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(Message started by: jonny on Dec 7th, 2002, 3:31pm)

Title: Would you trade your CH for meegraines?
Post by jonny on Dec 7th, 2002, 3:31pm
Seems Meegraines are just as bad as below.

*Yawn*  Okay... So the true diagnostic criteria for CH according to your expert opinion is when they wish they have migraines.  I guess that makes sense... In some totally brain dead way.  Of course, when you consider that some forms of migraine aren't necessarily the cakewalk that you like to assume, it would seem to be a pretty stupid idea to be a migraineur wannabe.  But that's just my opinion.  Do with it as you will


Seems to me Im not brain dead for wishing I had Meegraines instead of CH.

What say you?


Title: Re: Would you trade your CH for meegraines?
Post by Drk^Angel on Dec 7th, 2002, 3:35pm
No... Your brain dead because of stupid posts like this.


Title: Re: Would you trade your CH for meegraines?
Post by jonny on Dec 7th, 2002, 3:43pm


BTW.....That aint my post its yours.....Shit head!!

Title: Re: Would you trade your CH for meegraines?
Post by Drk^Angel on Dec 7th, 2002, 3:44pm
Wannabe!  LOL


Title: Re: Would you trade your CH for meegraines?
Post by jonny on Dec 7th, 2002, 3:48pm
No laughing out of this one Meegrainer, you showed your colors and people know now.

Are you that lonley?

No pic on the pic page and never no advice on CH meds only welcomes.


Title: Re: Would you trade your CH for meegraines?
Post by Drk^Angel on Dec 7th, 2002, 3:58pm
So what are my true colours?  Just because I'm not prejudice again migraineurs?  OMG!  No!  I don't hate migraineurs... Boo Hoo...

No advice on meds 'eh?  I advise people on the meds that work for me (verapamil and O2) all the time.  I also occasionally contribute my reactions to meds that didn't work (Imitrex and Zoloft).  At this time, those are the only CH meds I have tried because I was only recently properly diagnosed after 14 years of misdiagnosis.  So why don't you drop the BS.  Anyone who actually reads the posts on the board knows that I contribute as much as I can.  The Gods know I contribute more that you.  All that your posts consist of is insults, misdirection, and lies.


Title: Re: Would you trade your CH for meegraines?
Post by Drk^Angel on Dec 7th, 2002, 3:59pm
I'm sorry... That's not entirely correct... You do occasionally say something like... Verapamil and lithium rules!


Title: Re: Would you trade your CH for meegraines?
Post by 2late on Dec 7th, 2002, 4:05pm
WOW!!! a post that really makes ya think! ;D LMAO!!                                                                                                                                                                                                     ..........2late

Title: Re: Would you trade your CH for meegraines?
Post by jonny on Dec 7th, 2002, 4:14pm

on 12/07/02 at 15:58:14, Drk^Angel wrote:
  All that your posts consist of is insults, misdirection, and lies.

What a jerk off you are, I love Meegrainers....I wish I was one of them. What fucking gods are filling you with shit??

"The Gods know I contribute more that you.  All that your posts consist of is insults, misdirection, and lies."

You are fucking crazy!!!!
I dont see where you have come close.......Shit head!!!!


Title: Re: Would you trade your CH for meegraines?
Post by Drk^Angel on Dec 7th, 2002, 4:16pm
Becareful 2Late... I'm thinking JohnBoy isn't in much of a humourous mood right now.  He might just decide to read something into your post, that isn't there, as well..

PFDAN............................. Drk^Angel

Title: Re: Would you trade your CH for meegraines?
Post by jonny on Dec 7th, 2002, 4:20pm
Nah, 2Late's a CH'er and your a Meegrainer so him and I are cool, Kenny


Title: Re: Would you trade your CH for meegraines?
Post by Drk^Angel on Dec 7th, 2002, 4:24pm
Oh... I can definately see that you just love migraineurs... That's why your biggest insult is to call someone a "meegrainer".  That's why you continually make statements degrading migraineurs and their pain.  Yep... You're right... You are definately a migraine lover... Ya fuckin' wannabe.

So when was the last time you actually talked about meds, or gave useable advice to a clusterhead about CH, or even talked about clusters on the board?  Hell... You don't even try to welcome the newbies, and most of them you'll never even talk to other than to insult them.

PFDAN................................ Drk^Angel

Title: Re: Would you trade your CH for meegraines?
Post by jonny on Dec 7th, 2002, 4:27pm

on 12/07/02 at 15:59:26, Drk^Angel wrote:
I'm sorry... That's not entirely correct... You do occasionally say something like... Verapamil and lithium rules!


