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Message started by jjslugdog on Sep 1st, 2008 at 11:01am

Title: Who's been a Beast Warrior the longest?
Post by jjslugdog on Sep 1st, 2008 at 11:01am
This has probably been done several times before, but as I'm infrequent, I was wondering.  Who's been diagnosed and battling the Beast the longest?  After a few months of remission, day before yesterday I ate breakfast, 30 minutes later, was in the midst of a 9-1/2.  Fortunately,  I still had a nearly full "C" bottle of O2 in my office {I work at home}.  Didn't help that one, but has been mostly God sent since.  I was diagnosed in 1980, and have tried just about everything under the sun.  After 3 heart attacks, the good stuff is out of the question.  Used to use it, though.   [smiley=bigguns.gif]

Title: Re: Who's been a Beast Warrior the longest?
Post by Brew on Sep 1st, 2008 at 11:08am
With all due respect, what difference does it make?

Title: Re: Who's been a Beast Warrior the longest?
Post by nani on Sep 1st, 2008 at 11:17am
First cycle 1973  

Title: Re: Who's been a Beast Warrior the longest?
Post by BarbaraD on Sep 1st, 2008 at 11:43am
jj, I"m with Brew on this one. We've never had an occasion to worry about who's had CH the longest or who hurts the worst. Some have been MISdiagnosed for 20 years or more and some have been diagnosed right away (thanks to this website), but one hit is ENOUGH...

If you've got CH - you've got CH -- we just accept...

Hugs BD

Title: Re: Who's been a Beast Warrior the longest?
Post by ClusterChuck on Sep 1st, 2008 at 1:04pm
But then again, there are those, Like BarbaraD who is so old that she was one of the first cases ever in history to get them...  I think it was around the time of Noah's lil boat incident ...


Title: Re: Who's been a Beast Warrior the longest?
Post by ClusterChuck on Sep 1st, 2008 at 1:09pm

jjslugdog wrote on Sep 1st, 2008 at 11:01am:
have tried just about everything under the sun.  After 3 heart attacks, the good stuff is out of the question.  Used to use it, though.

YUP!  Know the "everything under the sun" routine VERY well!

And I know the heart attack problems too, my first heart attack was in 2002, and several since then ...  My neuro will not prescribe trex for me due to that, but she also knows that I get it through various means, and take it.

I think, even though I am doing it illegally, both my cardio and neuro need to know what I am taking.

Chuck, the 29 year host of the beast

Title: Re: Who's been a Beast Warrior the longest?
Post by tuck on Sep 1st, 2008 at 1:24pm
I am pushing 24 years . But, the more I think about it, well,, us long time sufferers know what to expect, and normally when to expect it, and have a pretty good arsenal to fight it. Newbies have it rough, its scary, your confused, in pain, and ignorant to fighting methods. But, no matter how you slice or dice it,,,,, it sucks!!!!!!!!!!!! I wont get into a long dissertation "why I think CH has made me a better person", but in all honesty,,, I think it has!            Tuck

Title: Re: Who's been a Beast Warrior the longest?
Post by ClusterChuck on Sep 1st, 2008 at 1:31pm

tuck wrote on Sep 1st, 2008 at 1:24pm:
I wont get into a long dissertation "why I think CH has made me a better person", but in all honesty,,, I think it has!      

I am glad that it has done that to/for you, Tuck, but unfortunately, it apparently has not done that to me.

They said I was an a$$hole back BC (before clusters) and they still say I am an a$$hole ...  Oh well ...


Title: Re: Who's been a Beast Warrior the longest?
Post by BarbaraD on Sep 1st, 2008 at 1:38pm

ClusterChuck wrote on Sep 1st, 2008 at 1:31pm:

tuck wrote on Sep 1st, 2008 at 1:24pm:
I wont get into a long dissertation "why I think CH has made me a better person", but in all honesty,,, I think it has!      

I am glad that it has done that to/for you, Tuck, but unfortunately, it apparently has not done that to me.

They said I was an a$$hole back BC  and they still say I am an a$$hole ...  Oh well ...


There, I FIXED it for ya....  ;)  And we've tried SO hard to make you into a NICE person, but you work so hard at being an A-hole...

And that little "boat ride" was supposed to be a 3-hour cruise - Noah lied to me!! The damn barometer dropped and that's HOW CH started kiddies.... Now you know the REAL story!  :D :D :D

Hugs BD

Title: Re: Who's been a Beast Warrior the longest?
Post by jjslugdog on Sep 1st, 2008 at 3:33pm
Brew & Barb...
I wasn't trying to say anything, which maybe y'all thought.  I'm on other boards of interest, like a couple of Marine boards, and every now and then we see who is the saltiest.  Just wondering.  That's all.  If you don't want to tell, don't freakin' tell.  Why even spend the time to answer the thread?  Who hurts the worse???  Geeeezzzzzz.

