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(Message started by: PPRanch on Sep 24th, 2005, 5:16am)

Title: Triggers
Post by PPRanch on Sep 24th, 2005, 5:16am
I have been in a long standing debate with my neurologist regarding common triggers of my CH's.  He insists that nicotine and caffeine rank right up there with alcohol as the most common ones.  I've had these packages from hell for 35 years now (episodic thank goodness) and swear that cigs and coffee not only DON'T trigger them, but at times actually relieve them a bit (alcohol on the other hand triggers them if I so much as THINK about a bottle of beer).  He says I'm "rationalizing" just to maintain my beloved habit (which it is) but when I'm in my cycle, I'm in no mood for "rationalizing" ANYTHING and would cease my cigarettes as quickly as I cease my even more beloved scotch!! I'm curious about the effects cigarettes and coffee on other sufferers.  Please respond -----I'd like to obtain enough feedback to get %'s.

Title: Re: Triggers
Post by LeLimey on Sep 24th, 2005, 5:57am
Hello and welcome!
You're right and your neuro is wrong on the subject of caffeine at least!!
Alot of us here find that really strong coffee or drinks like red bull will help abort, do a search on caffeine and read up about here and also on this site
I can't help with the smoking side as I don't smoke but it hasn't stopped anyone here so that I've noticed!

Title: Re: Triggers
Post by AussieBrian on Sep 24th, 2005, 9:12am
No two clusters are the same, any more than any two CHeads are the same.  Major triggers for some are but candy floss to others.  

Personally, I couldn't imagine a cycle without cigarettes and coffee.  

Your neuro would have done well to preface the statement, "For many people...".

Title: Re: Triggers
Post by BobG on Sep 24th, 2005, 9:16am
A few (very few) non-smokers have said that secondhand smoke will trigger an attack.

I am a smoker. Secondhand smoke does not trigger an attack for me. I started smoking years before my first cluster. I have smoked before, during and after an attack and it made no difference in the severity or duration of the attacks.

Caffeine has never been on my trigger list. Many folks use coffee and the high-caffeine drinks as an abortive.

Alcohol is a well known trigger. I don't know the numbers but I'd say 90% of us are triggered by alcohol.

Title: Re: Triggers
Post by unsolved1 on Sep 24th, 2005, 11:34am
Cigarettes are not a trigger for me, alcohol is!

Title: Re: Triggers
Post by Sean_C on Sep 24th, 2005, 12:54pm
Alcohol, sex, MSG and stress will make my head explode guaranteed. I'm a coffe junky and I smoke 2 packs a day, I think if I quit those my wife would start getting clusters ;;D


Title: Re: Triggers
Post by Karla on Sep 24th, 2005, 1:06pm
I don't smoke and still get clusters.   Cafeine tends to help people.

Title: Re: Triggers
Post by Redd715 on Sep 24th, 2005, 1:08pm

on 09/24/05 at 12:54:58, Sean_C wrote:
Alcohol, sex, MSG and stress will make my head explode guaranteed. I'm a coffe junky and I smoke 2 packs a day, I think if I quit those my wife would start getting clusters ;;D


I think if you quit those your wifes pain ..... [smiley=laugh.gif] [smiley=laugh.gif]

I can't do it,  I can't,  I just can't....I luvs our Seanie too much to pick on him today....

Title: Re: Triggers
Post by unclejake127 on Sep 24th, 2005, 1:22pm
i dont smoke anymore (2yrs now)
but the wife smokes as long as she keeps the window open in the car its not a trigger
caffeine not a trigger either
as i said befor alcohol is a killer  >:(
and this sex thing from sean???????? never pass it up :P


Title: Re: Triggers
Post by sandie99 on Sep 24th, 2005, 1:51pm
Alcohol is a trigger for me.
I've never smoked, but sometimes when I've been in a room with a lot of smokers, it triggered ch instantly. So did some other strong scents, warm showers (sometimes), drinking cold water (sometimes), chewing something (sometimes). And salty snacks such as popcorn and pribgles have triggered ch occasionally.
But sometimes drinking coca-cola light lemon with ice helped me with aborting ch and especially the side effects meds gave to me.

But like it has been mentioned, every clusterhead is different.

Title: Re: Triggers
Post by Maestro on Sep 24th, 2005, 3:38pm
When I am not having CH's nothing seems to trigger them.  I don't smoke but I have a drink every afternoon, eat Chinese food with Msg. and drink coffee all with no problems.  In a cycle I stay away from all plus chocolates and nuts.

Title: Re: Triggers
Post by ckelly181 on Sep 24th, 2005, 4:57pm

    Cigarette smoke

Those are my biggies.

Title: Re: Triggers
Post by mischki on Sep 24th, 2005, 9:41pm
Speaking of triggers, Richard wanted me to ask if anyone has a problem with Peanut Butter, hot sauce or popcorn...

Caffeine helps him.  We both smoke, and smoking has no effect either way.  But my migraines sure get worse if I'm around it when I've got one...  OOPS! I said the M word!  :-X

Richard wanted to add, "I'm having a Red Bull night, and it's alright."