Hows this?......Shit head


Title: Re: Would you trade your CH for meegraines?
Post by cerebus on Dec 7th, 2002, 4:28pm
jeezus guys.....meeegrainer or CHer not so sure it makes too terribly much of a difference at some point.

seems to me that the difference between the two is the treatment options. And that as far as it is known CH is a more permanent problem. Migraines, last a long time sometimes ,yes , and ARE very painful, however, migraines do not GENERALLY wake you up from a dead sleep and cause you to attempt to powder your skull with a mortar and pestle. Migraines are also USUAlLY Bilateral causing pain behind both eyes normally treatable with a sedative/analgesic and will eventually go away.
 This is NOT the case as you two and the rest of us well know with CH. The daily regimen of medications Most CHers (especially) chronics would scare the hell out of most migrane sufferer's, we imbibe mixtures of things that would seem to kill large african animals in an instant and definately do not respond well to typical analgesics.
 In closing....Ueli may be able to shed some light here, but I don't know of anyone with migranes ever having benefitted by by the use of Oxygen and/or experienced attacks on a Seasonal basis nor do I recall any migraine having caused Sleep deprivation syndrome, amplifying the problems they have , let alone trying to commit suicide to try and ease the pain.
 I guess the key here is  the "internal body clock" thing that makes the true distinction. Migraines are usually caused by tension and can be aborted with sleep / OTC pain pills. While CH although still possibly triggered by tension sometimes, defies the entire concept of sleep and OTC medications. Hence neuros, Oxygen, tryptans and a total lack of solid clinical information.
 Oh and by the way.....for a couple of guys who are constantly compaining of folks behaving like babies......Waaaah!!! get a fuckin' grip you guys LOL ;)


Title: Re: Would you trade your CH for meegraines?
Post by Jackie on Dec 7th, 2002, 4:29pm
Neener, Neener, Neener......I told ya, I told ya.. ;D ;D ;D

Shouldn't be long now.....Dork will be back on the porch lickin' his... ummmmm... wounds.  Kinda like when he let his mouth overload his ass a few weeks ago....had to "leave the board" for a little while to regroup... ::)

Jacks 8)

Title: Re: Would you trade your CH for meegraines?
Post by Drk^Angel on Dec 7th, 2002, 4:30pm
That's very good... You can quote!  You get the quote badge to put on your meathead scouts sash.  Congrats!


Title: Re: Would you trade your CH for meegraines?
Post by jonny on Dec 7th, 2002, 4:31pm

on 12/07/02 at 16:28:45, cerebus wrote:
jeezus guys.....meeegrainer or CHer not so sure it makes too terribly much of a difference at some point.


If thats the way you think stay the fuck out of my way!!!


Title: Re: Would you trade your CH for meegraines?
Post by Drk^Angel on Dec 7th, 2002, 4:34pm
Cerebus... It's propaganda like this that fuels the migraineur hated that JohnBoy spreads.  If you do your research, you'll see that there's more to migraines that just the simple classic or common migraine.

Jackie... Need some chapstick?  All that ass kissin' must really do something to the lips.

PFDAN................................. Drk^Angel

Title: Re: Would you trade your CH for meegraines?
Post by Jackie on Dec 7th, 2002, 4:48pm
LMAO Dork....pitiful ::)

Get some new material.  You're really coming up short here...  ::)...something you're used to I'm sure... ;D

As far as ass kissin'.......why don't you kiss mine!!!! :-*
It's the one "with the board up it".... ;D ;D

Jacks 8)

Title: Re: Would you trade your CH for meegraines?
Post by kim on Dec 7th, 2002, 4:51pm
Stay OUTA Stepford!  LOL! ;D

This shit is just that.  SHIT.
I feel some gas comin on. ::)
Yur point?

"I thought we were friends" (CRASH).............I thought we were friends.....(CRASH).....................


Title: Re: Would you trade your CH for meegraines?
Post by BobG on Dec 7th, 2002, 4:57pm
To get back to the original subject........
Would you trade your CH for meegraines?

Yes but,

I'd rather just have a broken leg.

PS........Jackie and kim you 2 are good  ;D

Bye now..........I'm off work (I only come here to screw the company out of 8 hours pay and use the computer) and have to go to Vegas. Oh whoa is me :'(

Title: Re: Would you trade your CH for meegraines?
Post by cathy on Dec 7th, 2002, 5:14pm

       As neither a CH or meegrainer I can only put a personal view................having watched my husband day in and day out.........being there at night, awoken from a deep sleep because Wes is in a state of panic because he can't find his med (imigran) knowing that for God Knows How Long he is going to be in "what looks like" HELL on earth!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! >:(

I've seen him pace and rock, bang his head on the wall,
try to crush his skull with his hands or anything handy.. ;)

I've heard him yell to the gods, groan like a demon and cry like a baby.........god knows i've cried to...  :'(
hour upon hour and when he's absolutely exhausted and wishing he were dead.....well maybe only another hour who knows?????

Yeah, think I'd rather he was a meegrainer I'd only have to tuck him up in bed and hope it won't be long before he drops off to sleep.


sorry if I offend anyone.

Title: Re: Would you trade your CH for meegraines?
Post by Ted on Dec 7th, 2002, 5:30pm
Like Bob, I'd trade CHs for migraines. And I'd trade either for bathing in a tub of battery acid everyday. Migraines are no walks in the park, from what I hear. And migraineurs are also misunderstood by the general public thinking "it's just a headache." They can be bilateral or unilateral, incredibly hard to treat where a sedative/analgesic won't do anything for them and also drive some of the people who have them to the end of their ropes. But, with all that said, I'd still trade my CHs for migraines.

