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(Message started by: Fig on Aug 28th, 2005, 9:55pm)

Title: Looking for Triggers, Clues, Connections, Whatever
Post by Fig on Aug 28th, 2005, 9:55pm
I hope you'll not think this too far off the wall, but I'm trying to find if there are any connections between certain things and/or conditions and the headaches. Is there any special thing that might trigger yours? An emotion, an illness, a certain situation? Eating too much or too little? The weather? I think you get the point. I find that the more depressed I am, the more sleep deprived, the more susceptible I am. I'd just like to know how it is for others.   Marion

Title: Re: Looking for Triggers, Clues, Connections, What
Post by mcf69 on Aug 28th, 2005, 10:00pm
I had a bad case of the norwalk virus last december that brought on a cycle.  As far as anything else I haven't seen any unusual triggers, aside from the usual seasonal changes.  I have read others have had trouble with changes in weather though.

Title: Re: Looking for Triggers, Clues, Connections, What
Post by nani on Aug 28th, 2005, 10:00pm
Yup...there are triggers.
Here are a few of mine:
Sunlight or any bright light in my eye
Bending over at the waist
Alcohol (in my "severe" cycles)
Sensory overload (too much noise and/or activity
Strobe like lights (and strobe like shadows)
Storm systems

Keeping a headache diary can help you identify (and then avoid) your triggers.
PF wishes, nani

Title: Re: Looking for Triggers, Clues, Connections, What
Post by paul_pero on Aug 29th, 2005, 5:43am

Alcohol seems to be the only trigger. I can drink plenty offcycle (sometimes too much).

At one stage I thought it was  a certain pollen in the air that was causing the HA, but after 14 yrs and having them at all different times of the year I don't believe that anymore.

I kept a diary of what I ate for a few years to see if was a allergy to something, but could not pinpoint anything in particular.


Title: Re: Looking for Triggers, Clues, Connections, What
Post by Sandy_C on Aug 29th, 2005, 7:28am
When in cycle, alcohol, any scents like perfumes, soap, incense, candles - I stay as far away from those things as I can get.  I've gotten now, when not in cycle that I will drink, but I still avoid strong scents everywhere I can.


Title: Re: Looking for Triggers, Clues, Connections, What
Post by Redd715 on Aug 29th, 2005, 7:36am
Everyone has different triggers (if they have any at all).

Mine is storm fronts moving in, too much or too little stress,(a happy medium is gooooood), high heat and humidity, and direct heat (as threw a car window) on the left side of my face.

I also pass an asphalt company on my way to and from work and if I'm already shadowing the stench can trigger me as well.

You triggers may differ.

Title: Re: Looking for Triggers, Clues, Connections, What
Post by Jill on Aug 29th, 2005, 8:40am
Isnt it strange how everyone has different triggers - amazing how different, besides the pain, we all are..  well - except for alcohol which seems to be a trigger for most.  :-/

I seem to find more triggers all of the time... cold is a major one for me like ice cream unless I eat it a certain way or ice in sodas does it, Cold air too... And now heat and humidity seems to be one, strong odors is a given... certain lighting conditions... there are more..

This is an interesting topic, I think. For others, does not getting enough sleep make them worse? Mine seem to be getting worse since I dont sleep but it could be how I am dealing with it.. dont know.


Title: Re: Looking for Triggers, Clues, Connections, What
Post by marlinsfan on Aug 29th, 2005, 10:46am
I have a few triggers: Alcohol, aspartame, orange juice, tomato, milk chocolate (white and dark are OK), some nuts. Also, of course, sleep is the biggest trigger.

Title: Re: Looking for Triggers, Clues, Connections, What
Post by Svenn on Aug 29th, 2005, 10:49am
oilbased paint is a killer
cold wind on the side my cluster is too

Title: Re: Looking for Triggers, Clues, Connections, What
Post by thebbz on Aug 29th, 2005, 9:18pm
Being episodic I will go with when in and when not in a cluster.
When Not in a cluster: Nothing
When in a Cluster: Booze
Coming in from the cold and getting warm.
Relaxing and becoming drousy.
Sometimes I wish I knew
Seems as though the soltice has some effect on the seasonal cycles
Bastard demon anyhow.
BB :)

Title: Re: Looking for Triggers, Clues, Connections, What
Post by don on Sep 1st, 2005, 7:04am
Eating (Guaranteed an attack 20 minutes later)
Long drives
Physical exertion
Frustration and anger

Title: Re: Looking for Triggers, Clues, Connections, What
Post by oudista on Sep 1st, 2005, 11:34am
The following list applies when I'm in cycle:Alcohol, sleep, low air pressure(On planes or in mountains), getting too hot, some strong smells, possibly my emotional state.


Title: Re: Looking for Triggers, Clues, Connections, What
Post by Kris_in_SJ on Sep 1st, 2005, 6:56pm
Also being episodic, I can offer the following:

When not in cycle ... nothing triggers.

When in cycle ... excessive heat and humidity, strong smells like the perfume counter at the department store, and whenever the clock strikes 9:00 PM or 2:00 PM.


Title: Re: Looking for Triggers, Clues, Connections, What
Post by BMoneeTheMoneeMan on Sep 5th, 2005, 1:46am
For me they are pretty typical, Drinking alcohol is a big one.  Also painkillers trigger a HA for me, which sucks cause i used to take up to 30 pills a day in hopes to get relief.  Heat also does, not a hot day, but a sauna or hottub will trigger one.  Excessive noise or strobing shadows.....such as while driving on a sunny day also trigger me.  Also, taking a nap will also trigger at least 2.  Cause of the sleep deprivation, taking a nap sounds really nice, but I cant, or its guaranteed.

