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(Message started by: Darleen on Aug 15th, 2003, 12:36pm)

Title: I just can't stand it anymore!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Post by Darleen on Aug 15th, 2003, 12:36pm
Hey guys,

I know this has nothing to do with clusters but I am so frustrated & pissed off that I want to cry.

I've had these fucking hives since April.  Finally got in to see a dermatologist and guess what he told me?????  You have chronic hives.  Well,  duh?????

Some days are good but some days are bad.  I've been off sick since Monday because I can't seem to stop swelling.  My  face has swollen so bad that I almost brought John to tears.  Last weekend my ankles and my knees were so swollen I could hardly walk.

This week we actually sat down to try again and figure out what have I been doing that maybe is bringing on these hives.  Finally, John mentioned I had been eating a lot of bananas so I stopped those.  My Dad tells me to stop eating anything with tomatoes - ketchup, tomato sauce, BBQ sauce.  Now John thinks it could the coffee that I drink first thing in the morning.

So now I can't eat fruits - we think it could be an acidic thing - I can't eat tomato related foods, and I can't even drink my fucking coffee in the morning.

With all of this I've probably put on about 10=15 pounds and just generally feel like shit.

You know what's the highlight of my day is - when I come here and read these posts.  Some because they are so funny.  Others because I see people helping other people.  And I hate to say but others because then I see that there are other people who are in much more pain than me and I should appreciate that it is only hives and not something worse.

As for the dermotologist, he said they will be gone within 6 months to a year.

Let's hope I don't go insane before then.

D :'(

Title: Re: I just can't stand it anymore!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Post by Margi on Aug 15th, 2003, 1:17pm
Aww, D, I'm so sorry to hear you're STILL going through this!!  That's just too much!

Have you exhausted EVERY possible avenue?  i.e. second, third, fourth, EMERGENCY doctor's opinions?  What meds have you tried?

Wait.  Maybe you're allergic to John!   :o  I've got a spare bedroom in the basement, honey - it's all yours if you need it.

And, about the food...did you notice a difference when you cut those things out?  If you didn't, I wouldn't continue on that route.  Gotta have my Timmy's in the morning!  If the coffee DID make a difference, can't you at least have a cuppa decaf?

Worried about you, kiddo - you know where I am if you need a hug.

Title: Re: I just can't stand it anymore!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Post by Darleen on Aug 15th, 2003, 1:22pm
Hey Margi,

Gone to emerg twice because the swelling had gotten so bad and they told me it was the hives and gave me pregnisone.

As for the food, so far it been 1 week since I haven't had any tomato stuff, 2 days since I have had any bananas and only since yesterday with my tims.  As for the tomato stuff I think we can eliminate that.  As for the rest my famil GP says it takes about 1 week for your body to digest and totally rids itself of food.  So I guess I'll wait for a while yet but I'm still swollen and broke out.

Sorta sucks!!


Title: Re: I just can't stand it anymore!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Post by BonnieW on Aug 15th, 2003, 3:00pm

So sorry to hear that things are so bad for you - don't know what to tell you - sounds like you are doing everything you can - but would think there would be something that would help.  Hopefully you will feel better soon by eliminating all those things - I will be thinking about you - hope the weekend goes better!

Title: Re: I just can't stand it anymore!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Post by Darleen on Aug 15th, 2003, 4:32pm
Thanks Bonnie,

Actually the swelling on my face has gone down a bit so we can only keep our fingers crossed.


Title: Re: I just can't stand it anymore!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Post by Ree on Aug 15th, 2003, 7:04pm
I would bet you what you have it Pityriasis rosea remembe I told you about that... I had that condition for 10 or 12 weeks all took up my whole summer... bummer big time there is nothing you can do for that either but try to put your mind at ease and take zyrtec my friend swears by it she gets hives all the ya Ree

Title: Re: I just can't stand it anymore!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Post by Darleen on Aug 15th, 2003, 9:36pm
Thanks Ree,

10- 12 weeks wouldn't be so bad since I've had these since about April so hopefully it's coming to an end.

I'm feeling much better now than I was this afternoon.  Went out for a nice drive in my car all by myself with the music full blast.  Always makes me feel better.

