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(Message started by: squishy on Mar 9th, 2008, 1:24am)

Title: In the middle of a cycle, and so behind on work
Post by squishy on Mar 9th, 2008, 1:24am
My CH cycles are worse in the winter months. I thought I was going to avoid them this winter, but they started about a week ago.

Since that time, I've fallen so behind on work that it's not even funny. I have clients waiting on me to finish things and I'm either in too much pain or too exhausted to do it (programming so I need to be thinking straight).

How do you deal with this?

I'm fortunate to be able to work from home doing freelance work, because I can't imagine having to drag myself out of the house to put in a 40hr work week during these times. Still, though, it feels liek when I get into a bad cluster cycle, I just have to put my life on hold until they're over with.

That doesn't always fly in the job/family department.

Title: Re: In the middle of a cycle, and so behind on wor
Post by AussieBrian on Mar 9th, 2008, 1:47am

on 03/09/08 at 01:24:46, squishy wrote:
How do you deal with this?

With great difficulty, darlin', but if PF wishes count for anything you've got them by the bucket.

Title: Re: In the middle of a cycle, and so behind on wor
Post by squishy on Mar 9th, 2008, 3:06am
Thank you. :)

As much as I wish no one had to suffer this pain, it is also comforting to be able to hear from others who can relate. You just can't discuss this with someone who doesn't have clusters. They try, but they just don't get it, really.

I do believe childbirth was less painful.... perhaps if I'd given birth through my face?

I've managed to do a few things, now to go to bed and hope the pain doesn't wake me up again.

Mine usually hit about 5-6pm and again around 12-1am. I get two headaches back to back, with 1-2hrs between. The 2nd one is shorter, but much more intense, or perhaps it just feels that way because I'm worn down from the first. Sometimes I'll get another one around 6am that will ast for a good 3-4hrs.

Title: Re: In the middle of a cycle, and so behind on wor
Post by AussieBrian on Mar 9th, 2008, 3:12am
You're amongst friends now, Squishy.  No need to explain because we understand.

Sleep tight, happy dreams, tomorrow's another day.

Title: Re: In the middle of a cycle, and so behind on wor
Post by DennisM1045 on Mar 9th, 2008, 7:58am
Hey Squishy,

I'm a programmer and a Father too so I know exactly how you feel.  The beast doesn't make it easy.  My work does suffer during cycles but I work hard to make sure it doesn't stop.  

My hours are split 80/20 between the office and home.  Typical weeks are 45-50 hours and I freelance on the weekends another 10-15 hours.  I keep an E-tank in a file drawer within easy reach at the office and an M-tank at home.  I deal with the pain as soon as it rears its ugly head and then refocus on the task at hand as soon as I’m able.

I think shadows and exhaustion from lack of sleep are more disruptive than actual hits.  Melatonin helps keep me from getting hit at night and sleep 6-7 hours or so.  Day time hits I can deal with and then move on.  With O2 that can mean a 15-25 minute interruption but then I’m back at it again.

My biggest challenge isn't writing code its making sure I didn't break anything else in the process ;)

To help with this I rely on a lot of automated unit testing.  I've adopted CPPUNIT in almost everything I do now.  I work in the embedded world so I know it can be done anywhere.  Almost all my code is wrapped in an automated test harness that runs every time I compile something.  

Write a test
Watch the test fail
Write a small amount of code to get the test to pass

By following this process if I screw things up I only screw it up incrementally and it’s easy to see where and when things went wrong. It just takes discipline.

The other thing I do is to keep a laundry list of tasks that includes a clean up list.  Clean up items tend to be more rote and mind-numbing in nature: cleaning up namespace issues, fixing comment blocks, small refactorings... you get the idea.  These are things I can take care of even if I feel like crap.  I’ll save the more creative tasks like deciding on the best hash key for a dataset or creating UML diagrams for a new design for when my mind is clearer.

If I stick to this process even though I’m slowed down by the pain I can still make relatively steady progress on my goals and make the best use what brain cells are functioning throughout the week.

I hope this helps.  


Title: Re: In the middle of a cycle, and so behind on wor
Post by kevmd on Mar 9th, 2008, 3:44pm
You've metioned a common problem around here.  My work is sufferinig as well.  Also, the pregant wife and kid have been on their own when it comes to doing birth parties....etc  I am fortunate to be able to work from home as well.  Though being a sales rep, I need to be on the road seeing these clients.  
Hopefully, your clients will understand.  It may take being completely honest with them as to your condition. Its working for me so far and I maybe getting some sympathy business as a result.  Some how sales are up 25% so far this year.  But thats a call you need to make.  I wish you luck and feel your pain.

Title: Re: In the middle of a cycle, and so behind on wor
Post by squishy on Mar 9th, 2008, 6:30pm
I meant to get back to this earlier but today has been a BAD day. I've either been in extreme pain or asleep. I haven't really found anything that helps my CHs much at all.

Dennis, thanks for the suggestions. Saving the clean-up for those times when you're jsut not feeling 100% is a good idea. I, too, find that the exhaustion that comes from the lack fo sleep and dealing with the pain is more of a problem, in terms of getting things done, than the actual headaches.... except for possibly this round, which is turning into a rough one.

Kev, I have a couple of clients that I work with and I know they would be understanding about it, but both are new startups that have their own deadlines to meet for funding requirements. I guess it just bothers me because I don't feel like it should be their problem and I don't want to make it their problem. They do deserve an explanation, though.

Title: Re: In the middle of a cycle, and so behind on wor
Post by DennisM1045 on Mar 9th, 2008, 7:52pm
What are you doing to deal with things now?  I haven't seen you lay out your treatment plan yet.  If I missed it I'm sorry.  Take a minute and write something up in the Getting to Know You section and maybe we can help.

Good luck...


Title: Re: In the middle of a cycle, and so behind on wor
Post by schlags on Mar 10th, 2008, 12:13am
For what it's worth, work, or not being able to do it, frustrates me a lot during cycles.  The one thing that really helps me are lists, lists and more lists.  There's nothing worse than feeling like tasks are piling up; everything is scrambled up in your head and if you're like me, you don't know what to tackle first so you avoid it all.  At least crossing completed tasks off of the lists helps me realize that I did get some things accomplished.  Usually, unless I'm in the middle of a real headbanger, I can find something that doesn't require too much concentration when I'm feeling symptoms.  Like I said, for what it's worth....... Message Board » Powered by YaBB 1 Gold - SP 1.3.1!
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