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Message started by CH Keith on Aug 12th, 2008 at 3:05pm

Title: Oxygen help with shadows?
Post by CH Keith on Aug 12th, 2008 at 3:05pm
I didn't discover this site until recently and while I had heard of oxygen as an option for attacks, you guys sold me on getting some.  Unfortunately, I wasn't able to get anything set-up until now and I'm going back into remission.  Does O2 help with the shadows or would I be wasting time and money keeping O2 until my next attack?  My remission periods are typically 2 yrs apart.

Thanks for the help.

Title: Re: Oxygen help with shadows?
Post by Linda_Howell on Aug 12th, 2008 at 3:22pm

While 02 is the number one abortive for a lot of us here, I have never had it work on a shadow.  Ever.  Don't ask me why, I don't know, but do this and don't laugh...Get a bottle of that 4-way nasel spray.  Nothing else will work only 4-way.  Squirt it in the nostril on the side affected.  Two people here swear by this to get rid of a shadow so I thought what the hell....I'll try it.  It worked like a charm.  5 mins. later it was gone.  If it doesn't work for you, at least your nose will be unstuffed and you're only out 5 bucks.

As to your question...I would get the 02 ASAP even if you think you're due for a 2-yr. sabbatical.   This beast morphs all the time.  Changes it's M.O.  and you could be caught without it at some point.  There is somethng re-assuring of knowing that green bottle is there and ready to go if you do need it.  Stock up on all meds you might be taking also.


Title: Re: Oxygen help with shadows?
Post by CH Keith on Aug 12th, 2008 at 5:22pm
I'm not going to laugh off any suggestions.  I didn't think Red Bull was going to work, but I was presently surprised.  Thanks for the advice on the 4 way nasal spray.

Title: Re: Oxygen help with shadows?
Post by Batch on Aug 13th, 2008 at 12:13am
By all means... Shoot your shadows with oxygen for fun and sport...  A lot of folks can make them go away easily with oxygen therapy if the flow rate is high enough.

Having said that, if you're comfortably into a remission period, keeping oxygen on hand may sound like a luxury unless you're having shadow sneak attacks.

Take care,

V/R, Batch

Title: Re: Oxygen help with shadows?
Post by jess.dom on Aug 13th, 2008 at 12:26pm
I use O2 for the shadows as well. It doesn't always work, or it will sometimes take a little more time to take effect, but it helps. And like someone else mentioned, the beast changes constantly. I was getting hit like clockwork every 2 years in December.... Until last year. I had a cycle in May that lasted for 2 months, and now I'm in cycle again, only a year after. Better safe than sorry, if it's not too expensive for you to keep them...
I will try the nasal spray though, as I've never tried it before...

Title: Re: Oxygen help with shadows?
Post by Innocent Hate on Sep 4th, 2008 at 8:24pm
Today was my first day of trying the O2 therapy at all.

I work EMS so I carry O2 in a med bag in my trunk all the time, I guess I'm lucky in that regard.

Anywho, I began having, what I assume are these "shadows" I see people talking about. A little twinge in my left eye that I always get about 5 minutes before the beast unleashes it's hell fury upon my head. Again on my way to work, like normal about 3:30pm (even when I don't work, it's my bewitching hour). Anywho, I pull over and for the hell of it, pull out my O2 bottle, crack it to 15LpM, I unpackage a NRB I carry in the bag as well and take them both to the front of the car. I put the mask on, and drive for a few minutes.

It is now 5 hours later and no full attack. No more twinge, nothing. It took only a few minutes at 15LpM to subside. So if these twinges I get behind my left eye are these shadows. Then by god it worked like a charm for me :)


Title: Re: Oxygen help with shadows?
Post by ClusterChuck on Sep 4th, 2008 at 11:07pm

QWERTY wrote on Sep 4th, 2008 at 8:24pm:
It is now 5 hours later and no full attack. No more twinge, nothing. It took only a few minutes at 15LpM to subside.

WOOHOO, Jeremy!!!

<Add another name to the list of O2 worshipers>

I hope it ALWAYS works as well for you!

(O2 does nothing for my shadows, unfortunately)


Title: Re: Oxygen help with shadows?
Post by Karl on Sep 5th, 2008 at 5:53am
gotta love the O2 ;
it works on shadows for me sometimes but mostly not.
but it sure works when you know who comes a knockin!!! NO not the relatives!!!!


Title: Re: Oxygen help with shadows?
Post by DennisM1045 on Sep 5th, 2008 at 8:37am

QWERTY wrote on Sep 4th, 2008 at 8:24pm:
I put the mask on, and drive for a few minutes.

O2 therapy can make me dizzy.  Less so at 15lpm than at 25lpm but I can still get dizzy.  Driving dizzy fighting off pain in your head isn't a good idea for obvious reasons.  I'd encourage you to pull over for O2 therapy.  

Let's not add broken bones and a cuncusion to your CH  ;)

It is now 5 hours later and no full attack. No more twinge, nothing. It took only a few minutes at 15LpM to subside. So if these twinges I get behind my left eye are these shadows. Then by god it worked like a charm for me :)


Just plain empowering isn't it!  I'm happy it worked for you.  Welcome to the O2 evangelist club!


Title: Re: Oxygen help with shadows?
Post by ClusterChuck on Sep 5th, 2008 at 10:17am
I drive, and suck O2 all the time!  It does not make me dizzy (I am dizzy [ditzy] enough, without the oxy).

If the o2 doesn't work, and the hit builds up, YES, I pull over.  But for the beginning of one, and I am trying to knock it out before it becomes full a fledged attack, I continue to drive.

(Or at least whenever I can sneak out of the home ...)


Title: Re: Oxygen help with shadows?
Post by Ernie Moss aka Wishbone on Sep 5th, 2008 at 11:00am
Either the beast is messing with me or finally my 6 mos cycle may be coming to an end as my 6-10 hits a day have decreased and for the past week they are down to only 1 or 2 and I may even skip a day and then something just above a shadow (2-3), but I just hit the sucker with O2 and within 2 minutes its gone.  Here comes the stupid part (Chuck keep quit I know I opened the door but just keep quite) I have never tried O2 on what I call shadows so I don't know if O2 works or not.  When I have had shadows and then I feel a hit coming on I jump on the O2, but just the day long irritating shadows I haven't treid to dismiss with O2.  I have with Red Bull, Rock Star and other such drinks and they have worked so maybe that is why I haven't tried O2.  Hopefully, I won't have to for a while, but on Batch's word next time I'll give it a shot.  Linda I like the 4 Way idea, but I got addicted to Afrin years ago when I had a sinus infection and before I got on allergy shots so I am a bit leary of that, but makes sense, different, but a little like Lidacaine for abortive on hit.  PF Days everyone. Wishbone.

Title: Re: Oxygen help with shadows?
Post by jon019 on Sep 7th, 2008 at 10:31pm
Hi Keith,

O2 doesn't work for shadows with me...but an energy drink does.

Back when episodic I kept O2 around all the time. Nothing quite like the exquisite panic of getting hit without. With my insurance/O2 shop, once I buy the O2 it's mine as long as I want. They've never asked for it back (and I have kept over a year sometimes). And buy your own rig (non rebreather mask, regulator, cart (if e-tank), that way all you need worry about is the cylinder).



Title: Re: Oxygen help with shadows?
Post by CH Keith on Sep 13th, 2008 at 5:26pm
Thanks for the advice.  I think during this remission period I'm going to get as much equipment and information as I can so I'll be ready to go.

You guys are great.

PFD all

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