacies but no mention of a Doc

Are meds being prescibed by a Doc?

Title: Re: Insulin syringes & Imitrex
Post by LasVegas on Aug 18th, 2005, 7:32am
Hey Charlie, thanks for the syringe tip, will try it and PM you to let you know how it went, apprecuated and well undertood.

Hey Don, no, unfortunately got a pre-existing condition from the last cycle and need to be a loner on this one without any documented medical records/scripts/paper to Mexico.  Have a great day!  

Title: Re: Insulin syringes & Imitrex
Post by don on Aug 18th, 2005, 6:36pm
So what has made you decide that imitrex and prednisone are the way to go?

Title: Re: Insulin syringes & Imitrex
Post by LasVegas on Aug 18th, 2005, 11:26pm

on 08/18/05 at 18:36:38, don wrote:
So what has made you decide that imitrex and prednisone are the way to go?

Hi Don....This board for the last 5 years, the OUCH site and local meetings here in Las Vegas that I founded a couple years ago and of course personal experience during my last cycle.  In my opinion, most doctors and medical professionals that know anything about CH's get their 1st hand info from this site.  I trust people who have experienced CH's conveying what works and doesn't, moreso than any doctor.  I self-diagnsed myself thanks to this board and have educated dozens of "professionals" within the Las Vegas medical community.  Hope that ansewrs your question, if not- feel free to PM me so that we can stick to the topic at hand here.

OK, Clusteheads, back to my thread a few PM's/pieces of wonderful and easy to understand advice from those experienced on how to effectively use an insulin syringe with Imitrex....hope this post (see below) helps everybody who attemps to try this....Gregg in Las Vegas
NOTE:  UserNames are withheld due to respect of confidentiality.

1st advice...First - the easiest way is to get the multidose vial prescribed.  However, not all pharmacies carry it and some can't even get it into stock.  So ... my method.

Find an online supplier of veterinarian supplies.  They're usually plentiful out west.  They'll sell you sterile, empty rubber-topped medication vials.  They might ask you if you are a veterinarian - just say "yes."  

When you get one, simply autoinject your syringe into the rubber top of the vial, just like your skin.  Then, take your insulin syringe, pull up all the medicine and note the amount in the syringe.  Without pulling out the needle, inject it all back in.  Next headache (using sterile technique, of course) pull up only 1/3 or 1/2 of that amount, depending on what you need.

I realize it sounds a little complicated, but it's not.  Once you know the correct amount to put in each insulin syringe, you can have any number of them prepared ahead of time when you are PF - ready to go.

2nd person adds their routine........     Ok.. once you get the vial out of the stat dose pen, I pull the plunger out of 3 diabetic syringes, use a Q-tip to push the plunger on the TREX vial and put about 2mg in each syringe, replace the plunger into each syringe, turn the needle upwards and push all the air out of the syringe.

I usually push the plunger until I see the TREX almost coming out of the needle and then put the cap on the needle. I try to keep about 6 to 9 2mg shots at the ready, so that I am not messing with the TREX while I am getting hit.

Inject yourself into the fatting tissue, DO NOT INJECT INTO A VIEN OR MUSCLE TISSUE. Inject yourself just below the skin.I usually inject my self near the Butt area on the side of the legg.

I pinch the skin and then inject, wait a few seconds, remove the needle, then I slowly massage that area...

Takes about 10 minutes for the smaller dose to kick, but when it does the HA will start to FADE..

As for the syringes, I get mine from the Feed Supply Store, I just go in and ask for syringes for a Diabetic Cat, Its the same ones they sell in Walgreens, but I get mine for about $.69 each there..

A third experienced reply.....Glad you're trying to split the imitrex- it has saved me a bunch!!
Here's what I have done in the past-  If you can get a hold of a small container- like a shot glass or very small cup, take the imitrex needle that came in the stat dose and a q-tip, push the q-tip down on the plunger of the needle, to empty the imitrex into the cup.
Then, take your syringes and fill them each with 1/3 of the dose.  Now you will have 3 shots from 1 full shot.

ps- the smaller the container- the better, that way, you can tip the container easily when you get down to the last drop to make sure you get it all.

Ps again….the plunger is what the stat dose thing hits to push the imitrex into your bod.  If you look at your inulin syringe- it's the same function, when you depress the plunger, it sends the medicine into your body.  There is a bypass system that prevents the meds. from spilling out.
If you're worried, use something like the end of a pen cap, the long part- so there is no cotton to soak anything up. Message Board » Powered by YaBB 1 Gold - SP 1.3.1!
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