Title: Re: Would you trade your CH for meegraines?
Post by suzy617 on Dec 7th, 2002, 5:37pm
I've never had a migraine HA but I'd be willing to trade my CH for em anytime! To be able to lay down in bed and wait for the pain to go away sounds like heaven to me.

peace my brothers, fight no more.  ;)

Title: Re: Would you trade your CH for meegraines?
Post by Drk^Angel on Dec 7th, 2002, 6:09pm
I'll tell you what JohnBoy... Everyone knows you don't want me here... You all but admitted that you start this BS to try to convince DJ to ban me... You've done everything you can to degrade me to everyone on the board... But all this shit is doin' is getting in everyone's way, so I'll propose you an easy way to get me to leave willingly.  You are so determined that I have migraines instead of CH, so you must have a very strong, undeniable arguement as to why I could not have cluster headaches... Right?  So why don't you provide this "proof", either on the board or in IM, and if it true and undeniable, I will leave the board willingly.  But the "proof" has to be something to do with my CH, not my other HAs, the fact that I'm not prejudice against non-clusterheads, that I'm willing to stand up against your BS, or that others claim that I don't have CH (because they haven't provided any evidence either).  Can you do that?  If you can, then I'll be out of your hair... If not... Shut the fuck up!


Title: Re: Would you trade your CH for meegraines?
Post by Charlie on Dec 7th, 2002, 6:11pm

Nope. I have two friends who have had a miserable time with migraines.  For me, not like Ted and most chronics, CH goes bye bye. I was left with at least 9, months, sometimes 10, pain free.  One of my friends spends a good portion of her life in bed or hiding out from friends and family.  Migraines seem worse to me in this case.

This is just me, and I can understand why a chronic would think differently.  With CH you want to kill those around you so you can sit and scream, tear off your head, chew the carpet, crumble the plaster, dismember the cat, tear the legs off the dog, sell the kids, wreck the car, and bury yourself for the duration.  Still, mine were short-lived and sometimes managable, horrible but not anywhere near a constant thing.

What fun this shit is


Title: Re: Would you trade your CH for meegraines?
Post by kim on Dec 7th, 2002, 7:15pm
As a 13 year old kid at Monmouth College chosen to train with Olympic champions, my roomate had migraines.  If not for an olympic (red haired wild man!) I would have avoided the rigorous training cuz I wanted to hide - Cluisters tried to stick foot in my future............Roomate laid down and called parents............and got out of the "work".  I talked to my coach and he and I worked throug and around the pain.  Its a long story, but I remember the first olympic gymnastic mens champ that streaked in the olympics.  He followed me and would not let me give up.  Guess I'm lucky. :)

Title: Re: Would you trade your CH for meegraines?
Post by cerebus on Dec 7th, 2002, 7:52pm

I THINK I made it pretty damn clear how I think in my last thread....and Damned if i'll stay outta your way i'm not that easy to kill.

just one thing since apparently this has been a sore spot between the two of you guys before I got here.
WTF why do you hate him so much?....just curious


Title: Re: Would you trade your CH for meegraines?
Post by jonny on Dec 7th, 2002, 8:22pm

on 12/07/02 at 18:09:55, Drk^Angel wrote:
You all but admitted that you start this BS to try to convince DJ to ban me...

In my opinion DJ does not need convincing that your a shit head and a jack off, hes his own man and nobody tells him what to do or what to think. thats why I know he thinks your a dick head, Dick head!!!!

Now STFU and go have your diaper changed baby boy!!

..................Your jonboy and King

You  piece O shit
:-* :P :-*

Title: Re: Would you trade your CH for meegraines?
Post by catlind on Dec 7th, 2002, 8:27pm
I have both migraines and CH....what do I get to pick instead? :)


Title: Re: Would you trade your CH for meegraines?
Post by Drk^Angel on Dec 7th, 2002, 9:04pm
What?  Where's the proof?  Not even going to try to take your chance to get rid of me?  C'est la vie... I gave you your chance.  Now can you please shut the fuck up and let this bullshit drop?

If DJ thinks I'm a dickhead, that's up to him.  I'll never try to tell him what to do or what to think, but I would imagine that you continually rehashing this bullshit to start fights isn't helping with the management of this site.  Just an observation.

Can we please just get back to what this board is for now??

PFDAN................................................ Drk^Angel

Title: Re: Would you trade your CH for meegraines?
Post by jonny on Dec 7th, 2002, 9:54pm

on 12/07/02 at 21:04:54, Drk^Angel wrote:
If DJ thinks I'm a dickhead, that's up to him.  I'll never try to tell him what to do or what to think

He does (I hope:) and you wouldnt last 2 seconds trying to tell him anything you Dick head.

You like to say "shut the fuck up" dont you?

Take your own advice Jerk off!!

And another thought........NEVER fuck with my, Jacks....Got it?

................Your King!!

Title: Re: Would you trade your CH for meegraines?
Post by Ree on Dec 7th, 2002, 10:05pm
I am so proud of myself for staying out of this one.
with love the token Meeeeeeeeeeegrainer ree (PS Id rather have a broken leg too... that would go away)

Title: Re: Would you trade your CH for meegraines?
Post by Jarvis on Dec 7th, 2002, 10:12pm
Hey  Whats UP?  You guys runnin for higher political office.  Hold on cause Im not sure I registered to vote in your bergs.   I make a good campaign manager willing to hire out to the highest bidder.  [Refuse to work in florida though.]     Curious about King however, is that an elected position or not.  If not,  I have friends that can run quality war campaigns too if needed.     financially yours; MJ

Title: Re: Would you trade your CH for meegraines?
Post by Drk^Angel on Dec 7th, 2002, 10:31pm

on 12/07/02 at 21:54:25, jonny wrote:
You like to say "shut the fuck up" dont you?

I like the sound of it better than STFU...

Take your own advice Jerk off!!

