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Message started by Sandy_C on Aug 27th, 2008 at 11:16am

Title: Weird symptoms ?
Post by Sandy_C on Aug 27th, 2008 at 11:16am
For the last three days, at 7:26 AM, on the dot, without fail, I have had the “aura” and vision distortion commonly experienced with a migraine headache.    It lasts for about 45 minutes and goes away, with no following headache pain.  I have never had these symptoms with a CH, only a migraine.

Now, I’ve had migraines before.  They started at the age of 30, and I would have maybe two per year with the aura and vision distortion, and then the onset of the pain that lasted up to 5 to 6 hours.  This is the same beginning, but no pain, which is just hunky dory with me.

But, here’s my question.  Last Wednesday, I started heavy shadowing, which signified to me that perhaps another cycle was beginning.  I immediately dosed with 35 rc seeds and slammed a Red Bull.  Shadows went away, and have had no symptoms whatsoever of CH since – no shadows, no tingles - nothing.  Just these weird migraine symptoms - yet no pain.

I don’t think this has anything to do with my CH, but the timing of both things seems suspect.  Especially the "timing" of the migraine symptoms - exactly 7:26AM for three days in a row?????

Any ideas anyone?



Title: Re: Weird symptoms ?
Post by thebbz on Aug 27th, 2008 at 11:38am
I have read about "ghost symptoms" with regards to seeds. No pain only autonomic nervous reactions. Perhaps the ocular end, of the nerve I cant pronounce, is having some autonomic reaction from the hypothingy.
all the best

Title: Re: Weird symptoms ?
Post by Scott on Aug 27th, 2008 at 12:10pm
Sandy- I don't know where you are, but for me if I am asleep at the time my bedroom begins to get bright, it will always trigger a CH for me.  I know I have to get up before dawn.  What time is sunrise, or what time does your sleeping area begin to brighten?   Scott

Title: Re: Weird symptoms ?
Post by Jean on Aug 27th, 2008 at 1:01pm
Hi Sandy,

What you are describing sounds like an Ocular Migraine to me.  I have had them as a precursor to a cycle or hit.  Some one on the board mentioned to me that they could also be a "silent hit" which also make sense.

PF wishes,


Title: Re: Weird symptoms ?
Post by Sandy_C on Aug 27th, 2008 at 2:40pm
Thanks to all of you.

Scott, I'm in NC, EST zone, so my morning is approximately the same as yours.  I've never had problems with CH at dawn.  Mine have always been mid afternoon and at 8:30 PM sharp - a couple of times only (Thank you God) in the middle of the night.  However, I am NOT in cycle.  If I am, this is the strangest cycle I've ever had since 1999.  Haven't had a cycle for over two years, thanks to the seeds.  And, I've been dosing with seeds for two years and have never had any reaction such as this.  This is just weird.

Jean - the ocular migraine thing sounds like something I need to do some research on.  The only migraines I've ever gotten have ended up with the typical headache - not these.  Silent hit - getting the vision distortion and aura of a migraine but no pain could be a silent CH hit?
Interesting.  It's time for Sandy to do a little more learning.  Thanks for the tip.

And,  to thebbz.  As said above, I've been dosing for over two years with seeds, taking 12 seeds on the first of every month as a maintenance dose, and taking 35 seeds at the first inkling of a CH symptom.  I have completely stopped two cycles doing this.  When a cycle has truly begun, after taking the 35 seeds, I would still get a low level hit or two, maybe some shadows, but not this stupid migraine symptom stuff.  Apparently, my hypothingy is effecting my trimennervethingy that I can't pronounce either, which is affecting my ocularthingy. :D

Whatever is going on is just strange, given the exact timliness of the 7:26AM vision distortion.  

But, if it don't hurt, it ain't broke, so I'm not gonna try to fix it.  I am gonna keep watch on it, and do a little research, however.

Thanks to all again


Title: Re: Weird symptoms ?
Post by thebbz on Aug 27th, 2008 at 2:46pm

Apparently, my hypothingy is effecting my trimennervethingy that I can't pronounce either, which is affecting my ocularthingy.

I understand that completely. ;D
all the best

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