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Topic: Cluster Headache Cure (Read 3997 times) |
ClusterChuck Alumnus New Board Hall of Famer

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Cluster Headache Cure
« on: Dec 27th, 2003, 12:43am » |
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My mother has saved us all! She has cured us from our "nasty Headaches things" we get! I am up here in Massachusetts, visiting with my family (and more family) (and MORE family) (and holy freekin crap, MORE family!). My mother has blessed us with the wisdom of her 80+ years to cure our headaches! She told that long hair, and especially when pulled back into a pony tail, is very bad for your head, and will cause bad headaches! She also pointed out that I never had these things until after I started that "nasty" stuff at the nudist colonies! Therefore, if I get my hair cut, and keep my clothes on, I will be cured! But, this startling information also means that DJ does NOT have cluster headaches, it is most likely meegraines or tension headaches! Now, if you send me your name and address and all your credit cards' numbers and expiration dates, I will cure your affliction! Do not worry about the amount, I will fill that info in for you! Make out all checks to Snake Oil Inc. This also means that Jonny will suffer for a very long time with this, as I don't see him shaving off his tresses,or ESPECIALY him keeping his clothes on! I am so glad I can pass this valuable information off to you! This is also a money back guarantee! If I do not cure your headaches, just contact me and I will fix it for you. Call me at my soon to be headquarters, in Brazil, at 1-800-suckers! Chuck
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Lizzie2 Alumnus New Board Hall of Famer

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Re: Cluster Headache Cure
« Reply #1 on: Dec 27th, 2003, 1:26am » |
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Chuck, My grandma sold me on her little cure for headaches tonite too! LOL "The next time you have one of those big just need to remember that the only one who can pull you out of it is you, and so you just need to 'buck it up' and move on to the next thing." And also... "I think that once you graduate from your music degree and move on to nursing, your headaches won't be as bad because it'll be less stress and you'll be doing something different that you'll be more interested in to keep your mind occupied on something other than your headaches! Yeah, I really think you're just sick of music, and the stress of school is just the reason why your headaches are so bad." Oooooooook...if you buy that one, I've got a bridge I'd like to sell ya.... ~Lizzie
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Linda_Howell Alumnus New Board Hall of Famer
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of course of J0oRe: Cluster Headache Cure
« Reply #2 on: Dec 27th, 2003, 2:52am » |
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Chuck, You have given me a laugh tonight. No... more like I am f-in rolling on the floor because before I EVEN got done reading your post, I was roaring w/ laughter and thinking of course of Jonny. I am sure he will be sending your mother a most gracious thank you card any time soon now. Thanks for the laugh and I hope you had one or two also. AND a couple of pain-less days my clothes-less friend. DAMN! I love this family. Linda
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BarbaraD Alumnus New Board Hall of Famer
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Re: Cluster Headache Cure
« Reply #3 on: Dec 27th, 2003, 7:52am » |
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Hey Chuckie Baby, Great cure. After careful consideration, I think, if marketed right, you've got a gold mine here... Now, you're going to need a business manager and I'd like to volunteer to help you out. I'm great at fixin', oops I mean "doing" books and can keep up with the profits while you get out and market this great idea. But I think we should throw in a few useless (oops again - I mean USEFUL) vitamins just to make it really swing. I have no trouble working in the nude and will cut my pony tail off immediately.....My passport is up to date and it's almost carnival time in Brazil. Have a cousin in Rio who will put us up until we get settled. Would next week be good for you..... P.S. Thanks for the laugh - loved it.... Hugs BD
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Prense Alumnus New Board Hall of Famer
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Re: Cluster Headache Cure
« Reply #4 on: Dec 27th, 2003, 8:44am » |
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Yer killin' me!
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ClusterChuck Alumnus New Board Hall of Famer

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Re: Cluster Headache Cure
« Reply #5 on: Dec 28th, 2003, 1:42am » |
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on Dec 27th, 2003, 7:52am, BarbaraD wrote:Now, you're going to need a business manager and I'd like to volunteer to help you out. I'm great at fixin', oops I mean "doing" books and can keep up with the profits while you get out and market this great idea. But I think we should throw in a few useless (oops again - I mean USEFUL) vitamins just to make it really swing. I have no trouble working in the nude and will cut my pony tail off immediately.....My passport is up to date and it's almost carnival time in Brazil. Have a cousin in Rio who will put us up until we get settled. Would next week be good for you..... |
| Damnit! I get a great idea,and I already have people trying to get their cut! Oh, wait a minute ... a foxy female assistant, working in the nude? Hmmm ... This might have possibilities! Send me your resume, including a full frontal nude photo, ladies, and let me find the right assistant. (And, Jonny, the answer is no, you cannot help in the selection process!) Great working conditions, including the following: minimal pay, full sexual harassment, no vacation days. Chuck
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"No man can be happy without a friend, nor be sure of his friend till he is unhappy." Thomas Fuller

Re: Cluster Headache Cure
« Reply #6 on: Dec 28th, 2003, 8:20am » |
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on Dec 28th, 2003, 1:42am, ClusterChuck wrote: Damnit! I get a great idea,and I already have people trying to get their cut! Oh, wait a minute ... a foxy female assistant, working in the nude? Hmmm ... This might have possibilities! Send me your resume, including a full frontal nude photo, ladies, and let me find the right assistant. (And, Jonny, the answer is no, you cannot help in the selection process!) Great working conditions, including the following: minimal pay, full sexual harassment, no vacation days. Chuck |
| Okay I will be the assistant! But I am not cutting my hair!
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Re: Cluster Headache Cure
« Reply #7 on: Dec 28th, 2003, 10:18am » |
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Hey! Jonny is not the only guy on the boards with long hair! After I post I'll go pout in the corner and feel neglected and forgotten... When I first started getting HAs, that was one of the questions my GP asked, "Do you often wear your hair pulled back into a ponytail?" I did not know if I should laugh or cry. Thankfully I could tell him, "Only when I come in to see you, Doc." Hirvimaki
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Karla Alumnus New Board Hall of Famer