Title: Re: Who's been a Beast Warrior the longest?
Post by BarbaraD on Sep 1st, 2008 at 4:29pm
jj - honey don't take offense at our jibes -- it's just never been brought up and we've never thought about it...

That would be a hard one to figure out cause some have been misdiagnosed since they were children and some for years and years. I really can't figure out when mine actually started. I know when they got bad and when I got diagnosed, but to actually say when they started, the more I think about it -- the further back I can go, so it's really a mystery to me. I just feel like it might be the same for others as well.

Guess that's just one of those questions that most of us won't be able to answer. Sorry...

Hugs BD

Title: Re: Who's been a Beast Warrior the longest?
Post by pubgirl on Sep 1st, 2008 at 4:38pm

MUCH easier to ask who is the oldest sufferer, then Mean Old Charlie will claim he is and all the women will lie about their age ;)

W the B

Title: Re: Who's been a Beast Warrior the longest?
Post by gizmo on Sep 1st, 2008 at 4:41pm

pubgirl wrote on Sep 1st, 2008 at 4:38pm:
MUCH easier to ask who is the oldest sufferer, then Mean Old Charlie will claim he is and all the women will lie about their age ;)

LOL - you made my day!

Title: Re: Who's been a Beast Warrior the longest?
Post by gizmo on Sep 1st, 2008 at 4:46pm
As Barb already said.
I could tell you when I was diagnosed but I can't tell you when I got them.
Only thing I know: I was a kid back then


Title: Re: Who's been a Beast Warrior the longest?
Post by Jonny on Sep 1st, 2008 at 5:10pm
First headache was in 1972 and I was chronic for the next 31 years.

I believe George is up to 40 years, but I could be wrong.

Title: Re: Who's been a Beast Warrior the longest?
Post by George_J on Sep 1st, 2008 at 7:58pm

wrote on Sep 1st, 2008 at 5:10pm:
I believe George is up to 40 years, but I could be wrong.

You're right, Jonny.  First one I got it was in 1966.  I was very lucky to be diagnosed the first time in 1969, so I never had the years of misdiagnosis that others had.  I've been episodic the whole time, though.

I think there's a couple people around who've had it longer than me.



Title: Re: Who's been a Beast Warrior the longest?
Post by Kirk on Sep 2nd, 2008 at 12:43am
  The first CH I can recall was in May of 69. Since you are on Marine boards. I passed the boards for my first Masters ticket (150 tons) June 1968. Its been real and its been fun. But it hasn't always been real fun.
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Title: Re: Who's been a Beast Warrior the longest?
Post by Totka2 on Sep 2nd, 2008 at 2:05pm
Only 26 years here. But 14 yrs mis/undiagnosed from that. [smiley=bigtiny.gif]

Title: Re: Who's been a Beast Warrior the longest?
Post by thebbz on Sep 2nd, 2008 at 2:12pm
CHenz lying about their age? Tell me it's not true. ;D
I do remember the day's before Imitrex. That's scary.

Title: Re: Who's been a Beast Warrior the longest?
Post by Kate in Oz on Sep 2nd, 2008 at 9:26pm
22 years all up - ok I'm done, I lose, I don't want to play anymore  ;)  If only it was that easy.   Diagnosed about 7 years ago.

Title: Re: Who's been a Beast Warrior the longest?
Post by Brew on Sep 2nd, 2008 at 11:07pm

jjslugdog wrote on Sep 1st, 2008 at 3:33pm:
If you don't want to tell, don't freakin' tell.

I didn't.

Why even spend the time to answer the thread?

Because I thought it was an inane question, and I wanted to point that out. That's all.

Title: Re: Who's been a Beast Warrior the longest?
Post by Geewilly on Sep 2nd, 2008 at 11:35pm
With all due respect Brew, I will point out that you do like to troll

Ofcourse, you get kuduo's!

P.S.  I just bumped Brew with a plus to rep!

Title: Re: Who's been a Beast Warrior the longest?
Post by BMoneeTheMoneeMan on Sep 3rd, 2008 at 12:50am
I know a guy through the grapevine named Tony Paap.  He was the CEO at the Oakland Childrens Hospital until he retired a few years ago.
He said he has been suffering since the early 60s.  Back then, doctors did surgery to have the nasal septa resected, thinking the pain was due to broken noses,etc., so he had at least one surgery on his nose/sinus area.  He was diagnosed in 1976.
He is lucky to have known Neil Raskin of UCSF for a long time and has had him as his primary neuro.  He never did find any preventative to help him, but took all the ones that we talk about.  Triptans seemed to make his Ch worse, so he is not able to use those.

