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(Message started by: rain on Nov 18th, 2002, 10:52pm)

Title: Is it gone..? Or hiding..?
Post by rain on Nov 18th, 2002, 10:52pm
Ok, I have been gone for a little while...It was my turn for a MH.
but, I was wondering has any one had much help from a night-time dose of benadryl ? Rich has been taking 2 (benadryl free) for a week or so and his nights are good,  he has had shadows, but only 1 real bad CH.
It's been a couple months now since the start of this cycle...Could it be going away and we just think it's the benadryl helping?? (also he uses o2 for shadows.)
Or is it still waiting? We don't have much experience with this since he was just diagnosed and he has only had 4 seasons.

I love that I can come here and get some advice ...

I had so many questions and started to read all around posts..old posts...I learned the answers to so many things... I even found that the 02 can help with my MH. (It helped but had it set on 12) and don't want to use his O2 ( I think he needs it more then me).

we have his and hers Imitrex ..guess we could have his and hers o2 masks...!!*S* Geesh !!

Well take care everyone...peace

Title: Re: Is it gone..? Or hiding..?
Post by Jackie on Nov 19th, 2002, 7:03am
Good Morning Rain,
Glad to hear that things are better at your house.
As to the "whys"....who knows ???  Could be medication...could be the end of a cylce.  My husband, Blake, is chronic..when things get better for him I never know why so I just bow and say "thanks".

Hang in there and keep reading :)

Jacks 8)

Title: Re: Is it gone..? Or hiding..?
Post by Darleen on Nov 19th, 2002, 5:46pm
Hey rain,

Ditto what Jackie said.  My husband (John) was hit this past weekend after 2 years without.  He has been having shadows since the weekend but nothing yet again.  There doesn't seem to any rhyme nor reason - all we can do is be thankful when we are painfree.

Lots of luv,
D :)

Title: Re: Is it gone..? Or hiding..?
Post by Ree on Nov 19th, 2002, 7:46pm
Hi All... Yes some Sufferers have luck with benadryl or melatonin or clonazepam at bedtime there are a few other over the counter things that stop the REM sleep from occuring hence no big attack in the night... Dave takes an imatrex pill before bed when in a cycle and then when one starts its not as intense... but the benadryl IS probably helping... good for you... love ree

Title: Re: Is it gone..? Or hiding..?
Post by rain on Nov 20th, 2002, 3:15am

It seems the benadryl is helping..Richard has alot of allergies.. I think keeping his hystamine level down helps...
Thanks for your reply's...Love you guys!
Ree  I  never thought of it stoping the REM sleep..Hmmm
makes sense though.
but, do we rest enough if we avoid REM sleep?
guess it's all up to the individual.
Jackie, has Blake ever tried Benadryl before bed ??couldn't hurt??
Darleen does o2 help chase away the shadows? Seems to help my Richard. (ok well sometimes ):)

Title: Re: Is it gone..? Or hiding..?
Post by Mark C on Nov 20th, 2002, 9:27pm

Histamine info..

Title: Re: Is it gone..? Or hiding..?
Post by MaureenG on Nov 20th, 2002, 11:35pm

Benadryl does seem to help Steve some.  Of course because clusterheads usually take several different medications, it's tough to pin down what's really helping.  Maybe it's the combination that works.

He does notice when he takes Benadryl on a regular basis, he has more shadows than full-blown attacks.  Although he was never diagnosed with specific allergies, he did go through seasonal headache periods as a child, although not to the extent of the CH.  He's been suffering from CH since his mid-twenties (about 7 yrs).

Whatever is working, I'm glad Richard is feeling some relief.  Hope you are too.

PFDAN to all

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