I never advised you to jerk off, although it'd prolly help with your mood.

And another thought........NEVER fuck with my, Jacks....Got it?

Like I said... If you and her can't take a joke, "Shut the fuck up"  She's the one that went off on a tangent for no reason.  I am so very sorry if my comment interrupted y'alls sickening PDAs (although I'm sure some people would rather see a fight than watching the two of you kissing each other's asses).

................Your King!!

In your wet dreams you lame ass, toothless, old migraineur wannabe.

PFDAN.................................... Drk^Angel

Title: Re: Would you trade your CH for meegraines?
Post by ShariRae on Dec 7th, 2002, 10:32pm
Although I normally stay outta the mix here.. I do have to speak up on a point you made said jonny never greets newbies & only insults them...and although jonny needs no defense from me.. I must say that you are wrong there.. my first nite on this board Jonny was one of  THE FIRST to welcome me & offer some suggestions & help to get my through. Along with nancyc, ree & sailpappy, Jonny saved my life... So..thats my 2cents worth...

Title: Re: Would you trade your CH for meegraines?
Post by Drk^Angel on Dec 7th, 2002, 10:35pm
SheriRae... So he used to actually great newbies 'eh?  Wonder why he stopped.

PFDAN......................................... Drk^Angel

Title: Re: Would you trade your CH for meegraines?
Post by jonny on Dec 7th, 2002, 10:48pm

on 12/07/02 at 22:35:54, Drk^Angel wrote:
SheriRae... So he used to actually great newbies 'eh?  Wonder why he stopped.

PFDAN......................................... Drk^Angel

Why?........Maybe cause im busy dealing with dick heads like you.

When you come  close to even skimming the surface of what I have done for my family here you give me a call.

For some reason I think you will NEVER reach that goal cause you are just a Meegrainer dick head and if I was a betting man Id say DJ will pull your plug real soon.



Title: Re: Would you trade your CH for meegraines?
Post by Charlie on Dec 7th, 2002, 10:59pm
Hey Dark:

It's over:


Title: Re: Would you trade your CH for meegraines?
Post by jamie_h on Dec 7th, 2002, 11:01pm
WOW!  Such hostility!  Here are my thoughts...

To say that you would prefer one over another is ridiculous.  I have been suffering CH's and I can say that I have no intention of keeping the 'beast' around forever.

That being said, to degrade or minimize someone who has migraines as compared to CH's, is about as meaningful as a doctor who looks at CH's as something that is not serious or a condition that is just in your head. (no pun intended)  It is about as silly as two kids fighting over who has the greater headache!

Move on to something that might actually benefit someone. ;D

Title: Re: Would you trade your CH for meegraines?
Post by Drk^Angel on Dec 7th, 2002, 11:11pm
 Jonny... Ya know... That must be the saddest fuckin' excuse I've ever seen.  It'd be different if you're continously fighting with me, but the majority of the time, I ignore your bullshit, so that's out.  Also, when you finally do start a fight, I'm still able to welcome newbies, so it'd seem reasonable that you could too.  You just refuse to welcome them anymore.

You like to talk about all the help you have given, but it seems to me that you're very selective in your support on the board.  If you deem that someone isn't worthy of your time, you call them a migraineur and tell them to fuck off.  I find it pretty damn selfish and a great load of BS for someone to be so damn selective in providing support.  And then you expect everyone to bow down and kiss your ass for all the money you've used to buy your way into people hearts.  Fuck that.  I help as well as I can.  I try to support everyone who needs it... Even the people who have gone out of their way to show everyone that I'm not welcome here.  I do what I can, when I can, and if you don't think that is enough, tough damn shit.  It doesn't matter what you think.  It doesn't even matter if the ones I help is appreciative.  All that matters is that I at least tried to help.  That's what I'm here for, and that what I'm staying for.

You may give money, but I give more heart.  Maybe someday you'll get your head out of your ass long enough to see that.


Title: Re: Would you trade your CH for meegraines?
Post by jonny on Dec 7th, 2002, 11:28pm

on 12/07/02 at 23:11:16, Drk^Angel wrote:

You may give money, but I give more heart.  Maybe someday you'll get your head out of your ass long enough to see that.


I dont give money shit head unless your talking about OUCH, What I give is what I have to people that need it.

Heart?.....Shall I start a new thread on how much heart I have, Shit head?

You lose everytime jack off, get used to it...........


Title: Re: Would you trade your CH for meegraines?
Post by Drk^Angel on Dec 7th, 2002, 11:35pm
You don't give shit to anyone unless you think it'll benefit you in someway.  The majority of the time, you don't even give thoughts, prayers, wishes, or anything to people that are having trouble, unless they're one of your established friends.  And it seems the only way to become your friend is to either kiss your ass, or let you kiss their ass if appropiate.  That's not heart... That's selfishness.  You're just looking to get something out of it.  So why don't you just go to Hell, you selfish fucking bastard.


Title: Re: Would you trade your CH for meegraines?
Post by Mark C on Dec 7th, 2002, 11:41pm
Random searches

Title: Re: Would you trade your CH for meegraines?
Post by jonny on Dec 7th, 2002, 11:49pm

on 12/07/02 at 23:35:11, Drk^Angel wrote:
You don't give shit to anyone unless you think it'll benefit you in someway.  

Me benifit?......LOL

Lets see, Ive

Had 300 bumperstickers made up and gave them to the family for free.