(Yes, he's registered, but he says I type faster, so I'm still posting for him! :P )

Title: Re: Triggers
Post by joey_the_grip on Sep 25th, 2005, 1:19am
I've suffered ch for about 20 years. Each cycle (there have been about 30) is a little different, with different triggers and differing ways of managing the pain. Sometimes second-hand smoke has been a bad trigger, but not this time around, I smoke about a pack a day. Never had a problem with caffeine, in fact it seems to be helpful. Never had a problem with nuts, cheese or any other foods that I've identified. I lose all desire to drink alcohol during my cycle and am afraid to experiment with it (my subconscious seems to be saying NO!!). I have found that I can reliably trigger an episode with marijuana, however it is much less severe than usual. I roll on the floor and cry, but I'm not suicidal when I trigger one this way. So I smoke a hit or two a day to get it over. This way I can alter that clockwork rhythm ch can have to a time somewhat of my own choosing. Interestingly I've noticed that while I am in a cycle and smoke mj it does not usually  make me feel high. I find that over the counter meds like Excedrin migraine are as effective as anything I've been prescribed if I pay attention to my subconscious also. It "tells" me how to act and I do so. Sometimes I need intense pressure in the middle of the forehead, sometimes on the temple, often I need to partially disrobe, sometimes I spin in circles it is as if this other thing is operating my body.

P.S.  Sometimes triggering "brain freeze" by holding ice cream against the roof of my mouth reduces the pain almost immediately.  

Title: Re: Triggers
Post by AussieBrian on Sep 25th, 2005, 2:48am
If it works for you, Joey, go for it and never be surprised at what works for others.

There's even the famous Frozen-banana Therapy!

Title: Re: Triggers
Post by jon019 on Sep 25th, 2005, 1:24pm
Hi PPRanch,

I smoke. Can't quit, I've tried (Mark Twain said it was EASY, he did it a thousand times!). Sometimes I think it's a trigger, sometimes I don't. What I DO know is that
during a bad CH  the ONLY thing that gets me through'm.....gonnna....have...a....slow....relaxing....smoke...RELIEF!!!  Sad? That's for others to judge. I'll take what I can get.

As for caffeine, if used at the right time and right strength it will sometimes abort, if drunk at the wrong time (learned thru experience) it is a trigger and subsequent use will be ineffective.

Different stuff works for different folks (see Lelimey, Aussiebrian and others). Tell your neuro not to be so absolute.



Title: Re: Triggers
Post by Sean_C on Sep 25th, 2005, 10:39pm

on 09/25/05 at 02:48:13, AussieBrian wrote:
There's even the famous Frozen-banana Therapy!

I don't think Don was seious when he told you that  ;;D

Title: Re: Triggers
Post by nancyc on Sep 26th, 2005, 11:23am
I have recognized some triggers for me but dont think cigs are one of them.....Getting overheated at times can bring them on...then other times it doesnt matter.....I have alot of problems with my neck and the discs...when i get major stressed, i can feel the chs coming on fast...i blame alot of my attacks now on my neck Neuro says he feels that too....I am getting hit hard rite now because of stress is my birthday so i guess the beast decided to bring my present!  smiles,nancyc PS alcohol is definetly a trigger for me ...that is why i dont drink now.  

Title: Re: Triggers
Post by JenniferD on Sep 26th, 2005, 12:52pm
Never had a prob w/caffeine, cigs OR wine, but the one thing that strikes total fear in me is ...........chocolate!

Can't even smell it while in cycle or I go straight to a 9+. Ended up in the hospital with a 7 hour, 9+ all due to Russell Stovers and a few truffles.  

Nice way to find  out what triggers for me.

Title: Re: Triggers
Post by marlinsfan on Sep 26th, 2005, 3:25pm
Hey PPR, I'm with you. Coffee definitely is good for my CHs, and nicotine does nothing to relieve nor trigger. I smoke cigars, used to smoke cigarettes.

Like Jennifer, milk chocolate triggers a CH for me. Dark chocolate is OK. Other triggers for me are: alcohol, sleep, tomato (anything acid), OJ (anything citric), aspartame (the stuff in Equal).

Title: Re: Triggers
Post by aceserve on Sep 26th, 2005, 3:38pm
Alcohol, like most of us, is a sure-fire trigger for a CH. I don't touch a drop when I'm in cycle. Unfortunately this has occurred when I've been in the mecca of microbrews (Oregon), and in Argentina, where wine is really good and really cheap.

Caffeine has had no noticeable effect. I used to smoke occasionally. I never noticed an effect, but since it probably deprives the body of some oxygen, I wouldn't doubt that there is a negative effect.

Someone mention sex?  I can't imagine doing it while having a CH, but if the blood rushes from the brain to fill up, ummm, something else.. Hey now, I might be onto something there!

Title: Re: Triggers
Post by rbmb on Sep 26th, 2005, 6:26pm
I've been having CHs for several years now and have found only two triggers: alcohol and taking naps. I smoke, eat anything I want and have been through lots of stressful times and never found any of these things have led to a headache. But, boy, stay away from the alcohol until you are absolutely sure the cycle is over.

Title: Re: Triggers
Post by Ueli on Sep 27th, 2005, 8:19pm
That's the twisted logic of some docs: alcohol, nicotine and caffeine are generally bad for your health, therefore, for CH they must be so bad that they even are triggers.

This particular neuro must be mixing up CH with meegraines. :(  That stuff is, besides uncountable others, on the infamous meegraines trigger list. For M it is assumed that a trigger can have a latency of up to 24 hours (I wonder how they pick the culprit out of hundreds foods, drinks, smells, sounds or TV programs).

As anybody familiar with CH knows, CH-triggers act within minutes, like alcohol for many (but not for me ;;D). A CH attack in the evening has certainly nothing to do with the breakfast coffee.

PFNADs, Ueli                  [smiley=smokin.gif]

Title: Re: Triggers
Post by Mr. Happy on Sep 28th, 2005, 12:13am

on 09/27/05 at 20:19:45, Ueli wrote:
A CH attack in the evening has certainly nothing to do with the breakfast coffee.
PFNADs, Ueli

Ummmmmm.....we'll require a little beta-testing on that one, along with a few hundred thousand clinical trial results.

And a Cappuccino.
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