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Re: Cluster Headache Cure
« Reply #8 on: Dec 28th, 2003, 10:27am » |
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Don't laugh at your Grandmother. I have really long hair and wear it back in a pony tail. I had a dr actually tell me my ha would go away if I would cut my hair. I just laughed at him. He was quite serious. Said it was causing tension type ha.
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Karla suffer chronic ch groupie since 1999 Proud Mom of Chris USMC Semper Fi

Re: Cluster Headache Cure
« Reply #9 on: Dec 28th, 2003, 11:53am » |
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The last time my hair saw my shoulders was July 28 1978 and that was only because the lawyer told me it would help in keeping me out of jail. Still had the HA's......LMAO .................................jonny
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Donna_D. Alumnus New Board Hall of Famer

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Re: Cluster Headache Cure
« Reply #10 on: Dec 28th, 2003, 9:16pm » |
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I have had my hair short. I have had my hair long. Right now it is waist length. Either way the HA's are still there. Donna D.
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ClusterChuck Alumnus New Board Hall of Famer

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Re: Cluster Headache Cure
« Reply #11 on: Dec 29th, 2003, 10:48am » |
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on Dec 28th, 2003, 9:16pm, Donna_D. wrote:I have had my hair short. I have had my hair long. Right now it is waist length. Either way the HA's are still there. Donna D. |
| OMG!!! Are you telling me my Mother is WRONG????? I am crushed! Totally devestated! How will I ever survive? And I was all set to make billions off this amazing discovery! Even though I might be able to convince Jonny and Hirvimaki to cut their hair (but I seriously doubt it) I would never be able to convince them to keep their clothes on. They are a couple of preeeeverts, doncha know! Well, since Donna has so devestated my plans, I guess I will have to keep looking for my fame and fortune! Chuck (still a pauper)
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cathy Alumnus New Board Hall of Famer
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Re: Cluster Headache Cure
« Reply #12 on: Dec 29th, 2003, 10:59am » |
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Chuck you should have checked what your mother said out with the teenagers my teenagers are ALWAYS right didn't you know.....
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Killroy 2.0 Alumnus New Board Hall of Famer

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Re: Cluster Headache Cure
« Reply #13 on: Dec 29th, 2003, 11:11am » |
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We need a cure that involves something like. Maid to do all the cleaning cooks to do all the cooking and a vacation to somewhere else!!! Ok might not really work but would it not be worth a try Gena
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Re: Cluster Headache Cure
« Reply #14 on: Dec 29th, 2003, 12:28pm » |
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Hmmm... pervert, noun, one that has been perverted; specifically : one given to some form of sexual perversion pervert, transitive verb, to cause to turn aside or away from what is good or true or morally right : corrupt A rose by any other name... How the heck does Chuck know I'm almost always naked?? Hirvimaki
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"What makes us discontented with our condition is the absurdly exaggerated idea we have of the happiness of others."
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Re: Cluster Headache Cure
« Reply #15 on: Dec 29th, 2003, 12:45pm » |
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I got some added cures for you as well. I was told that I should also cut my hair cause the weights is what is making the headaches worse. Adn that once my kids are grown that I will not loner have haedaches as well. So all of you with grown children, the headaches are just figments of your imagination. Yeah Right Tia
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Re: Cluster Headache Cure
« Reply #16 on: Dec 29th, 2003, 12:46pm » |
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Hey Chuck my mom says we need more soup... she thinks our insides are frozen........ I'll cut your hair...... where the heck are you in Massachusetts?????? ree
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Re: Cluster Headache Cure
« Reply #17 on: Dec 29th, 2003, 1:33pm » |
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My mom says my headaches will get better if I just lose weight. Hmmm...she always seems to work my weight into the conversation.
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The Clusterhead formerly known as 9erfan.
Charlie Alumnus New Board Hall of Famer

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Re: Cluster Headache Cure
« Reply #18 on: Dec 29th, 2003, 5:28pm » |
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Mine said that I should never fall asleep wearing headphones.......for everything, actually. Charlie
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ClusterChuck Alumnus New Board Hall of Famer

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Re: Cluster Headache Cure
« Reply #19 on: Dec 30th, 2003, 12:02am » |
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on Dec 29th, 2003, 12:28pm, Hirvimaki wrote: How the heck does Chuck know I'm almost always naked?? |
| Takes one to know one?? Actually, I been peeking ... BTW, you got cute buns!!!! on Dec 29th, 2003, 12:46pm, Ree wrote:where the heck are you in Massachusetts?????? |
| Right now I am in Franklin NH. I went to meet TaraAnn today!!! She has the cutest kids!!! And she is a sweetie!!! Watch out Sam, I am going to steal that wife of yours!!! haha!!! I will be heading back to Leominister on New Year's day. How far would it be to drive down to see you? Is Jonny close by? Chuck Chuck
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"No man can be happy without a friend, nor be sure of his friend till he is unhappy." Thomas Fuller
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Re: Cluster Headache Cure
« Reply #20 on: Dec 30th, 2003, 9:25am » |
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Quote:Actually, I been peeking ... BTW, you got cute buns!!!! |
| Dang! And I thought I had cropped that pic of my tattoo to be less revealing... Must have been a Freudian Slip thing... I hope that does not mean I was wearing a slip in the pic... Oh my! BTW, they are super-sexy buns... Hirvimaki
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"What makes us discontented with our condition is the absurdly exaggerated idea we have of the happiness of others."