I paid for 32 OUCH shirts and gave 27 of them to people that could not afford them.

I paid for 34 OUCH memberships for people that couldnt afford them.

Ive donated hundreds of dollars to OUCH.

Seems to me you are a punk, what have you done for the family, Kenny?......What?


BTW.....where do I benifit?

Title: Re: Would you trade your CH for meegraines?
Post by Drk^Angel on Dec 7th, 2002, 11:54pm
I thought we weren't going to talk about you trying to buy your way into people hearts...


Title: Re: Would you trade your CH for meegraines?
Post by Drk^Angel on Dec 8th, 2002, 12:01am
And what do I do for the people of this site?  Lets see... I try to provide support to anyone here who needs it... I offer a virtual shoulder for them to cry on if they don't have a real one available... I share my experiences with meds, doctors, and other issues dealing with my CH... I offer my thoughts and wishes to anyone who asks... I try to help people feel better when they're feeling down... I try to help people get the help that they may need... I donate meds or whatever else I have that can help whoever that have need for it..  I've spend the last two months of remission trying my damnest to support everyone and anyone who needs it, even with the continous BS from certain members.  I do everything I can...  after reading the old board a bit, I've seen where you used to do the same thing... It's a pitty you've changed.


Title: Re: Would you trade your CH for meegraines?
Post by Drk^Angel on Dec 8th, 2002, 12:42am
I'll tell you what Jonny... Why don't we stop this fight here?  I can't maintain my side of the argument for a while because of family visiting, and I'd rather that we not go through this again when I do have time to get on again.  I'm sorry about what I said to you, and about you.  It was wrong of me to claim that you don't try to help, or that you just do it for yourself.  It was wrong of me to make derogatory comments about you, and calling you profane names.  It was wrong of me to make derogatory comments about your relationships on the board and with other clusterheads.  It was wrong of me to state that I provide more support on this board than you.  It was wrong of me to claim that you try to buy your way into people's hearts.  I'm sorry about all these things and everything else.  I don't expect your forgiveness, nor do I probably deserve it at this time.  But let's just agree to disagree, and drop it.  Okay?

Everyone... While I'm at it... I'm also sorry for the other fights that I got involved in.  That isn't what this site is here for, and it was irresponsible of me to degrade this site by contributing to the existing arguments, or help fuel the start of some.

I can't guarantee that I won't get into fights on this board in the future (In fact, knowing me, I probably will).  All I can do is try to at least try not to start any.  Thank you.

Talk to y'all again soon!

PFDAN................................ Drk^Angel

Title: Re: Would you trade your CH for meegraines?
Post by Charlie on Dec 8th, 2002, 5:50am
Jonny started a good thread here. There really is some good stuff here even if I have posted.   ::)

Anyone still having fun with this?  :-/

Charlie 8)

Title: Re: Would you trade your CH for meegraines?
Post by Lapsi_Harmaahapsi on Dec 8th, 2002, 6:36am
I'd rather keep my episodic-2-hits-a-day-at-most-so-far-CH than get my "disabled" friends 480-hours-a-month migraine. It's better to burn out than fade away..

Title: Re: Would you trade your CH for meegraines?
Post by SommelierCH on Dec 8th, 2002, 6:56am
Migraines. But, in the trade, I get to drink my wine and smoke pot.


David J.

Title: Re: Would you trade your CH for meegraines?
Post by jonny on Dec 8th, 2002, 6:58am
Pass the bong, David....I could use a big ol blast right about now.....LOL

.......................jonny :D

Title: Re: Would you trade your CH for meegraines?
Post by SommelierCH on Dec 8th, 2002, 7:00am
Shit Charlie,

I was writing a couple of posts and didn’t notice you had shut down this thread. Sorry man.   ;D

David J.

Title: Re: Would you trade your CH for meegraines?
Post by SommelierCH on Dec 8th, 2002, 7:22am

I love you fucking CHRONICS always up to keep me company, here on the west coast.

Bong?….bong….hmmm….I vaguely remember….WHAAAA….WHAAAA.. I’m a baby and I need my pacifier.

Yea man, I thought it was the Humbolt Indica that was making my head expload, so three weeks ago, I tried ¼ bong hit of Mexican dirt. WRONG! I was way cool (well, way cool for me) for two hours, then, shadows, shadows, SHADOWS….BIG ONE!  What a dumb fucking thing to do! I’m still amazed at the clusterheads who had the guts to find out that “Tequila is the only alcohol that doesn’t set me off”. Jeeze, I had 2 non-alcoholic beers, about 4 weeks ago, and I’m still kicking myself. Hell, I feel the shadow increasing just thinking about it.


David J.

Title: Re: Would you trade your CH for meegraines?
Post by cootie on Dec 8th, 2002, 3:54pm
I say....shut up.....yer scarein the kids !!!!

Title: Re: Would you trade your CH for meegraines?
Post by cootie on Dec 8th, 2002, 3:58pm if I haven't noticed.....

Title: Re: Would you trade your CH for meegraines?
Post by RevDeFord on Dec 8th, 2002, 4:20pm

I would love to comment on the dialogue and banter that has been carried on in this post, but me things that wisdom precludes me from doing so.

That being said, I will throw my hat in the ring on the original topic.

I had major brain surgery and almost died at a very young age.  I have suffered from migraines for absolutely as long as I can remember.  The first one I remember I was 4.  They always just said it was because of scar tissue and never got me any treatment.

