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(Message started by: jpa on Mar 3rd, 2008, 5:21pm)

Title: Lithium
Post by jpa on Mar 3rd, 2008, 5:21pm
I saw a new neurologist last week, she seems to actually know something about CH. She started me on 300 mg of lithium and said in one month I could get a blood test. If every thing looks ok we can increase the dose. She said we would keep increasing it until it started to help or I couldn't tolerate the side effects.

I was wondering what dose others were taking and what side effects they experienced.


Title: Re: Lithium
Post by Guiseppi on Mar 3rd, 2008, 5:35pm
For dose comparisons I'm male, weigh about 190 pounds, 48 years old. I use 1200 mg a day of lithium while on cycle. When we first tried it, many years ago, I weighed 165 pounds and was succesful at 900 mg a day. I started at 300 a day for a couple of days followed by a blood draw, then about 3-4 days on 600, with another blood draw, then to 900 mg, with another blood draw after about 2 weeks. (All time frames are approximate, it's been a long time!. )

Now when a cycle starts I go 300 for 2 days, 600 2 days, 900 2 days then finally 1200 a day. We don;t bother with blood tests anymore. My wife and I are well versed in the symptoms of lithium toxicity, although I have never had any problems with it.

300 mg a day is a very low dose, (If i can be so rude as to inquire about comparitive weight!!!  ;)) It might take a higher dose before you get relief. A Month seems like a long time to wait to see what your body absorbs.

At 1200 mg a day, it blocks 80-90% of my attacks. Oxygen combined with oral cafergot handle the majority of the break thrus, with the ever occasional imitrex jab when I'm getting creamed. The only side effects, I pee a LOT for the first 2 weeks while my body gets used to it. I feel a degree of lethargy for the first few weeks but it passes. I am in law enforcement so limited as to my med options. I can fully function on 1200 mg a day without missing a beat.

I hope it proves as useful for you. Please say they've equipped you with oxygen, that should be your first line abortive.

Wishing you peace and a short cycle.


Title: Re: Lithium
Post by jpa on Mar 3rd, 2008, 5:41pm

If i can be so rude as to inquire about comparitive weight!!!  

I weight about 215.

I have been using O2 for about 2 years now. I don't know how I ever got along without it before.

Title: Re: Lithium
Post by Annette on Mar 3rd, 2008, 6:46pm

My husband was trialed for Lithium and he went up to 1200 mg a day as well but had to stop because it wasnt helping him that much and it gave him really bad shakes of the hands at high dose.

Hope you have better luck with it.

Lithium is often combined with verapamil if there is no contraindication. The combination may help the person achieve a better result at a lower dose for both meds, which is better.

Title: Re: Lithium
Post by brewcrew on Mar 3rd, 2008, 7:51pm
It's my understanding that CH patients generally find theraputic levels at about half of what bi-polar patients do.

I'm currently taking 900 mg / day and have been taking it pretty much non-stop for over three years. I weigh 200 lbs. and have never experienced any indications of toxicity.

Title: Re: Lithium
Post by kevmd on Mar 3rd, 2008, 9:14pm
I agree with Giuseppe.  300 mg for a month is very low.  When I first started lithium, 600mg did the trick.  Currently combing 900 mg with 1200 mg of verapamil.  Do not think the lithium is helping much.  Just had my levels checked and may up the lithium to 1200 mg.  As afar as side effects, I have had some mild hand tremors but nothing bad.  Its a pretty effective drug for alot of people.  But again, i do not know if 300 mg will be enough

Title: Re: Lithium
Post by jpa on Mar 3rd, 2008, 9:43pm
Thanks for the info. I don't know why I was started at such a low dose. I have tried Verapamil and never got along with it very well. I really hope this is what works for me but I've learned not to get my hopes up too much. If it don't work I know I can continue fighting but it sure would be nice to kick the beasts ass for a while.


Title: Re: Lithium
Post by Bob_Johnson on Mar 4th, 2008, 9:25am
Lithium is a good med when used by skilled hands and by the rules. Ramping up slowly is done for two reasons: it does not go into effect quckly and so you need to give your body time to signal its response to any given dosage; and, the level at which it starts to become toxic varies from person to person and, agan, time is the only way to test your response. (Also the reason to be faithful in doing the blood work!)

It's been used for many years for mood disorders and borderline personality with some value. Before leaving N.C. a few years ago, my office just happened to be in eyesight of the surface mine where lithium is found.

Title: Re: Lithium
Post by Guiseppi on Mar 4th, 2008, 10:09am
Bob makes an excellent point, I was probably vague about that in my post. Never increase or decrease any medication unless advised by your doc.

We use a lot of very high horse power meds for this condition, used correctly they're incredibly beneficial for us, but they're not the kind of stuff we should be self adjusting on! It's a point we like to repeat every so often just for emphasis! ;)


Title: Re: Lithium
Post by lionsound on Mar 4th, 2008, 5:46pm
I speak from experience .... a clusterbuddy of mine had lithium toxicity and it was very scary.

I would suggest that you ask your doc and google-up the symptoms of lithium toxicity. Familiarize yourself with them and tell your significant other or a friend or someone you see every day what the symptoms are.
It is possible that you can get so confused if you have lithium toxicity that you can't recognize anything is happening. Those around you will notice.
I believe that there are also some dietary things you need to look out for while on lithium... so ask your doc.

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