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(Message started by: helpmyhead27 on Jan 7th, 2003, 2:14pm)

Title: Aborted Major Attack
Post by helpmyhead27 on Jan 7th, 2003, 2:14pm
Hi I've only been here for a few days, but I think somewhere on the site I read about hot water.
Well, this morning I awoke with a massive attack coming on quick.  I ran to the sink and started splashing hot water on my face, aimed mostly at the top of my nose and above my (closed) eyes.  As I did this, I also breathed in the hot moist air around the water deeply.
My head was tilted forward as well (I've always found lying back to be terrible during an attack).

I was amazed to find the seemingly inevitable hell completely aborted.  The uneasy feeling of sweatiness and anticipation went away first (even though I was using hot water) and then the headache just went poof, never getting to level 9 or 10 as I could tell it was destined to.  

I have never aborted this ominous type of headache before!   I could tell I was in for one of the worst.  It is quite exciting!  Has anyone else tried this?


Title: Re: Aborted Major Attack
Post by helpmyhead27 on Jan 7th, 2003, 5:41pm
I need to add a postscript to my above story.  Throughout the day, my headache keeps trying to make a comeback.  It seems that the headache cause is still there even though it was aborted.

However, I really think I am on to something here.  The first time it came back, I did the same thing (splashing hot water around my nose and eyes), and it worked again- the headache died in its tracks.

The second time it came back it was more relentless and the splashing therapy wasn't working.  So I figured why not try something nuts?  Since splashing hot water and "breathing" it seemed to help, why not just go all out and literally pour it down my nostril from a cup?

So as my headache was hitting the 9's, I stood in my bathtub and poured hot water into my right nostril (the side of the headache) with my head tilted back.  I experienced a phenomenal clearup.  The whole sinus anatomy and headache sydrome seemed to completely mutate.  After a few pours, the headache was less than a 1.  

I really think I am onto something here- maybe others should try pouring hot water down their nostril and tilting their head back as well.  I haven't heard this suggested but it seems to directly attack whatever is going on.


Title: Re: Aborted Major Attack
Post by domm on Jan 7th, 2003, 6:40pm
HMH - "some like it hot, others like it cold" read the post above about "fresh air exchange" where others are talking about cold air and O2. Others have indicated they could abort an attack with a hot (hot as you can stand it) shower. Some have tried "nasal washes" usually with a saline solution or with lidocaine in it.
Personaly, I haven't had any success with hot. Cold seems to be the trick for me, as an abortive (when I can't get to my O2). But I'm glad you're having some success.
PFDANs to ya

Title: Re: Aborted Major Attack
Post by suzy617 on Jan 7th, 2003, 8:07pm
The next time I'm in cycle, I will try the hot thingy. All I usually do is rock in my bed or pace the floors. Cold is out for me, I'm always cold and I hate the feeling. This time around I will be prepared for the beast collecting all my meds and info from here. Wish I had found a place like this 20 years ago!
Thanks for the tips...


Title: Re: Aborted Major Attack
Post by bRathbone on Jan 16th, 2003, 11:02am
congrats on aborting the headache.

In the past I have had similar results in a number of ways:
hot shower
kneeling in "prayer position" beside/on bed with head face down
slow deep breathing
putting head between knees

Have also had not quite as good results with an ice bag, exercise, and relaxing/messaging the scalp.

Unfortunately I've had the same problem you reported that the headache seems to be down but not out, so it keeps coming back to life. And quite often it's stronger each time.

It's still nice to have these techniques. Sometimes they make a big difference. Like I had a terrible one the other night where I could feel pain with every heartbeat, like a pulsing. Kneeling in prayer position by the bed made it go away within a minute and it never came back. I got a lesser headache an hour later but that was nothing compared to the one that went away.

Title: Re: Aborted Major Attack
Post by marty on Jan 16th, 2003, 2:11pm
Hi Helpmyhead..

For me it has to be hot. I drink steaming hot coffee and lots of it..  

I think that it was Mark C that told me about how the vapors from coffee are listed as hazardous materials so they must do something good ;D


Title: Re: Aborted Major Attack
Post by MadMan on Jan 21st, 2003, 12:19pm

Anything that works.

As you may find from reading here, different strokes for different folks. For me its COLD. Right now it's pretty cold outside, so just going outside during an attack can be helpful. I never thought of blasting cold water down my nose though. That's a thought! May have to try it.

Why not, have tried everything else.

Sacrificing a chicken in some sort of bizzare Voodoo ritual does not seem to out of line anymore after having been Cronic for two years.  

Title: Re: Aborted Major Attack
Post by dmayer on Jan 21st, 2003, 8:27pm
I'm glad it helped you. It sometimes helps :) sometimes not.  :( I make the water as hot as possible for as long as I can stand it then switch to cold. What a rush, Oxygen has also helped a great deal.

Title: Re: Aborted Major Attack
Post by dmayer on Jan 21st, 2003, 8:29pm

on 01/21/03 at 12:19:21, MadMan wrote:

Anything that works.

As you may find from reading here, different strokes for different folks. For me its COLD. Right now it's pretty cold outside, so just going outside during an attack can be helpful. I never thought of blasting cold water down my nose though. That's a thought! May have to try it.

Why not, have tried everything else.

Sacrificing a chicken in some sort of bizzare Voodoo ritual does not seem to out of line anymore after having been Cronic for two years.  

Title: Re: Aborted Major Attack
Post by dmayer on Jan 21st, 2003, 8:32pm
Hey Mad man I can't believe the chicken thing would work but like you I would try anything. Sorry your cronic. Mine have lasted about 2 months and this is my 4th cycle. I hope you find something that works

Title: Re: Aborted Major Attack
Post by JSSJ on Jan 22nd, 2003, 12:34am
I'm new to this site going on my sixth year. I just started another cycle after nothing for a year and a half. I also find that hot helps ease the pain. I just sit by the sink splashing hot water on my face. Or if I'm at work ( I own a restaurant) I just stand by the grill. My chef just looks at me like I'm crazy as I try to stick my face over the fire. Message Board » Powered by YaBB 1 Gold - SP 1.3.1!
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