When I was 14, the clusters started, and I thought I was going crazy.  They all kept telling me that headaches don't just come and go like that.

I have gone to work more than 10 times this year with migraines lasting as long as a week.  I can control my atmosphere with migraines and at least get some work done.  Dimmer lights or Sunglasses, ear plugs, coffee, imitrex.........they at least make me more comfortable and I Can function.

With CH, no way.  No migraine has ever made me want to off myself.  No migraine has ever made me so angry I wanted to kill someone.  Though they have made me depressed they have not severely effected me psycologically.  CH on the other hand puts me totally off kilter.  This morning I writhed for an hour - fortunately I have been waking up with just one each night - fear of going to bed, rage that builds up inside me during one of these things......there is no comparison....and that pain.....I blew the ACL ligament, parital tear of the MCL, and 30 % of the cartilege in my bad as that was, there was no comparison.

Yeah, it goes away.....but when will it come back?  While asleep?  While driving after a stressful day?  While in church, or while I am preaching?  I can prepare myself for migraines.....there is no preparation for CH except to have O2 and imi around.

I'll take my migraines any day, just don't let this beast over take me again.

Title: Re: Would you trade your CH for meegraines?
Post by Drk^Angel on Dec 9th, 2002, 2:08am
I guess everyone knows my answer to the question that's the subject for this thread, but after spending the day a  bit more humble than the day before, I figured maybe I should explain the way I feel...

Before I found this site, a few years ago, the only person I really talked about my headaches to suffered from severe migraines.  She experienced much the same frustration with people unable to understand what she had to go through with her migraines as I did with my CH.  We both tried to hide our afflictions from everyone, and never talk about them if we didn't have to do.  We were both alone before we met each other, and alone again when we lost touch.  

We never assumed one had it worse than the other, although there was times when I thought I could be the lucky one.  She would at times spend days locked in her room... No lights... No sound... Not even the TV or radio.  She had these huge, thick curtains on her windows to block out as much light as possible.  All she could do is lay in bed, holding her head, and try her damnest to move as little as possible.  She said there were many times the pain was so bad that she would have done anything to stop it.  She wasn't a religious person, but everytime she got hit, she found herself praying for an end for hours, just mumbling to herself.  She told me that no matter how bad the pain of the headache and nausea normally was, even a slight movement could make it that much worse.  She couldn't hardly eat or drink because half the time she'd just puke it back up, and she hardly slept because the pain just made it impossible.  This all could last for days, unremitting, until it would finally leave.  

Even when she wasn't having a migraine, she was afraid to go anywhere... Afraid she'd get a migraine while in public.  And she continuously had to worry about what she ate or drank.  Her only hope was to avoid the triggers, because none of the meds worked.  Even with avoiding the triggers, she'd get hit sometimes.  Because of this, she lived everyday in fear.  May the Gods bless my friend for what she has gone through and lived with.

My CH hurts like a son of a bitch, but I have seen what migraines can be like, and know that it'll be of no benefit to trade one Hell for another.  I have respect for anyone that finds a way to deal with severe chronic pain, be it migraines, CH, or one of the million other causes out there, and I'll never belittle nor envy their pain.

PFDAN............................... Drk^Angel

Title: Re: Would you trade your CH for meegraines?
Post by Ted on Dec 9th, 2002, 2:19am

on 12/08/02 at 16:20:22, RevDeFord wrote:
...I had major brain surgery

Ahhhh. that's why the reverend hits on other women and makes personal cracks against anyone who disagrees with his right wing, inbred thought process. And I thought it was because he realized he could just confess and be a bad role model because of it. I've got to learn more about these folks who try and get respect by exploiting God.

Title: Re: Would you trade your CH for meegraines?
Post by suzy617 on Dec 9th, 2002, 4:53am
Uh oh,  Here comes the tag team!  :o


Title: Re: Would you trade your CH for meegraines?
Post by RevDeFord on Dec 9th, 2002, 5:46am

You can crack on me as a republican all you want is fun when we banter back and forth about that.  But let me tell you, sir -

#1 - I have not now nor have I ever "hit" on any other woman than my wife.  I am happily married and my wife reads these boards along with me.

#2 - I have not at any time exploited my relationship with God sir.  I do not even ask for money when I go to a church to preach and I receive no benefit by being a preacher other than the satisfaction that I am doing what God wants me to do.

I have no problem with joking back and forth, but this post is ludicrous at best and at worst is inflamatory, and offensive.

I hadn't been this angry in a long time.

Title: Re: Would you trade your CH for meegraines?
Post by echo on Dec 9th, 2002, 7:34am

on 12/08/02 at 06:58:10, jonny wrote:
Pass the bong, David....I could use a big ol blast right about now.....LOL

.......................jonny :D

After reading this I could use a hit also,so quit bogarding that bong!

I'll keep the CH.  I know how to deal with it after all these years.  Too old to change my ways.

Nice to see you back jonny!

Title: Re: Would you trade your CH for meegraines?
Post by j.halber on Dec 9th, 2002, 7:59am
Is this how you encourage people to come and find help :-/on this site or are you just trying to show us that anger and fighting with each other is the way to battle the beast! :'(l
For me pain is pain and NOBODY has the right to tell somebody else that their pain, whatever it is, is little!Forgive me if i don't get this my pain is bigger than your pain SHIT!  PS; WE DON'T HAVE A CHOICE for what we would rather have :'(!

