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(Message started by: Pathologic on Oct 24th, 2002, 9:41pm)

Title: Success with methamphetamine
Post by Pathologic on Oct 24th, 2002, 9:41pm
I'm sure this will draw plenty of criticism from some of you but methamphetamine has become one of my best friends.  I'm in my early 40's, male and a physician and I've carried a diagnosis of chronic cluster headaces for the past 11 years.  The first 5-6 years I can hardly remember a day I didn't suffer 2 or more headaches.  I've ran the gauntlet of physicians, pain clinics, procedures and medications to no avail.  Effexor was the only medication ever prescribed with any efficacy and it worked for about 2 weeks.  At the time I considered it nothing short of a miracle.  About 4-5 years ago I stumbled upon methamphetamine.  As long as I can keep a supply on hand I DO NOT HAVE HEADACHES!!!!!  Now, I know everyone has read about it in the newspaper headlines and so I don't have to explain the legal implications that goe with it.  I have failed to obtain the pharmaceutical form, desoxyn, since I do not have attention deficit disorder with hyperactivity or narcolepsy.  These are the only two diagnoses the local state medical board will allow desoxyn to be prescribed for.   My pain doctor was unwilling to plead my case with the board and have finally consulted with an attorney to see if I might successfully acquire a legal prescription for the stuff.  I would sure like to hear if anyone else has ever tried methamphetamine and whether or not a benefit was obtained.   For those of you who have not found the cure for what ails them,  there might be one more drug out there to try.  There's hardly any way that I know of to obtain desoxyn by prescription.  I am not suggesting going out on the streets to obtain methamphetamine but if you do, exercize great caution.  The law will not be kind to you if caught and many people will sell you trash instead of methamphetamine.  For me the benefits have far out-weighed the risks.  I don't have headaches with this medication.

                                 I wish you all well!!!!

Title: Re: Success with methamphetamine
Post by Bob P on Oct 25th, 2002, 9:46am

Not often you'll find a doctor willing to go out and buy street drugs to treat himself.

Curious, what caused to to "stumble upon" meth?  Did you just say to yourself one day, self, I think I'll go out and buy some meth?

Title: Re: Success with methamphetamine
Post by Hound_Dogg on Oct 25th, 2002, 1:54pm
;D ;D ;D Must be Doctor Feel-Good. I guess they work those long hours, so...

Title: Re: Success with methamphetamine
Post by eyes_afire on Oct 25th, 2002, 4:45pm
If I remember correctly, there were some who claimed that Ritalin (aka methylphenidate) helped with clusters.  You'll have to check the archives to find out for sure.  Methylphenidate is not quite methamphetamine but it's CNS effects are similar.  It is a CNS stimulant (like caffeine, so I'm assuming it has an effect of constricting blood vessels... but I'm not sure).  Personally, methylphenidate has never worked for me as a preventative (CH comes regardless), and is too slow for an abortive, but I think sometimes it maybe helped with shadows... not sure.  Both are schedule II controlled substances according the the US FDA (drugs that are considered highly addictive but medically useful for certain conditions).

Title: Re: Success with methamphetamine
Post by marty on Oct 25th, 2002, 5:08pm

I just hope that nobody will ever try this - scary thing is that once a person, such as a doctor, have said that he/she tried it and that it worked....  there will be others that will try it to.

We all suffer from pain - but to even suggest that methamphetamine is a way to go have never seen what it WILL do once you become addicted (once, maybe twice and you will become addicted). I have for the last ten years dealt with dealers, users and affected family members...  No F... this.  :-XI will stop right here, I have nothing more to say except that I hope that you find another way to deal with you pain - I am not a chronic and I can only try to imaging what being a chronic is like - but I do know methamphetamine and I am telling you that you may feel that it is helping you now... try to quit - I dare you.. How much are you using by now?? an eightball / day... I'm sorry, nothing personal it just struck an exposed nerve...


Title: Re: Success with methamphetamine
Post by Mark C on Oct 26th, 2002, 2:41am
For me. Imitrex works better.
I have done both.

Title: Re: Success with methamphetamine
Post by Linda_Howell on Oct 26th, 2002, 12:34pm

OMG!!!!!!!!!!!  This is the scariest thing I've ever seen proposed  on this board.  

Hey Doc???  and are you up at 3:00 a.m.  ironing towels also.?    Jeez!!!!!!

Linda Howell

Title: Re: Success with methamphetamine
Post by forgetfulnot on Oct 26th, 2002, 1:07pm
I’ve had two really bad experiences with “meth” “speed” whatever. About a hundred years ago when I was 19 one of my best friends got strung out on this crap, he shot up so much his veins collapsed in his arms so he was shooting in his jugular. Anyway, his wife left him, he found out she was shacked up with another guy, he walked up on their front porch, knocked on the door. When they opened the door he stuck a twelve gauge shotgun in his mouth and blew his head apart.

A few years ago my daughter started messing around with this crap. She wound up loosing a really good job, her new Mustang and her apartment. Several months later after we turned her around the police searched her purse during a routine traffic stop. They found one of those small plastic baggies with drug residue stuck to the plastic. That little bag cost her a weekend in jail, 80 hours of community service and two years of probation. Even though she wasn’t driving, in Oklahoma if you are convicted of possession of a “controlled substance” it is reported on your driving record. Her insurance went from $1500.00 Yr to $9000.00 Yr for three years. Add $5000.00 for the attorney $500.00 for the fine your talking $28000.00. So guess where a lot of the old man’s retirement went.

