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   Occipital nerve blockade
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   Author  Topic: Occipital nerve blockade  (Read 1308 times)
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Occipital nerve blockade
« on: Dec 16th, 2005, 11:50am »
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I saw an new neurologist hoping to find someone to agree with mega doses of verapimil.  We ended up settling for 240 mg twice a day and using imitrex and O2.  However he suggested the occipital nerve block injection.  Fortunately I knew what this was from a GREAT article (that I really could identify with) I found in the message boards (  It seemed good and the article didn't mention any side effects so I went for it.  The injection site at the base of my head behind my ear on problem side is a little tender but much better day 2.  I slept all night but I also started on melatonin 2 nights ago.  I'll let you know if this breaks my cycle or just gives me a reprieve.  I hope it just doesn't prolong the cycle, I'd rather suffer and get through it.
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Re: Occipital nerve blockade
« Reply #1 on: Dec 16th, 2005, 1:51pm »
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Thank you for keeping us informed.  This is something we have been looking at as an option.  
You said you slept for two nights.  Do you mainly get hit at night?  
Thank you again.  Hope this does the trick for youSmiley
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New Board Newbie

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Posts: 19
Re: Occipital nerve blockade
« Reply #2 on: Dec 16th, 2005, 3:42pm »
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Since Dec 1 I had my first 2 AM wakeup call.  Since then I have had several more and on Dec 7 I started a four night chain of attacks.  That is why I started the melatonin. Today I am less tender at injection site and have just had lite and short shadows during the day. Thanks for the support. I hope some people who have tried this respond as the literature mentioned having at least a short repreive, I think 2 to 6 days. I've already thought I would give it another try if it wears off but my biggest concern is I don't want to delay the inevitable if that is the way these things work. One final note I have had clusters for 19 years and am episodic.
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New Board Newbie

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Gender: male
Posts: 19
Re: Occipital nerve blockade
« Reply #3 on: Dec 19th, 2005, 3:18pm »
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In the AM of the 17th starting at 1 AM I had hourly ha w/ O2 relieve.  At 5 I gave up and used Imitrex and went to bed.  Bottom line I am not impressed with occipital block.  It worked maybe two days as my criteria is total stoppage this breakthru stops the test period.  I will not try another block. I did have another 2 am visit on 18th but O2 took it out. No daytime ha just shadows or signals to let me know mr beast is there lurking.
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