Title: Re: Would you trade your CH for meegraines?
Post by Ted on Dec 9th, 2002, 11:00am
That's fair, Rev. Sorry. It was said in the same vain as our usual lame banter and button-pushing attempts back and forth.
Now, wake up to the real world and see that ultra-right wing thoughts like yours don't work. :-)

Title: Re: Would you trade your CH for meegraines?
Post by RevDeFord on Dec 9th, 2002, 12:56pm
No problem, Ted.  I have come to expect that kind of rhetoric from you leftest neonazi socialists.   ;D ;D ;D

Apology accepted.  Nuthin more to say about ut  ;D

Title: Re: Would you trade your CH for meegraines?
Post by 9erfan on Dec 9th, 2002, 1:09pm
I don't need to tell migrainers that my pain is worse than theirs...they already know it.  I have several friends who get migraines and whenever they talk about their headaches they always preface it by saying "it's nothing like what you go through..."  

There are 2 main reasons why I KNOW that I would rather have migraines than clusters:

1. I have never met ANYONE with migraines who have wanted to kill themselves because of the pain.

2. Migrainers can sleep!!


Title: Re: Would you trade your CH for meegraines?
Post by LTBullitt on Dec 9th, 2002, 1:52pm
6:2  Therefore when you do merciful deeds, don't sound a trumpet before yourself, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, that they may get glory from men. Most assuredly I tell you, they have received their reward

Title: Re: Would you trade your CH for meegraines?
Post by RevDeFord on Dec 9th, 2002, 2:26pm
Good verse LT.

Title: Re: Would you trade your CH for meegraines?
Post by dannyboy on Dec 10th, 2002, 10:11am
Now we separate the Lion Hunters from the Politicians.

Why does Jonny believe that Drk^ has migraines and not Ch's?


Title: Re: Would you trade your CH for meegraines?
Post by Ted on Dec 10th, 2002, 1:15pm
And now for part 2 of the question:

Would you trade Dannyboy for a cauldron of angry bees?

Title: Re: Would you trade your CH for meegraines?
Post by BobG on Dec 10th, 2002, 1:33pm
If you have a cauldron of angry bees send them to dannyboy.
That way you get rid of the bees and the boy.

Title: Re: Would you trade your CH for meegraines?
Post by dannyboy on Dec 10th, 2002, 1:35pm
Personally I'd gargle with a handful of those bees if dannyboy would just piss off

Oh ... wait ... I am dannyboy...

This is my last post

Title: Re: Would you trade your CH for meegraines?
Post by BobG on Dec 10th, 2002, 1:40pm
please define "last"

Title: Re: Would you trade your CH for meegraines?
Post by dannyboy on Dec 10th, 2002, 1:43pm
Must you be mean to me Bob? I just recover quickly, that's all.

Now we separate the Lion Hunters from the Politicians.

Why do Jonny and Margi and and and believe that Drk^ has migraines and not Ch's?

Jonny? Margi? and? and? and? Drk^? Anyone?


Title: Re: Would you trade your CH for meegraines?
Post by BobG on Dec 10th, 2002, 1:51pm
Mean? I thought I was being very polite, smiley face and all.

I just want to know when to look for your next last message.


Title: Re: Would you trade your CH for meegraines?
Post by Margi on Dec 10th, 2002, 1:59pm
Dang, ol Dannyboy beat me to the punch here, BobG.  I was going to answer your 'define 'last'' question.  I figured he meant that would be his last post.  In this thread.
He just proved me wrong.
Um, Dannyboy?  Lotsa history here that, I'm sure, is still in the archives.  I don't dare answer your question in public.  I don't have enough room in my mailbox right now to deal with the barrage of incomings, so I'll abstain from this question, okie dokie?

Title: Re: Would you trade your CH for meegraines?
Post by dannyboy on Dec 10th, 2002, 2:01pm
Could you quit cracking me up already please BobG

You're scaring the a n i m a l s

A lion hunt is not a humourous affair


Title: Re: Would you trade your CH for meegraines?
Post by dannyboy on Dec 10th, 2002, 2:26pm
I was kinda hoping you'd come along Margi.

I know a guy that hunted lions professionally. One day a leapord pounced out of a tree and ripped his scalp off. Now he wears a toupe'.

Oh well, thats lion hunting for you.


Title: Re: Would you trade your CH for meegraines?
Post by oringkid on Dec 10th, 2002, 5:07pm
As to the migraines vs ch question, if it were just a question of trading pain for pain, I guess I would take the migraine, although I have never had one.

But...I have this thing about vomiting.  I can't stand it. I would do anything to avoid it.  And although ch is unbelievably painful, I always am greatful that at least it doesn't make me vomit.  That is also why I won't do shrooms...I'm just so scared of getting sick.
I had a friend who had a really weird migraine too.  It caused her to become paralyzed and unable to speak for a while and scared the crap out of her.

So if I had to take the whole thing, no, I would stay with the ch.  It is a known evil.


Title: Re: Would you trade your CH for meegraines?
Post by kim on Dec 13th, 2002, 11:10pm
Holy booger - can't believe i read the "wholeting"
I feel like i might catch mengnitis ....................

Season's Dredgings.................

