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(Message started by: Brassbear on Jan 11th, 2003, 8:07am)

Title: What we can do (more)...
Post by Brassbear on Jan 11th, 2003, 8:07am
To all the clusterhead family;

Raising money for OUCH is of exceptional importance. We need to get this thing headed toward better or more research and toward a cure. Grab an oar and start rowing.

David J. has some exceptional ideas. One that many of us could follow up on. There are many people in this family with talent. If you can't donate money (and many of us can't) then devote time of skill.

Surely someone out there is a potter? Some limited edition mugs or coffee cups for clusterheads would be cool. A printer? There must be a world of possible contributions. There are several artist, use your imagination. A welder with some artsy-fartsy sculpture?

Personally I do some leather work and I'm working on some contributions along that line that could be auctioned off on the board. My personal art work is cartoonish and amatuerish so that's right out of here. Some of you have some real computer skills. Anyone into desktop publishing? The possibilities are endless.

Come on guys, let's get this ball rolling. THIS IS IMPORTANT work and we ALL need to be involved.

And if you don't want to hear this from someone fairly new, SORRY! You can blame David J. He's the one that got me on this kick in the first place!

The clusterhead family, this message board, and OUCH all rock solid. Let's keep 'em that way! ;D


Title: Re: What we can do (more)...
Post by Silver_Dolphins on Jan 11th, 2003, 12:10pm
I agree wholeheartedly.

One of the upsides to local and regional chapters is that the folks that live close to each other can work towards fund raising efforts on a local level, which would make fund raising easier to accomplish.

One of the topics I plan on broaching at the Carolinas'-Georgia meeting is fund raising.

Awareness is the key. We have to let people know about CH and its devistating and sometimes catostraphic effects.

I hate to "steal" from other worthwhile organizations, but we need to look at what some have done, such as JDF, MDA etc.

Any celebrities suffer from CH? I heard Peter Frampton does. Look at how much Parkinsons has gained as far as notabilty since Michael Fox went public.

Random thoughts on a shadowy Saturday


Silver Dolphins

Title: Re: What we can do (more)...
Post by firebrix on Jan 11th, 2003, 2:06pm
This is a good idea guys.

I'm a brikki tho'!!

However I do write and am currently working on a novel/script where one of the main characters suffers from CH. This is not going to be very soon, however as I have so little time to actually write for fun - there's too much work on with the refrac. at the moment and my writing's mostly hurriedly written articles to beat deadlines. ::) It should take shape thru' the winter tho'
especially if there's a bit of a gap in the traffic.

I started writing it cos I thought, same as you, thatthere was very little awareness of CH. Hell, we didn't even hear it existed til Mopar was diagnosed.

There was a programme on TV a while back where one of the characters suffered from CH. I didn't see it as I have no time for TV, but we were amazed how everyone who knew Mopar commented on the show -
"Did you see the CHer on TV last night?"
"Brixter! Did you see that show?""
etc. etc. thru' the day. All were more sympathetic having seen the show.

Shows what a litle awareness can do!

Let me know what you think of this idea - I'll write it anyway but any input will be appreciated.


Title: Re: What we can do (more)...
Post by cerebus on Jan 14th, 2003, 9:13pm
Yo B double,
I'm game and agree totally, however, airbrush Painting currently doesn't pay the bills. So I guess I will have to produce at random until/unless I can get a business rolling. really sucks to have to be creative in my spare time of which there is very little right now. I'm working on it though.

  BTW everyone I love the gallery idea submitted by David J and Ted.

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