If you play with this crap bad things will happen.


Title: Re: Success with methamphetamine
Post by Jarvis on Oct 27th, 2002, 1:06am
First I realize and understand the incredible dangers of methamphetimines, no question.   Second they allmost killed me when i felt my heart stop on a freeway at 65 miles an hour.   Here is my experience. I had been having k10 headaches for over a year and a half, my life went to hell with as many as 10 bouts per day every day.  I was probably averaging 1 to 3 hours sleep per day. and this was before I used the drug. I had been taking sansert that year which of course didnt work, like most drugs I had hi hopes though.  I started smoking and then was offered meth and i bit. I loved it Ihad my first few hours that i could remember w/ no pain. I used fairly heavy for about a month. My pain went away and I had not had a headache beyond the wussy ones for over three years. I felt that this drug was the best ever. Untill my heart stopped. Turns out that was a preety good message and I learn quick. I havent tried it since. I am now back in full cycle but it sure was nice to live free a while. I dont think I have any lasting effects from using methamphetamines except the knowledge that it worked for me in one way and helped me to put my life back to where it belonged. Whats a little heart stop anyway. Aint no big deal.  Its all about livin or dyin with some of these drugs. fortunately for me I am living well. I gots a lotta pain But i seem to find my way.  Been at this 25 years

Title: Re: Success with methamphetamine
Post by Floyd_F on Oct 29th, 2002, 5:13am
> About 4-5 years ago I stumbled upon methamphetamine.  As long as I
> can keep a supply on hand I DO NOT HAVE HEADACHES!!!!!  Now, I
> know everyone has read about it in the newspaper headlines and so I
> don't have to explain the legal implications that goe with it.


If you read my recent posting regarding serotonergic pain relievers, I refer to my own (temporary) hip pain relief from MDMA, and the mechanism of action may well be similar in the case of methamphetamine.  Both materials are phenethylamines, and MDMA is in fact built on the skeleton of methamphetamine, although its primary effects are quite different.  However, I want to point out that I did not choose to use MDMA as a long term solution nor would I prefer to use any substance with the addictive potential and long-term side effects that these can cause, legal implications notwithstanding.

Since you are a doctor, I'd be very interested in your feedback on the substituted tryptamine therapies which I've found.  I hope this might be an alternative for you, because I have seen what methamphetamine has done to some of my friends who used it over a long period, and I have never seen any good come of that.  I'd have fewer reservations if your use was once every few months, but even still it can be a very tempting thing to make habitual.

I hope this helps.

Title: Re: Success with methamphetamine
Post by dasey007 on Nov 12th, 2002, 7:57am
???hey i have had clusters for 4 yrs do i get this med??friends,lee ann

Title: Re: Success with methamphetamine
Post by Bob P on Nov 12th, 2002, 11:22am
lee ann,

You go out on the street and find your local drug pusher.  You then slip him some money and he gives you what you hope is real meth.  He's talking methamphetamine, speed, crank, crystal meth!

Title: Re: Success with methamphetamine
Post by Dave_W on Nov 12th, 2002, 12:15pm
Hi Gang,

Long time no post -- but the beast is back!

Yeah, I gotta add to Linda's note -- if he's not up ironing towels at 3:00 AM, he will be....

Cheers y'all, and Pain Free Days :)

Old Dave

Title: Re: Success with methamphetamine
Post by Hangman on Nov 21st, 2002, 3:58pm
I had some luck with amphetamines back in the '80's. I was taking them to stay wide awake and travelin' and kinda stumbled across the fact that they killed clusters. I don't know how close Methamphetamine and amphetamine is medically, but I do know that my supply dried up about the time everybody and their brother started selling caffeine substitutes for the real amphetamines.
BTW, I'm new here. My daughter was recently diagnosed with CH, which I've been episodic with since 1979 or so. I knew when she was little that these nasty little things were attacking her but, as you all know, it's difficult to get a diagnosis.
I had a doc in Cook, MN. name of Johnstone back in 1980 or so. He was pretty savvy, and hit the nail right on the head. He gave me two scrips, neither of which I remember the name. The oral was for when I felt a cluster-buster (my own term) coming on. The other was a suppository for when I awoke in the middle of the night with an ice pick buried in my left eye and some damned demon dancing on the handle. Doc J said that the suppository soaked up a chemical in my body and allowed me to pass it to the outhouse. This stuff worked! A few years later I went and looked him up and they (nurses) said that their records didn't go back that far. Doc J was not a young man anymore and didn't remember the details of our earlier encounters. He said he thought Cafergot might have been the oral he gave me. I got Cafergot prescribed again but it never has been notably effective. I say notably because it sometimes seems to tame the beast (your term, but a good one!) somewhat.
While I'm here and talking, this is my first visit to this site. I've been PF for enough years that I thought God had blessed me with freedom from CH. My (21 yr old) daughter recently started having episodes apparently as severe as mine were back when. Now, I seem to be revisiting the nightmare, though the pain isn't as severe (yet?) as I remember it. As I read the testimonials at the entry to this website I wept. I know your pain, and I feel for anyone who suffers these headaches.
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