If ya wanna moan an complain, we can sit a fish............. ::)

Title: Re: Would you trade your CH for meegraines?
Post by eyes_afire on Dec 14th, 2002, 12:43am
Oringkid, shrooms probably won't make you sick if you make tea out of them... unless of course you've tried that already and found out they made you sick.  Tea is much easier.

Title: Re: Would you trade your CH for meegraines?
Post by Ree on Dec 15th, 2002, 10:23pm
thanks Lapsi and I am good at finishing threads... stop comparing unless youve had one how can you say what is worse... ree :'(

Title: Re: Would you trade your CH for meegraines?
Post by DougL on Dec 16th, 2002, 4:39pm
Migraines or clusters?

I would keep my clusters.

I have had a few migraines in my time.

A migraine goes on for ever and makes me sick.
My clusters last a short time, and I feel fine afterword.
So I will keep my clusters!

Title: Re: Would you trade your CH for meegraines?
Post by cootie on Dec 16th, 2002, 5:32pm
Id trade Bradley's CH's and my insomnia fer a winnin lottery "that" I'd do...............Pam

Title: Re: Would you trade your CH for meegraines?
Post by Slammy on Dec 16th, 2002, 5:39pm
I'm amazed that this thread is still alive.... ;D
someone stick a fork in it!  

Slammy   8)

Title: Re: Would you trade your CH for meegraines?
Post by jonny on Dec 16th, 2002, 5:44pm

on 12/16/02 at 17:39:19, Slammy wrote:
I'm amazed that this thread is still alive.... ;D
someone stick a fork in it!  
Slammy   8)

No shit huh?
Christ!!!! ;D


Title: Re: Would you trade your CH for meegraines?
Post by cootie on Dec 16th, 2002, 5:50pm
Stick a fork in it and yell 'die monster die' 3 times..........Pam

Title: Re: Would you trade your CH for meegraines?
Post by Joe_S on Dec 17th, 2002, 12:55am
Alright there Drk Angel. You've now gone and pissed me off. I do not post often, although there are many people here that I care deeply about.
Jonny has been on this site since day 1, and he has helped more people than you can ever imagine. It may be a little too harsh for you, or you may not have a sense of humor, but we call him the King for a reason. "Jonnyboy" is loved by the hardcore CHers and that will never change. He has helped me over the last four years, and I have always admired him for helping the people other than myself who need it. He doesn't always come across as the voice of reason, and that's because he has to filter through so much bullshit to get to the core of this site. If you are a true Clusterhead, and you know what a chronic sufferer goes through, you will once and for all, STFU. If you do indeed help others on this site, that is great. That's what everyone's here for. But if you are spending your time here to pick a fight with jonny, get lost. It ain't what it's about.

I'll give you a little credit (very little). You have gotten more response from him than I've ever seen from anyone. Usually, he just casts a spell and makes people like you go away.

Last thing. If you don't back off of jonny, I will hunt you down like a dog. Nobody has jonny's back like me. You do not want to get into a battle of words with me. If I ignore you, it's because you are not worthy. Jonny can handle himself. But I'm a little tired of hearing him bad-mouthed. I'm taking you up on your offer to leave this board. Your motives are not what this thing is about. Get lost, and I don't care if you are a clusterhead or a meegrainer. Help or get the fuck out. What you are doing accomplishes nothing. And if you don't get off of jonny, you got a rabid dog to deal with.  :o ::)

Next move, yours.

PS--Jonny, throughout this thread, you nearly had me in tears twice!!
Love ya bro
Have a Great Christmas!!

You sticking anything up the "Angel" this year?
I meant on the tree you sick fucker!

Title: Re: Would you trade your CH for meegraines?
Post by suzy617 on Dec 17th, 2002, 6:56am
Joe, where ya been?  This argument ended a week ago, now you wanna start it up again?  :-X


Title: Re: Would you trade your CH for meegraines?
Post by cootie on Dec 17th, 2002, 5:26pm
Sum can't win fer loosein can they...oh my.....PS: I'm not posting this....'n yer not readin's not really here ....what ya see 'n read is an illusion of yer mind.....cuz this thread has ended......member ?? Pam (big evil grin  ;D )

Title: Re: Would you trade your CH for meegraines?
Post by Drk^Angel on Dec 18th, 2002, 12:48am
Hey Joe... Where the fuck ya been?  Under a rock or something?  This fight ended a while ago... Let it go... Don't ya worry none... If ya wait long enough, there'll be another fight for you to take part in... I'm sure of it.  Good luck!

PFDAN.................................... Drk^Angel

Title: Re: Would you trade your CH for meegraines?
Post by Brassbear on Dec 20th, 2002, 7:51am
First, I hope all of the arguing is in good humor, but it doesn't seem like it from here. Now that I have experienced both migraines and clusters, yeah, I would rather have the migraines. The worst migraine that I ever had lasted for 4 solid days, no meds helped. I did a hell of a dance with that baby. But it went away. True, I felt fuzzy headed afterwards, but the pain went away. My migraines have always been one sided. It is part of the disability that I received from my part in Viet Nam. I blame agent organge exposure, which of course the government says never happened. With the cluster the pain is not worse, it just won't go away. When the bad pain is gone then I'm left with the shadow. This is a new dance and I have not learned the steps yet. Nor did I want to. So, for a serious answer to your question, hell yes I would trade the cluster headaches for a migraine. They quit after awhile. I've had migraines since the 70s. This is my first experience with clusters. Michael. Message Board » Powered by YaBB 1 Gold - SP 1.3.1!
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