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(Message started by: chicanohek on Jan 19th, 2006, 10:52pm)

Title: Hello from China and my story
Post by chicanohek on Jan 19th, 2006, 10:52pm
Hello Everybody,

I am currently in China, living working and dealing with my affliction.
I was diagnosed with CH about 7 years ago, however, i suffered for nearly 10. My first CH occured when I was 19. I was sitting in history class when i felt a so called "phantom".  My initial reaction was to blame my poor sleep habits (frosh in college), poor eating habits (dorm food) and overall stress (college).
the fantom quickly advanced into more severe pain, which up until that moment in my life I could not associate with anything else. I ran to the bathroom and cowered there until the pain subsided. I was dumbstruck at the possibility of living with this condition so i brushed it asside as a freak occurance. However, over the next 6 months, i was to experience the headaches almost daily. Everthing in my life was effected. My family had no way of relating and coming from a Mexican-American household of men, i was ridiculed for not being "tough" enough. At the time, I succombed to the "macho" mentality of my upbringing and avoided seeing a doctor. How did i cope with the pain? Hitting my head. Sqeezing my temples. Getting wasted off booze and drugs. Taking a HOT shower and then a cold one. Sex. Somtimes with others and somtimes with myself.  Holding my breath. Running. Fighting. Virtually anything that would distract me from the pain even if it was for only a second. None helped.
Because I could not be in class during a headache, and trust me, i tried only to frighten the other students, my grades faultered and I ended up out of school. Over the next 3-4 years, i wondered from job to job eventually hitting the bottom of the barrel when i took up drinking and smoking weed. However, even the self destruction i lavished upon myself did not prevent the CH. I still suffered. Suddenly, I was in my mid-twenties with nothing. No job, no education and no management for the CH. I asked myself what was to become of my life if i continued to live a life ignoring the massive monkey on my shoulder.  Eventually, I made a decision seek treatment and eventually move on with my life. If anybody has every been in my position, you will know that doctors don't just let people in their doors just because they knock on it with their heads. Money opens doors and that means INSURANCE. Since I had none of both it seemed i was, as my friends are fond of saying, "s$!t out of luck".  Luck, fate or serindipity helped me out when Oregon approved state sponsored medical insurance for "needy" indiviuals/families. I quickly capitalized on this opportunity by applying. Since I had not had a stable job in years and with no assets, i was a prime candidate. Once approved, i saw a doctor, Dr. Sullivan in Medford, Oregon who diagnosed me with CH. We went though several medications until we found a medication that  lowered the freqency and intensity of the CH. Maxalt does it for me, although only 75% of the time. Upon discovering this web page, i will try the alternative treatments to aliviate the pain for the other 25%.
Once I was evaluated, I went back to school, graduated with BA and masters degrees. I currently live and work in Suzhou China where I was recently married.
If you managed to read this entire post, i owe you a hug. Thank you. I would love to hear your story and how you have managed to cope with this devestating condition. God bless.

Title: Re: Hello from China and my story
Post by MJ on Jan 21st, 2006, 1:17am

Way to pull it together Hector.

Read on and many stories will unfold.

Title: Re: Hello from China and my story
Post by Drosen on Jan 24th, 2006, 3:44am
Hrmm, like you Hector, I got my first CH in the middle of history class. I think we could be on to something with this!

new theory: History classes are triggers for CH!! nobody study history anymore!!! :P

hope you have access to english speaking doctors, or are fluent in madarin/cantonese. trying to work with doctors who dont speak any english can be a real hoot!

Title: Re: Hello from China and my story
Post by Peppermint on Feb 7th, 2006, 1:27pm
Orale pues chicano, bien hecho! ;;D

Very glad for you, always makes you think about who else is out there...

PF to you,

Title: Re: Hello from China and my story
Post by Jasmyn on Feb 7th, 2006, 1:44pm
Well, Welcome here.  

I'm glad to see you are a man that took the bull by the horn and didn't allow CH to rule your life further.

That is all we can do, conquer the beast, one day at a time.

Wishing you PF times and more visits to this board.

Title: Re: Hello from China and my story
Post by Dragnlance on Feb 7th, 2006, 3:41pm
Hector, Welcome!
every day I am here, I am amazed at what people can survive. Many times I wondered if I would. I am Very impressed with the way you turned your life around, and found something to allow you to have some pf time. Thank you for sharing, and offering some hope for those of us that have not yet found something that works

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