Title: Re: Who's been a Beast Warrior the longest?
Post by kevmd on Sep 4th, 2008 at 9:52am
I wasn't even alive in the 60's so I lose.  But I am at about 13 years almost to the date of my first real CH pain. But I can now recall symptoms back in highschool, junior year.   That strange eyeball pain where I thought I needed glasses and asked my geometry teacher if I could sit in the back of the class.  That would be 18 years.  But I count 13 and have been diagnosed for 8 years now.  And yes I fear it everyday to some degree.  I live my life as full as I can but I know at any minute, the SOB can start to dominate my life again.  And I think its about to make an early return.

Title: Re: Who's been a Beast Warrior the longest?
Post by MPMIII on Sep 4th, 2008 at 11:37am
13 years almost to the date of my first real CH pain
22 years all up
Only 26 years here
May of 69
chronic for the next 31 years

A very depressing thread considering I am only 3 years into the club.

Title: Re: Who's been a Beast Warrior the longest?
Post by thebbz on Sep 4th, 2008 at 11:48am
Well it's pretty obvious that CH doesn't go away after a few years, or even 29 years.
Demon bastard.
thebb [smiley=bash.gif] [smiley=bash.gif]

Title: Re: Who's been a Beast Warrior the longest?
Post by Tara Ann on Sep 4th, 2008 at 3:22pm
My first was about a year before I had my first child.  My oldest is 8.  I hate that his age is how I remember my ch timeframe.  Back then episodic.  Been chronic for quite a few years now.

Nothing wrong with this question in my book, no question is stupid remember?  Courisity is ok.

Speakin of kids... off to the bus stop!

Title: Re: Who's been a Beast Warrior the longest?
Post by ReeseC on Sep 4th, 2008 at 6:02pm

MPMIII wrote on Sep 4th, 2008 at 11:37am:
A very depressing thread considering I am only 3 years into the club.

I know what you mean.  I prefer to take in my CH pain one hit at a time instead of thinking of the cumulative pain of 30 or 40 years.  that's just too much to handle in one thought!

I had my first CH in 1990.  Holy heck, that's 18 years!

Title: Re: Who's been a Beast Warrior the longest?
Post by jjslugdog on Sep 5th, 2008 at 8:38am
My biggest fear is for my last 2 children.  I have 4, as my bride had 2 young boys when we married.  My last 2 are 24 and 22, a girl and boy, {or woman and man} respectively.  I've accepted my role as a "temporary" residence of the vermin.  I can remember watching my dad, like back in 1960, injecting himself with morphine, trying to control the beast.  I have a letter from a Doctor from 1950, when they were trying to get him back in the Army for Korea, stating he had "Histamine Headaches" that were debilitating.  As far as I know, they say the beast is not genetic, but I don't believe it.  When I was in nursing school, in '87, they said cancer wasn't genetic.  Yeah, right.  

Title: Re: Who's been a Beast Warrior the longest?
Post by Sandy_C on Sep 6th, 2008 at 1:38pm

MPMIII wrote on Sep 4th, 2008 at 11:37am:
A very depressing thread considering I am only 3 years into the club.

I can see where the thought of years, even decades of living with the beast can be depressing.

But, look at these folks.....some are chronic, some episodic, but they all have one thing in common

They are survivors and WARRIORS!  Despite their CH, they live their lives to the fullest and are here trying to help the rest of us live our lives as well.

God bless them all.


Title: Re: Who's been a Beast Warrior the longest?
Post by MJ on Sep 6th, 2008 at 4:12pm

Sandy_C wrote on Sep 6th, 2008 at 1:38pm:

MPMIII wrote on Sep 4th, 2008 at 11:37am:
A very depressing thread considering I am only 3 years into the club.

I can see where the thought of years, even decades of living with the beast can be depressing.

But, look at these folks.....some are chronic, some episodic, but they all have one thing in common

They are survivors and WARRIORS!  Despite their CH, they live their lives to the fullest and are here trying to help the rest of us live our lives as well.

God bless them all.


Well said Sandy.

Thats the value of a thread like this. No matter how hard or how often we adapt and just live life to the very best of abilities.
Never let the demons run it for you. Its your life

Title: Re: Who's been a Beast Warrior the longest?
Post by PollyPocket on Sep 6th, 2008 at 9:08pm

Tara Ann wrote on Sep 4th, 2008 at 3:22pm:

Nothing wrong with this question in my book, no question is stupid remember?  Courisity is ok.

Amen to that Tara Ann!  One thing about the longevity of some of us, their experiences educate many, and many more to come.

I'm 23 years into it, 9 years misdiagnosed .... but starting to question all the teen years of headaches that my parents took me to the doctor for!

Lie about my age?  nope. I'm 45, and its been the last two years I've really learned to live in spite of ch.

