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(Message started by: Squanto on Nov 19th, 2005, 9:56pm)

Title: Now trying RC seeds
Post by Squanto on Nov 19th, 2005, 9:56pm
I've got my rivea corymbosa seeds from on Thursday. Friday was not a particularly good day to try something different. But "just in case" I crushed 10 RC seeds and started them soaking in 2 oz of water. The seeds are pretty hard. I used a mortar and pestlle but they want to fly out of the bowl.  I'm thinking about using a pepper grinder next time. I'm more than 5 days since my last SPUT,  about 2 months since my last Imitrex injection, and and almost a month since I had a major dose of shrooms.

To my surprise and delight Friday I had a pretty much pain free day. So, I let the seeds continue to soak.

Today (Saturday) I awakened at 4 AM  with a KIP 5. I got up and turned on the O2 for 15 minutes (10 LPM).  The pain receded to about KIP 3. I decided it was as good a time as any to try my rivea corymbosa (RC seed) solution. Stomach was empty and I was "detoxed."

With some trepidation I measured out 1 oz of the stuff (half of 10 seeds would give me about 5 seeds worth, which was the number recommended.) After my second experience with the shrooms I really wanted to err on the mild side. I was also a little leery of what the taste was going to be - I don't ever recall drinking "pond water" but it didn't sound inviting. Actually tho' the taste is not all that bad.  Cold black coffee or warm Red Bull is worse. The solutions looks like weak tea with "stuff" suspended in it after shaking. I tossed it back, then i expectanly waited.

Over the next hour my headache slowly receded to pain free!  But the rest of the day has been a little strange.  No trippy effects or stomach upset. But I've had sorta of a "waxing - waning" left sided headache.  Slowly builds over an hour or more to a  KIP 3 at most. Hangs around half hour or so then slowly fades to pain free. Usually my cluster headache is suddenly just THERE! and if I get reliief it usually happens pretty quickly over a few minutes.  So the pattern is different. Not really worse, but different.

I've still got the remainder of my  concoction (1 oz of solution containing about 5 RC seed).  Right now, 10 PM, I'm pain free. I think I'll wait until I get a major hit and to drink the rest of it.
And so it goes.


Title: Re: Now trying RC seeds
Post by Kevin_M on Nov 19th, 2005, 10:29pm
Thanks for posting in such good detail.  I like the RC seed idea.   8)

Title: Re: Now trying RC seeds
Post by BikerBob on Nov 20th, 2005, 3:19am
I like your idea about preparing RC seeds from a pepper grinder. It sounds a lot better than trying to crush them in a bowl with the back end of a screwdriver while bits are flying around all over the place. Another way is to put them into a little Braun coffee grinder (ala Starbucks) and pulverize them to powder, then put that material in water or white wine and shake it every hour for a few hours.

BB ;)

Title: Re: Now trying RC seeds
Post by Jonny on Nov 20th, 2005, 3:44am

on 11/19/05 at 21:56:19, Squanto wrote:
and almost a month since I had a major dose of shrooms.

How much is a "Major dose"?

Title: Re: Now trying RC seeds
Post by Squanto on Nov 20th, 2005, 5:37am
Jonny:  "...a major dose"  (for me) was 2 grams of dried P cubensis.  Had a [b]very]/b] unpleasant 6-7 hours from that. Still not sure what (if anythng) I did wrong except waiting until I'd reached my seniority to try tripping.

It's about 5:30 AM now  Awakened at about 5 with a KIP 5. Took the residual 1 oz.  Waiting for some relief.  Would really like to get on the O2 - but I'll gut it out to see if this small amount of RC seeds do anything good.

More as more happens


Title: Re: Now trying RC seeds
Post by Flash on Nov 20th, 2005, 8:12am
You are probably safe to up the dose to 10 seeds next time, and if that's still OK then try 15.  All the anecdotal evidence we have today suggests that 15 is the 'buzz' threshold dose and will not cause tripping effects.  15 seeds would appear to be equivalent to 2/3rds gram of dried shrooms.  But best work up to it in batches of 5 just to be on the safe side.  What you experienced on the 5 seeds is consistent with what happens to me if I take too small a dose of shrooms.  It doesn't quie knock out the headache.

Title: Re: Now trying RC seeds
Post by Squanto on Nov 20th, 2005, 9:38am
I'm still working at it.

About an hour after taking the 5 seed/water concoction, my headache  ramped up to about KIP 7. I was thinking, "This ain't helping at all!"  Then over the next couple of hours it's receded to a KIP 2 or so. The autonomic symptoms have gone away (sweaty forehead, watery eye and stuffy nose) I didn't go to the O2, but I was sorely tempted.

I used the pepper mill to grind 9 seeds Fiigured one for the mill and couldn't cut one in the half. (Flash recommended going in steps of 5 seeds. I'm staying cautious though.)  The pepper mill worked pretty good - just don't know how much "stuff" remains in the mill. Right now, I have the ground seeds soaking in in an ounce of white Chardonnay (is that redundent?) I'm committed to give this a good try.

And so it goes.


