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(Message started by: Mika on Feb 27th, 2003, 9:06pm)

Title: Reminder of the things in life that matter
Post by Mika on Feb 27th, 2003, 9:06pm
I Recently have been turned on to this site, thankyou. I am here to support my father in his efforts to find relieve in others words. I currently live miles away, and have his only granddaughter and dauther in law with me. We all love and miss him and as he so delicately put it, his love of 31 years my Mom! The message here is WE can get through these "shadows" and all the other tech. terms for painful headaches together. I will never claim to understand the suffering, or any other aspect of clusters...however I know being around people you love and who love you can make most situation a lot more bearable. Dad you are always on my mind, know that I will do anything to help... just let me! Love tim2

Title: Re: Reminder of the things in life that matter
Post by Ree on Feb 27th, 2003, 9:39pm
Its evident that your Dad would like to keep his attacks to himself... Alot of sufferers are that way. They are afraid to reveal the way they act and how it tears them down, to loved ones.  Don't be insulted if he doesnt let you help... He is probably trying to protect you.  When I fist met my husband he would sneak off into the night when he would have an attack and I couldnt blame him when I would find him wreathing in pain. Over time he grew to trust me and found it more calming to have me there.  He still tries to sneak off to be alone.  There are times I know he needs to be alone and I stay out of his way... and then there are the times when the contol is so far lost that to leave him like that would be a genuine sin... I will enter the room make him focus on my face... breathe... ask him what he needs.  
 Just coming here ... is helping your Dad.  Ask questions thats what we're here for.  Thats what I am here for. If it werent for this site my husband wouldn't have tried a preventative med.  He wouldnt know alot of tricks that he has learned here.  He wouldnt have met the friends we have been recently honored to meet... A diverse bunch but none the less a wonderful family as different as they be, but with the same goal to fight this horrible condition with all of their beings.   Keep in touch and thankyou for your wonderful post... I will pray for peace for your Dad... Ree

Title: Re: Reminder of the things in life that matter
Post by Mika on Feb 27th, 2003, 10:07pm
Thankyou for your reply Ree, I feel for you as your are a lot closer to a sufferer, I agree that it is our job to be there when wanted, my dad actually led me to this site. This is the reason I believe good times are to come. Together any situation can and will be easier to handle. Thanks again for you reply....I believe you know my father thru this site "tanner" he is MY dad! I love him and am glad to be a part of the helping "words of others". Always tim2

Title: Re: Reminder of the things in life that matter
Post by firebrix on Feb 28th, 2003, 1:28am
Pleased to meet you Mika! Welcome!
Good on you for joining us in our search for relief for sufferers.
Your Dad is rather special to us as he actually knew about NZ where we live!!! I think he's been having a rotten time and we all wish him happier PF days.
Ree has said everything so well as she always does there's little for me to add.
Let me know if I can help in any way

Title: Re: Reminder of the things in life that matter
Post by Gert on Feb 28th, 2003, 3:12pm
Welcome Mika

I also recently joined this supporters corner and the website.
I'm in almost the same position as you are: supporting my dad, together with his only grandchild (also daughter) and his daughter in law. Except that I only live 10 km (Europe!) away from my parents.
A lot of times just being there for him is enough. Just let him feel that you care for him and are always there to help him.
Nice meeting you here and hope to hear from you soon.

Gert ;)

Title: Re: Reminder of the things in life that matter
Post by Ree on Feb 28th, 2003, 7:07pm
Tim2 (MIKA)  Wow you are a great kid... Of course I know your Dad... and what a great dad you have.  Keep coming it will give you insight into what makes him tick...LOL  We are a great family here it is so nice to welcome YOU  a new member... and YOU too Gert...

Firebrix thanks for the kind words... they are needed more than you think these days...


Title: Re: Reminder of the things in life that matter
Post by Roxy on Mar 2nd, 2003, 7:08pm

I just read on the other board that you are tanner's son.  He sounds so terribly proud of you....did you know he offered your help in taking care of my neighbor?..... lol

I wish that all family members could be as caring and supporting as you....but I know there are some that arent' that lucky.  Just keep up the good work....your Mom and Dad can use it. Even though you are far makes a hell of a difference in handling these.

Wish I'd known you were in Houston....I was down there for a long time, and we had a small get together of ch'ers down there.  Got to meet Den and Georgia, who were absolutely wonderful.  We would have loved to include your family in on the fun.  We plan to do it again, so if you're interested....just let one of us know.

Thanks for being a great supporter,
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