D :)

Title: Re: I just can't stand it anymore!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Post by pain3am on Aug 16th, 2003, 2:05am
This probably doesn't apply to you but its worth remembering all the same; about ten years ago EVERY night I went to bed I would get terrible nausea. My wife made me cut out orange juice, coffee, pasta, etc. etc. she cut and then replaced everything in my diet. nothing worked.

Three months later it went away! We eventually realised I was having a reaction to the moisturizer cream she used to use!!

Isn't it wierd what can screw up our lives  so easily.

Hope you feel better soon!!

Title: Re: I just can't stand it anymore!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Post by Woobie on Aug 20th, 2003, 12:41am

check your PMs.. .ok??

Hope you feel betteer!!

tina   :-*

Title: Re: I just can't stand it anymore!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Post by on Aug 25th, 2003, 1:32pm
Hi there, my name is Cathryn, here is my background.  I am a CH sufferer, it all started as normal but frequent headaches, getting worse, longer, and more often as the months went on :P.  January 2003 I had my first facially visable attack, emergency docs thought at first that I was having a stroke, as the right side of my face was parilized, I was then send to another hostipal overnight, as they ruled out a stroke, and then thought about an MRI.  In a matter of hours, I got two MRIs, the first one had a shadow, and the other didn't, the second ruled out their thoughts of a brain tumour ;D.  Again in April 2003 my face was swollen & paralized, but only around my eye this time.  Ever since April, my eye has been paralysed, I cannot see anything out of it >:(.  As a side situation, in February I started swelling up, which brings me to your posting.  The doctors first thought that I was having kidney failure, as I had over 30 lbs of water in my legs, and they looked like they were going to burst :-[!  The docs put me on a high dose of water pills, and that has helped to keep the swelling from falling into my ankles & legs only.  The problem is, I am normally a size 8 weighing about 130 lbs, but right now I am holding TONS of fluid, weighing in at 175 lbs right now :'(!  You see the problem?!  I do not have any hives like you, but I am wondering what scripts you are taking right now, maybe there is something in common here ????  A few years ago I had some real weight gain, I was up to 200 lbs, and I looked completely different that I do weighting in at only 15 lbs lighter now.  The weird thing is this, no swelling in my face, no bust swelling, nothing in my arms, only in my hands enough that I cannot get my rings off, BUT my ass, stomach, legs and feet are holding at this damn water.  Does this sound familiar to you?  On the headaches, I am a chronic suffer, only having one episodic event once on top of it all.  I am constantly in pain, taking Indocid 1600mg, Oxycontin 160mg, waterpills 40mgs.  Any thoughts anyone ????

(AKA waiting for no pain, no swelling, and whatever I can get of a normal life for me & my amazing husband Rob)
PS - If anyone thinks that having a unbelievable supportive spouse doesn't help, I am here to advise you otherwise...I cannot imagine what I would do without my one & only, my husband, he is wonderful to me! :-*

Title: Re: I just can't stand it anymore!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Post by Donna on Aug 26th, 2003, 9:06pm
Darleen...when my son was trying to find out what his allergies were (before he had the skin testing) I was told that he had to stay off of possibly offending foods for at least 2 weeks or more.  Maybe you haven't waited long enough?  

He had the skin rashes, constant symptoms of a cold and bouts of gastritis.  He was allergic as a child to peanuts, eggs, milk, chocolate, rye bread, eggs, tomatoes, oranges, corn, molds, pollen, animal dander and I can't think of anything else.  He had to get shots once a week until he was about eighteen and the allergies began to taper off.

Today, the biggest offender is corn, then comes milk and liquid dish soap. He also gets intestinal pain from caffine.

Have you tried cortisone creams?  They seem to work wonders for him.

Sorry you're suffering so long with this.

Could it be med's related?

Title: Re: I just can't stand it anymore!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Post by Darleen on Aug 27th, 2003, 6:41am
Thanks for all the well wishes and suggestions guys.

I have been doing much better.  Been off the caffeine for almost 2 weeks now and the hives are pretty much gone now.  Had a bit of swelling last night but I think the swelling might be related to ibuprofen - not sure about that though.

Going to see the GP again next week.

Feeling much better.

Thanks again everyone.

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