What meds you try?  get any relief?

Title: Re: Looking for Triggers, Clues, Connections, What
Post by Out0fTheMist on Sep 10th, 2005, 3:42pm
Hi Marion,
For my daughter Sam the biggest trigger is stress. At 16, you would think stress would not be a very strong trigger for her but even the slightest amount of stress will kick her into a CH.  :'( The change of seasons is another kicker, sometimes even PMS itself will kick one off for Sam.
Take care

Title: Re: Looking for Triggers, Clues, Connections, What
Post by twoyeartorture on Sep 10th, 2005, 10:10pm
I have found triggers for me when I am in "season" are alcohol (even the tinest bit, in food or such), cigarette smoke, ANY preservative and certain smells, heavy perfumes, and for some reason vanilla scent.

The hardest thing is you have to go to an all natural grocery, and still read every lable, it is so expensive.

I also have a sleep disorder, which in my research found a large percentage of cluster headaches sufferers, also have a sleep disorder.

Hope this helps.


Title: Re: Looking for Triggers, Clues, Connections, What
Post by floridian on Sep 12th, 2005, 2:03pm

on 09/10/05 at 22:10:15, twoyeartorture wrote:
I have found triggers for me when I am in "season" are alcohol (even the tinest bit, in food or such), cigarette smoke, ANY preservative and certain smells, heavy perfumes, and for some reason vanilla scent.

The hardest thing is you have to go to an all natural grocery, and still read every lable, it is so expensive.

I also have a sleep disorder, which in my research found a large percentage of cluster headaches sufferers, also have a sleep disorder.

Hope this helps.


There are a bunch of chemicals (including capsaicin, the hot stuff in pepper, and gingerol, the hot stuff in ginger) that are called "vanilloids."  Vanilla is also a vanilloid, not surprisingly.  These all are involved in stimulating sensations of pain and heat.  

Title: Re: Looking for Triggers, Clues, Connections, What
Post by lars2005 on Sep 17th, 2005, 6:40am
the main trigger is stress (too much from work or emotional) - after a stressfull situation I already know I will have a visit from the CH along with a stress attack (chronical stress sindrome here) at night.

also i never had eaten grapefruit before moving to germany and tried it in several forms (the fruit itself, on yogurt and also on cakes) and they all are a trigger so no grapefruit for me. I find strange that it's the only citrin. I can eat orange or lemon with no problem.

Title: Re: Looking for Triggers, Clues, Connections, What
Post by Fig on Sep 18th, 2005, 8:31pm
I find all the input very interesting and informative and helpful.  A lot of it rings true for me as well. Yes, stress is a big trigger! I also have a problem with sleep--I often go 4-5 nights with no sleep at all--chronic insomnia. It's a **^%#. I do take Ambien and it generally works very well, but sometimes..... So, other than avoiding the obvious triggers (we can't control the seasons or the atmosphere!) and trying to stay positive, I guess all we can do is hope and pray for the best and urge research to work for a cure! Hugs to all, Marion :)

Title: Re: Looking for Triggers, Clues, Connections, What
Post by unclejake127 on Sep 18th, 2005, 8:47pm
On cycle only

alchol  always
strong smells
weather changes
and at 2am 8)

Title: Re: Looking for Triggers, Clues, Connections, What
Post by jon019 on Sep 18th, 2005, 10:36pm

Ive been told by friendlies wishing to diagnose me that my headaches "must" be caused by stress. Only thing is there is nothing more stressful than the 'headaches"  themselves (and they eventually go away anyway). So I don't buy it.

My list FWIW(all only when in cycle and I still haven't figured out which bastard starts the cycle)


high barometric pressure (you know, a bright sunny day, figured that one out when i noticed every time I was headed for the O 2 shop I had to put on my shades)

any change in normal routine (sleep, eat, travel, work, sex, exercise, etc). Gets kind of boring when you can't be spontaneous.

aspartame, msg, aged cheeses

welding fumes (zincs a killer and I literally run, people think I'm nuts), heavy perfume, other very strong odors

crave naps but dare not



Title: Re: Looking for Triggers, Clues, Connections, What
Post by stevema on Sep 25th, 2005, 10:05am
what is it about sleep?

me, in cycle only:
strong smells,
known food triggers *sometimes* (!), i.e. citrus, nuts butters.
rainy days (pressure? barometer?)

Title: Re: Looking for Triggers, Clues, Connections, What
Post by joey_the_grip on Sep 25th, 2005, 12:04pm
You asked about connections. I'm not sure what it means but the molecules of seratonin, melatonin and psylocibin are similar. Marijuana in very small amounts will trigger a low level headache which is easily aborted by excedrin in me. If I trigger small ones every day I rarely go past a 6 or 7. Although I still have unscheduled visits from the beast, I can cope with a 6 when it awakens me. Overindulgence WILL trigger an 8+ that lasts for hours and nothing I can get my hands on will touch it. If I abstain from using during my cycle I can expect 2 a day in the 6 to 8 range like clockwork.

Title: Re: Looking for Triggers, Clues, Connections, What
Post by twenty2strings on Sep 25th, 2005, 12:18pm
When not in cycle - nothing.

When in cycle -
alcohol (1 sip will do it!)
heavy physical activity
eating after 3 p.m.
eating anything spicy, heavy, or with any flavor at anytime (I survive on Ramen Noodles... :P)
lying down
worrying that I'm going to get one

Wondering if anyone is triggered by Peanut Butter, Popcorn or Hot Sauce?

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