Title: Re: Now trying RC seeds
Post by Flash on Nov 20th, 2005, 1:54pm
Take into account that there may, or may not, be a door shutting effect.  So if you get up to 15 seeds and aren't getting ay relief then try leaving it 4-5 days between doses.

Title: Re: Now trying RC seeds
Post by Squanto on Nov 21st, 2005, 12:20pm
Well, maybe the "door is already shut."

Woke up at 5 AM with a KIP 4.  Took the 9 seeds in wine that I started soaking last night. No benefit at all.  Had a little stomach awareness for about an hour but no HA relief. No trippy stuff.  KIP 3 to 4 all morning. Finally resorted to the O2.

Aside: the seeds REALLY don't improve the taste of white wine. I think I prefer taste of the water concoction. Neither one is going to win any prize for culinary magic.

So, I'll wait 5 days to try the next higher dose (~ 12 seeds) Maybe the door will be open by then.


Title: Re: Now trying RC seeds
Post by Rock_Lobster on Nov 21st, 2005, 12:24pm
Pepper grinder... sweet idea.  All over that... will report results.

Title: Re: Now trying RC seeds
Post by Rock_Lobster on Nov 24th, 2005, 12:01pm
Pepper grinder was most effective.  Two thumbs up.

Title: Re: Now trying RC seeds
Post by Flash on Nov 24th, 2005, 7:33pm
Pepper grinder = inexpensive but hard work.  Electric coffee grinder as suggested by someone earlier.  That is the way forward.  And the ground seeds probably make for easier extraction once soaked in the wine.

Squanto - hey look on the bright side, perhaps your wine was corked!  I'd take it back to the shop and complain.  Seriously though 5 days and the door will definately be reopen.  Try 12 ground seeds soaked in wine for 24 hours, 5 days from now.  Also remember it is not necessary to trip in order for the seeds to work.  We have reports from 3 people whoa are each taking 15 seeds - they don't experience barely discernable effects at most, yet the seeds are still doing the job.

Title: Re: Now trying RC seeds
Post by Squanto on Nov 24th, 2005, 7:39pm
My timing is off.

Woke up this morning with a KIP 4. Had 15 RC seeds soaking overnight in one oz of water. It'd been 4 days since my last dose (about 8 seeds) so I figured, "There ain't nuthin' magic about the 5 day wait, is there?" So I took the 15 seed preparation.

While I was waiting for relief, or something to happen, I read Flash's &  PinkFloyd's (I think it was him) suggestion to wait as long a possible and at least 5 days. Well shoot! I'd already done the deed.

Over the hour or so after the dose, my headache ramped up to maybe a heavy 5.  Then gradually receded to about "just noticeable."  Stayed that way all day. Then about an hour ago I realized,  "I'm pain free!" Still grumpy but pain free.  About 12 hours after my 15 seed dose.

So I got benefit. Not exactly what I would have ordered but some relief. No trippy effects or anything else for that matter.

Aside: The more seeds in the water the worse it tastes. Shoulda seen that coming. Anybody got any suggestions to improve the flavor?  I see Nani is up to 23 seeds. That must be a real "Ugh" experience.


Title: Re: Now trying RC seeds
Post by Rock_Lobster on Nov 24th, 2005, 9:14pm

on 11/24/05 at 19:33:36, Flash wrote:
Pepper grinder = inexpensive but hard work.  

Actually I was surprised at how easily it went.  The initial rotation of the grinder met with resistance, but it only took about 10 revolutions to reduce 20 seeds to dust.  Perhaps 20-30 seconds of labor.


Title: Re: Now trying RC seeds
Post by Flash on Nov 25th, 2005, 4:19am

on 11/24/05 at 19:39:32, Squanto wrote:
Aside: The more seeds in the water the worse it tastes. Shoulda seen that coming. Anybody got any suggestions to improve the flavor?

You could try soaking them in shit.

Sorry, that's just my Aberdonain sense of humour BTW  [smiley=laugh.gif]

Title: Re: Now trying RC seeds
Post by zanychef on Nov 25th, 2005, 4:29am
how about in a nice malt whisky Flash?

Title: Re: Now trying RC seeds
Post by Chillrmn1 on Nov 25th, 2005, 6:32am

on 11/24/05 at 19:39:32, Squanto wrote:

Still grumpy but pain free.  

LOL............back to your normal self, eh?

Title: Re: Now trying RC seeds
Post by Squanto on Dec 2nd, 2005, 11:52am
Okay (or not Okay depending on point of view.)

I'm about ready to declare that the RC seeds aren't giving me as much benefit as they have MJ, Nani and others.

I over the past 20 days I've increased from 5 to 20 seeds (in about 5 seed increments)  Took the 20 seed dose yesterday afternoon after a day of KIP 4. Woke up this morning with a "shadow" that slowly increased to a steady KIP 3. It's been there for about 6 hours. O2 (12 L/min) ease things off for about 30 minutes and then the pain is back.
I've got 25 seeds left of my original order from  I'll dose with those on Tuesday (5 days) and probably not order any more, unless something really good happens.

