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(Message started by: birdman on Jan 16th, 2008, 9:59am)

Title: Supplements
Post by birdman on Jan 16th, 2008, 9:59am
Can someone save me from searching through the archives and recommend a good supplement regime?  I am thinking of taurine and magnesium/calcium supplements and looking for a recommended dosage.  I am eposodic but having a hard time breaking a long cycle.  37yo male, weighing 225.  If that info matters.  Currently on detox to try a clusterbuster but need something to help get me through it.

Title: Re: Supplements
Post by pattik on Jan 16th, 2008, 10:15am
I haven't tried the taurine yet, but I think magnesium/calcium is a good bet for you.  Besides what I get from a good generic multivitamin/mineral supplement, I take 500 mg of magnesium and 1000 mg calcium(+D) a day with food-- divided into two doses over the day.  I think the calcium is important for the absorbtion of the magnesium.  You could try a little more magnesium than I use, but you might experience some GI issues, in which case, cut back.  Someone else who is more familiar with taurine should come along soon with some ideas.
I hope this helps with the detox.  Keep us posted.

Title: Re: Supplements
Post by nani on Jan 16th, 2008, 2:34pm
Hey, Tim. I just upped my taurine to 3000 mgs a day.
(I had a few pf days and attempted to taper of taurine and neurontin...and I really paid a high price for it)

I also take a Cal-Mag with 250 mgs of calcium and 250 mgs of magnesium.

I see now that that may be low... hmmm.

Good luck, sweetie.  :-*

Title: Re: Supplements
Post by birdman on Jan 16th, 2008, 3:19pm
I knew I could count on Nani replying.  Do you take all your taurine at once?  

Title: Re: Supplements
Post by Barry_T_Coles on Jan 16th, 2008, 8:32pm
Hi Tim
I’ve been running with Taurine /Magnesium since April 06 and getting some pretty good results.
It took me a while to get the balance right but I settled on 500mg of each with meals three time a day which is the recommended dose; it took nearly six month before I got any serious relief but when I did it was great, I went from getting hit any time the beast wanted to having really good breaks, 261 days PF then a 50 day high cycle & no hit over an 8 & now currently 161 days PF, I still shadow to varying degrees but that’s a hell of a lot better than before.

There are some side effects that are only minor: the Magnesium will block the calcium intake and you may find that you will get muscle & joint soreness, this can be alleviated by using the Magnesium/Calcium supplements & preferably the celated ones as they are more easily absorbed into the system; weight loss is another side effect that so far I haven’t found a way of getting around, I’ve gone from 133 lbs down to 119 lbs & I eat like a horse.
As you can see it takes a while for the effect to fully come through (6 months in my case) but it would be interesting to see how it would go in the case of an episodic.
Also what I have found is that once you get the relief you are after its worth changing the routine: what I did was go from three times a day to twice a day then back to 3 then down to once a day & so on, it’s what I call morphing yourself before the beast has a chance to do it, never let the bastard get comfortable.


Here’s some links to Taurine info, I don’t know if they are all still current but there’s some good reading in there.

Title: Re: Supplements
Post by nani on Jan 17th, 2008, 12:24am

on 01/16/08 at 15:19:23, birdman wrote:
 Do you take all your taurine at once?  

No, Tim, I take 1000 mgs in the AM and 2000 in the afternoon.

Barry, I have to thank you for all the taurine info. You did a great job of keeping track and reporting.

I'm trying to figure out which part of your regimen causes weight loss... I could use a lil of that.  ;) Message Board » Powered by YaBB 1 Gold - SP 1.3.1!
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