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   driving under the influence of a cluster.
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   Author  Topic: driving under the influence of a cluster.  (Read 9130 times)
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Re: driving under the influence of a cluster.
« Reply #25 on: Dec 5th, 2004, 7:27pm »
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I have driven "under the influence" of the Beast.  Once.  (It was about 2 years ago).
Scared the beejeebers outta me.  Most the the area was a contruction zone, so I could NOT pull over.  
Fortunately, I had taken my abortive at the onset, so it didn't go beyond a Kip 6 or 7.  I seriously doubt I could have done it with a Kip 9 or 10.
My 2 cents... pull over.    
By the way... good ideas about carrying some quick info. to give a cop.
Regards to all!
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"All the days of the afflicted are bad, but the cheerful heart has a continual feast." - - - - - Proverbs 15:15
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  dancenshout2002   joyflheart2004

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Re: driving under the influence of a cluster.
« Reply #26 on: Dec 5th, 2004, 7:36pm »
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to the U kan doo it
I may be lucid, or it may be my brain lying to me
but the pain does blur the line of critical thinking
I would not perform brain surgery with this pain,
no would I try to walk a tight rope line over Niagara Falls.
Point is, just because we "can" doesn't make it "right"
or "safe"
Driving while making a sandwhich is possible,
But I prefer that people dont do that.
I have been there, with head leaning on the side,
tears blurring vision.... but it doens't make me proud.
I am ashamed to think that buying milk seemed
so important that I couldn't pull over  for 20 minutes
until the attack passed.
IT is still a 2,000 pound hunk of metal that will take
more than a few feet to stop.
and our reaction time does suffer....
so just be CAREFUL out there.
hugs to all.
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Psalm 23 - Goodness and mercy shall follow US all the days of our lives and WE will dwell in the house of LOVE forever.
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Re: driving under the influence of a cluster.
« Reply #27 on: Dec 7th, 2004, 1:16pm »
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I laughed when people were talking about a cop coming up to the window and seeing a needle sticking outta someone's arm.  hahaha
I've actually had an encounter with a cop while I was having a cluster.  I was on my motorcycle on the highway and it hit hard.  Pulled over, curled up in the grass along the road and just kept rocking/whimpering/kicking.
Then I hear this voice asking me "whats your problem".  All I could do was roll over so my face was in his direction and put out my hand and say "ill be fine", which probably sounded like "msefsef sdgh set".
He kept trying to ask me questions like, "are you hurt", "are you on drugs", etc etc..  I just ignored him for the most part and tried to deal with everything as best I could.   Then about the same time it was fading away was when an ambulance showed up.
I explained everything to them as best as I could, but they were pretty clueless and seemed to not believe me.  Then the cop gave me one of those 'follow my finger test' things, followed by a million and one questions and let me go on my way.
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Re: driving under the influence of a cluster.
« Reply #28 on: Dec 7th, 2004, 1:29pm »
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Optimum circumstances it ain't - agreed.  And i agree that stopping for milk mite not fall into a priority circumstance  .....that is why i AGREE that we must make a choice and why i stress that we CAN make a choice.  The times i drove during an attack happened at rush hour in NY.  Pullling over was just as difficult as pressing on just a bit more.  I hate that i was the brain behind the pain but that is how it worked out.  What i was trying to say was that if for some gawdawful reason an attack occurs in a tite spot - we still have a degree of control.  I feel more than most elderly drivers and more than someone having epilepsy.  You CAN think and exercise "critical" thinkin.  Absolutely.  It is difficult to say the least but possible.  Will i go out to dairy barn during an attack?  No.  Have i been the monkey in the middle?  Yup.  It's doable.  Not wanting to confuse the issue.  Driving during a cluster is dangerous for sure.  But i want to clarify that thinking (yes, even critical thinking) is possible albeit strained.
« Last Edit: Dec 7th, 2004, 1:30pm by kimh » IP Logged
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Re: driving under the influence of a cluster.
« Reply #29 on: Dec 11th, 2004, 7:17pm »
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I first off want to say thank you to all my new friends that have helped me the last few days .... For the 1st time in my life 6 weeks ago i started having CH...God Bless u all ... I would give my arms to have my normal life back .... 2ndly Karen thanks for your tips you got me through last night ...I had the worst attack I have ever had and hoenstly i think it scared the shit out of me ....Short and to the point story had an attack about 11:30 last night was getting ready to drive home from my moms...Bam eye pain , brick hit the front of my head , nose stared pouring , eye drooping , my damn tongue even felt weird ...i started panicking ran inside ....I though my mom was going to have a heart attack ....Hyperventilated , Boy am i mess ....Ambulance came of course by then attack was almost over and the ylook at you like your retarded or something .....I just wanted to say thank you guys for showing me IM not alone ....Hugz to everyone.......
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Re: driving under the influence of a cluster.
« Reply #30 on: Dec 12th, 2004, 3:03am »
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i drove, kip 9, to emergency clinic. bad idea. won't do it again. they helped kill some of the pain, but the drive was scary. i was alone in the house, and i would have done anything for the pain to end, so i went for help. again, bad idea.
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Re: driving under the influence of a cluster.
« Reply #31 on: Dec 16th, 2004, 10:47pm »
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I used to drive half way across Sydney to get to my osteopath - the logic was the pain wasnt any worse so might as well try to get some relief.  Couldnt imagine doing it now though - too reliant on my hot water bottle!
I did however get one coming on a couple of weeks ago when I was passenger in my mother's car crossing a 'small' NZ mountain - I got her to pull over because I knew if I had the activity of driving, being more active, I could stave it off better - it worked.
But as Dustin Hoffman said in Rainman - "Im an excellent driver" ...! Roll Eyes
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New Board Hall of Famer

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Posts: 764
Re: driving under the influence of a cluster.
« Reply #32 on: Dec 17th, 2004, 11:34pm »
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it's 3oclock and i'm  goin to k-mart
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