Looking back at my notes, I think I'm about where I was the week before my first shroom dose. I really believe that the shrooms (both doses and the SPUTs) changed the pattern and max intensity of my CH. But the seeds have been a disappointment. I'm not entirely sure that any benefit I reported from the RC seeds (I never took any of the dried out HBWR seeds) that can't be attributed to wishful thinking.

I'm facing 3 days away from home (and away from my O2 rig) I'm wishing I had SPUTs to fall back on if I get a KIP 7. But since I dosed with the seeds less than 24 hours ago -- I suspect "the door will be shut." I'm gonna take a couple of the chunks (SPs for UT) with me on the trip but based on what folks have said, I doubt they'll do much good.

I'm really happy that MJ has had a positive experience witht the RC seeds (his narrative has been helpful to me) Wish I could report the same.

I'll check back in we get back home Monday.

And so it goes. . .


Title: Re: Now trying RC seeds
Post by MJ on Dec 2nd, 2005, 12:35pm


Been wondering about you.

What I am finding out is there really hasnt been a whole lot of experience with RC seeds other than what flash, pink, you and nani have said. And I am searching pretty hard.  (They are great by the way) At least not published experience. Maybe some others will come forward. Much LSA experience is out there but seems to be with the other seeds

If your willing since you are excactly where I was yesterday. Maybe you could try the 3 powdered seeds under the tongue. See if that lifts the shadows. I think it has something to do with levels allready in your system

This is purely personal reasoning so I would know if I was full of it or not. I felt no other effects.

If no interest thats absolutely fine too.
By the way I havent yet claimed success. Just some results.

Have a safe trip


Title: Re: Now trying RC seeds
Post by LeeS on Dec 2nd, 2005, 1:04pm

I'm now having great results with the RC seeds, as are three other fellow UK sufferers as we speak.  As a 'former chronic' I am now dosing when needed; currently 6 weeks PF, and counting.

on 12/02/05 at 12:35:09, MJ wrote:
Maybe you could try the 3 powdered seeds under the tongue. See if that lifts the shadows.

I have tried this successfully on two occasions.  3 seeds first time (30 minutes relief) and 5 seeds the second time (still 30 minutes - thought the extra dose might have increase the time of efficacy :-/)

Good luck to both you and Suanto.


Edited to say: this sublingual techique was based on Rivea Corymbosa seeds.  HBWR seeds are very much stronger- probably not advised!

Title: Re: Now trying RC seeds
Post by Squanto on Dec 4th, 2005, 9:03am

on 12/02/05 at 12:35:09, MJ wrote:
Maybe you could try the 3 powdered seeds under the tongue. See if that lifts the shadows. I think it has something to do with levels allready in your system

Had a Kip 3-4 for about 36 hours after the 20 seed dose. I tried MJ's suggestion of 3 powdered seeds under the tongue.  Didn't do nuthin' except get grit between my teeth and a bad taste in my mouth. I let that stuff waller around in there for over an hour. I know I must have swallowed a lot of it, but I really tried not to.  Absolutely NO change in my headache and no discernable effects. It was worth a try  tho'.

I'm not really sure there's any "active ingredient" in the seeds I bought.  Sure, the concoction tastes bad but I could say the same if I soaked some stuff from my composte pile.  Now I'll wait until Tuesday and finish the last of stash. I'm really not expecting any benefit but I want to be able to say, "Been there, done that. Now what?" (Plus, I'm too cheap to just throw 'em away.)

So, what is next?  I've got a pretty good supply of dried Stropharia cubenis. My friend told me that I was going to forget the details of my bad trip! I'm consdering a "dose" (definitely less than 2 gms) after I've "detoxed" from the RC seeds. Tox? Yeah, right!


Title: Re: Now trying RC seeds
Post by Pinkfloyd on Dec 4th, 2005, 2:03pm
Hi Squanto..
Yes, I would give the cubies another chance if you're up to it.  I would also start with no more than .75g (that's POINT 75 grams), slightly less than 1/2 of your first try.

yes, you should do a 4-5 day detox period from the LSA. There are decades of evidence that there is a cross-tolerance issue even though some people may not experience it. It will leave far fewer questions about efficacy and any necessary adjustments, with a detox.


Title: Re: Now trying RC seeds
Post by Flash on Dec 5th, 2005, 8:46am

on 12/04/05 at 14:03:09, Pinkfloyd wrote:
Hi Squanto..
Yes, I would give the cubies another chance if you're up to it.  I would also start with no more than .75g (that's POINT 75 grams), slightly less than 1/2 of your first try.

yes, you should do a 4-5 day detox period from the LSA. There are decades of evidence that there is a cross-tolerance issue even though some people may not experience it. It will leave far fewer questions about efficacy and any necessary adjustments, with a detox.


Agreed .75g is a good place to start.  Safe sub hallucinogenic / threshold dose.  That's what I'd do.  

BTW most people report a slight buzz on 20 RC seeds, so from what you are saying, and the fact that you definately got a buzz from the shrooms (so it's not like you have huge tolerance), I suspect your seeds may be somewhat duff.  If you do ever order more, then I would suggest starting with 15 again. Message Board » Powered by YaBB 1 Gold - SP 1.3.1!
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