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(Message started by: MJ on Nov 22nd, 2005, 10:07pm)

Title: Where do you feel the pain??
Post by MJ on Nov 22nd, 2005, 10:07pm
Hi all,

Many threads suggest that the centerpoint of pain for Cluster headaches is in different locations.

Jonny posted a nerve pic on the toothache thread that started me wondering.

Some say eyeball, others the cheek etc..

Mine are located in the right temple about two fingers back from just behind the eye and the pain spreads from there.  

Looking forward to your responses.


Title: Re: Where do you feel the pain??
Post by mcf69 on Nov 22nd, 2005, 10:34pm
Mine starts like someone drove a spike in my eye next to my nose, then it radiates to the ear and upper jaw/teeth, always on the right side.  It is strange, but now that I know the exact anatomy of the trigeminal nerve, I can visualize exactly where the nerve is as the pain progresses.

Title: Re: Where do you feel the pain??
Post by BobG on Nov 22nd, 2005, 10:37pm
Mine always start behind my left eye. Only way to describe it is to say like brain-freeze ice cream headache. Then spreads to the sinus behind my nose. As it gets worse I get a very tender spot in the left temple.
In the last 6 or 8 years it also has been spreading to the upper and lower teeth area. That never happened during the first 25 years or so.

Title: Re: Where do you feel the pain??
Post by mcf69 on Nov 22nd, 2005, 10:44pm
Oh yeah, my scalp usually tingles, like it feels when your hair is pulled, does that happen to anyone else?

Title: Re: Where do you feel the pain??
Post by Jasmyn on Nov 23rd, 2005, 1:16am
Right Side - start stuffy nose - sensitive cheek - top of scalp on RS sensitive(like over pulled) hair - pressure behind eye - suddenly ICEPICK(pulsing in eye, top of head and back of head - where neck joins the sculp) - ear aches - jaw hurts - eye runny and closed.

Title: Re: Where do you feel the pain??
Post by Jeepgun on Nov 23rd, 2005, 9:15am
Mine is very specific: Right eye, dead center of the eyebrow, between the lower border of the eyebrow and the fold of the eyelid. As the pain ratchets up, it then begins to radiate down my jaw, into my molars on the right side, and also, down the right side of the back of my neck.

Title: Re: Where do you feel the pain??
Post by unsolved1 on Nov 23rd, 2005, 6:19pm
Behind my eye. Feels like my eye is being gouged out. Just below my eye and If it really gets bad, in my teeth too.


Title: Re: Where do you feel the pain??
Post by ScottEinDC on Dec 2nd, 2005, 9:07pm
Mine have always been the same...right side, about an inch back from my eye on my temple...the pain is pick right through my eye!

Title: Re: Where do you feel the pain??
Post by HeadhurtinMama on Dec 2nd, 2005, 10:33pm
I actually get pain in three distinct spots.  One starts at the inside of my left eyebrow and the pain radiates up about two inches.  Another is a line just left of the center of the top of my head about 4 inches long.  That one reminds me of being hit with an ax.  The other starts in the center of my left eyebrow and it spreads diagonally toward my hairline.  I also get them from time to time on the right side, but oddly enough, in the same spots.

edited cuz I forgot I don't have a siggy set up here yet

Title: Re: Where do you feel the pain??
Post by zwibbs on Dec 3rd, 2005, 4:32am
As a 28 year sufferer-all of my attacks happen in /behind my left eye. If I get a heavy one it will travel to my left jaw -and then my upper row teeth. The temple area is so tender that it is very sensitive to the touch. If I close my mouth tight, like clench my jaw it sometimes lessens the pain, but I'll get residual pain for as long as 3 days, that just stays and stays, and stays.

Title: Re: Where do you feel the pain??
Post by BarbaraD on Dec 3rd, 2005, 8:40am
Mine is like an icepick in my left ear, a knife in my left eye and a spike in my skull all at the same time. I've always said there's a little green monster in the middle coordinating the whole dance.

One time this neuro ran some kind of test in color while I was being hit and I'll be damned if  right in the middle of all this red junk there wasn't a little green spot (right where I said the little green monster was supposed to be!). Maybe these things ARE controlled by a little green monster after all! [smiley=huh.gif]

Hugs BD

Title: Re: Where do you feel the pain??
Post by Thomas_Martin on Dec 3rd, 2005, 6:13pm
Mine always start in my upper jaw region, where it connects to the skull.

My nose starts to leak and it sometimes get a strange feeling like its sedated( as in it's not smelling things right, strange I know!).

Depending on how high the pain reaches on the kip scale,  my eye  usually starts to water and becomes light sensitive..

When it goes around kip 7-10,  it closes and starts to leak tears ( I check almost every tear that falls, to see if it contains blood).

My neck sometimes get sore, again depending on the level of pain. If the pain is "mild" my neck is just tensed, because of me tightning my muscles a lot during a run of the beast. If the pain hits a higher scale it sometimes affects my neck too, not only cause of the tensions.

So all in all, if the pain is around kip 1 - 4 my upper jaw area is the only thing that is affected. Any higher and my eye, neck and nose gets a treatment too :)

Title: Re: Where do you feel the pain??
Post by E-Double on Dec 3rd, 2005, 9:44pm
I have felt it in NY. NJ, Texas, Connecticut and some other states.  ;)

Title: Re: Where do you feel the pain??
Post by stevea on Dec 3rd, 2005, 11:28pm
Always behind the left eye, ever since I was a kid.  Cold feeling.  Then the sensation of the knife being driven down in between my eyes scraping behind my skull on the way down.

Except the shadow.  That is always all encompassing of the head.  The actual attack is behind the eye. Message Board » Powered by YaBB 1 Gold - SP 1.3.1!
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