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(Message started by: Trixie on Nov 21st, 2002, 3:46pm)

Title: Husband just what?
Post by Trixie on Nov 21st, 2002, 3:46pm
My husband has been having severe starting on the 4th week.  He was misdiagnosed....just a sinus infection.  After seeing a specialist...he was textbook for what they call cluster headaches. The word cluster headache in no way discribes the pain that he has been going through.     "JUST SHOOT ME NOW" has become a common phrase in our home.  What I need, being his biggest fan and supporter, are some tips to help him get through this crisis.  He gave himself his first shot last night and it really helped.  We know that we cant use this everytime so we need to use other alternatives first.  Any and all stories, experiences and advise will definately be appreciated.

Thanks for much for your concern...... :)


Title: Re: Husband just what?
Post by Margi on Nov 21st, 2002, 7:24pm
Hi Trixie
welcome.  Go to the OUCH website button at the left and click on the menus above the map.  Find the Family Services Team item there and have a look.  We are a team of supporters and we've got a few tricks up our sleeves there to help YOU help your hubby.
Read everything you can - you are hubby's best defense right now, and there is a wealth of information just a mouse click away.
Hang in there.

Title: Re: Husband just what?
Post by Jackie on Nov 22nd, 2002, 12:56pm
Hi Tammy,

My husband is a clusterhead too.  :(
Margi gives good advice...always.  Read all you can.  There will be questions and we'll be here to help with what we can.

Good Luck,
Jacks 8)

Title: Re: Husband just what?
Post by brad267 on Nov 22nd, 2002, 1:20pm

If imitrex shots help, have him read the tip to the left.  Alot of us (I'm a sufferer) can make do with less than a whole shot.  We stretch 1/2, 1/3, 1/4 shots throughout the day -- whatever we can tolerate.

O2 at the onset helps some -- not me.

And read, read, read...

I turn into an ass during an attack, and I'm mean, and rude and want to be left alone.  My wife is always just out of my peripheral vision, waiting to catch the white flag, should I throw it.  She's a keeper!!!


Title: Re: Husband just what?
Post by Ree on Dec 9th, 2002, 5:46pm
Your wife is a keeper Brad  hold on to her and never let go... sometimes Id like to run for the hills during an attack... but we're in this battle together... just like you guys  keep up the great work... ree

Title: Re: Husband just what?
Post by firebrix on Dec 11th, 2002, 1:34am
Greetings Trixie
Sorry to hear about your husband's pain, but I think you've come to the right place. I have learned more about CH here than I did in all the libraries I visited, or all the talking I did to docs and medical professionals. The support is awesome.
Margi has helped so many of us; you cannot go wrong by following her wisdom.
My two cents worth:
Love him, assure him that you'll always be there for him, and help him the way he wishes to be helped when he is in pain. Sometimes my husband needs me there with him; other times he wishes to be alone. If, in his pain, he becomes a little "stressed", do not take it personally.It is not easy, but then what he is suffering is worse. Way worse.
I think we help our mates by being well informed, and finding research and info that they may like to read. Here, I do the research as Mopar has so little time between headaches he simply does not have the energy to gaze at a puta screen for hours. I try to remain calm at all times.
I fail, of course!!! But still try. Its good for me to try to become a better human.
I guess each scenario is different, and this is my humble opinion only.
Put your reading specs on and get informed, I reckon.
Thinking of you and wishing you well.
Feel free to E mail me if you need any support, although there are far better supporters here than I . I am always happy to help another supporter though if I can.
Good luck, friend!

Title: Re: Husband just what?
Post by Margi on Dec 11th, 2002, 10:13am
Excellent post, Firebrix.  Good supporters rock  ;D

Title: Re: Husband just what?
Post by Debbie529 on Dec 13th, 2002, 10:21am
Hi Tammy,

My husband has been having cluster headaches for about 10 years now.  His are diagnosed as chronic so without some preventive medication he would have them 2 to 4 times a day, every day.  He takes a combination of verapamil and depakote which has been a godsend.  For most of the year, he is cluster headache free.  The seasons changing does allow a cluster to break through.   He's in the middle of one now...having 2 to 3 a day with vomiting.  The shots are the only thing that work for him at this point.  And even though we shouldn't use them so much, they're our only fix.  There is no way I can allow him to wait one out.  The last time we did that it lasted 12 hours with vomiting the entire time.  After seeing him go through that, I finally understood why they sometimes call them Suicide Headaches.  It was torture watching him in so much pain.  It scared me to death!  The cluster he's in now will hopefully end soon since he's already about 4 weeks in.  As his wife, I try to be as supportive and understanding as possible.  It's hard and frustrating because I usually feel so helpless.  I wait in the wings until he needs my help because otherwise he usually needs to be alone.  He gets very depressed during these clusters and feels like he's "broken", so I try to be reassuring and optimistic when he can't.  These times always brings us closer.  Staying up with him at night and making him as comfortable as possible.  I wish I had some more advice, but just loving him and supporting him is the best way to help him.  I wish you and your husband well.  If you have any questions at all, I would be happy to help.  Debbie Message Board » Powered by YaBB 1 Gold - SP 1.3.1!
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