Oh, and about that genetic thing: my grandfather on my mother's side had debilitating headaches....  Papa was hopelessly addicted to chocolate.   My only known trigger?   chocolate (scares the shit out of me to even taste it now)  

Keep asking questions, jj. The day you stop askin  is the day you stop learning!  Welcome!!!!

Title: Re: Who's been a Beast Warrior the longest?
Post by superhawk2300 on Sep 6th, 2008 at 9:16pm

They are survivors and WARRIORS!  Despite their CH, they live their lives to the fullest and are here trying to help the rest of us live our lives as well.

I am with Sandy on this and then some. I think having Ch actually makes my life better than those people who do not as it really helps me keep things in perspective sometimes.

Lots of people I know get rattled to the point of worry at/ about the smallest of things that might not even be true.

If anything, a good, hard CH cycle makes me take the rest of the world's BS with a grain of salt.

Also I beleive that people who have hurt more have the potential of a deeper happiness. I envision the happy / pain scale as a slider with the far left representing the worst feelings ever, and the far right representing the best feelings ever, and a state of neutral feelings or boredom directly in the middle.

So when I experience my next bout of "worst pain ever" (no matter where it comes from) it will push the left end of the line further left, marking my growing experience in pain. But this also makes the total line longer as well. Since we all know that "everything is relative" the middle of the line is still the middle of the line (but a new spot, more to the left) and that means the length of the good feeling side of the line just got lengthed too!

I suppose that sounds totally insane but it has worked for me.

Title: Re: Who's been a Beast Warrior the longest?
Post by Rolomatic on Sep 6th, 2008 at 9:34pm
Worst? Who knows.

The worst indignity I had to experience was when they (the doctors) sent me to one of those chronic pain clinics. Not only was I out of my element (and mind with pain) but I was wading in a big hot tub with elderly folks that had hip replacements!

I understand their pain but it seems no one in the main stream medical community understands mine/ours CH pain and what it does to our lives.

Until some senator gets our ill, we will be doomed to our own devices.

PF to all!


Title: Re: Who's been a Beast Warrior the longest?
Post by Lizzie2 on Sep 7th, 2008 at 8:54pm

superhawk2300 wrote on Sep 6th, 2008 at 9:16pm:

They are survivors and WARRIORS!  Despite their CH, they live their lives to the fullest and are here trying to help the rest of us live our lives as well.

I am with Sandy on this and then some. I think having Ch actually makes my life better than those people who do not as it really helps me keep things in perspective sometimes.

Lots of people I know get rattled to the point of worry at/ about the smallest of things that might not even be true.

If anything, a good, hard CH cycle makes me take the rest of the world's BS with a grain of salt.

Also I beleive that people who have hurt more have the potential of a deeper happiness. I envision the happy / pain scale as a slider with the far left representing the worst feelings ever, and the far right representing the best feelings ever, and a state of neutral feelings or boredom directly in the middle.

So when I experience my next bout of "worst pain ever" (no matter where it comes from) it will push the left end of the line further left, marking my growing experience in pain. But this also makes the total line longer as well. Since we all know that "everything is relative" the middle of the line is still the middle of the line (but a new spot, more to the left) and that means the length of the good feeling side of the line just got lengthed too!

I suppose that sounds totally insane but it has worked for me.

That is a really great post!  I also really liked Sandy C's post, too.  Superhawk, what I like about your post is your viewpoint about pain and happiness.  A friend of mine who is a medical student has always said that misery and happiness balance out, so for all the misery he's been through, he hopes there's someone out there who is really really happy.  And I used to think about that a lot, but now your post tonight is literally changing the way I think about that!  The way he views it means that you're doomed to be miserable or lucky to be happy, but you can't really be both - at least not where you spend the majority of your time.  (ie. May be happy sometimes, but generally miserable or may sometimes be sad, but generally happy...)

But reading your post - I really like how you put that for all the pain we experience, we will know more happiness as well.  I've thought about that in terms of emotion - I know that I can get very emotional about things, and that means that while I get upset easily or depressed easily, I also get very happy easily, excited easily, and so on.  Being emotional means I experience all emotions to a pretty full extent.  But my boyfriend is more middle of the line.  Sure he doesn't get overly depressed or sad most of the time, but he also doesn't feel the level of happiness or excitement about things either!  I almost feel sorry for him - even though I'm glad he doesn't feel deeply sad about things, but he misses out on the extreme joy too.  (He may completely disagree with what I'm saying, but this is just what I've observed about him - he rarely shows the excitement I do over something, which has taken me time to get used to.  We are moving in together next Saturday to a new apartment, and when we saw the apartment the other day, I was about to jump up and down - I was SOOOOOoooo excited!!  Not just about the apartment, but also about this start of our lives together!  He was more like, "Yeah this place is nice.  I think it'll be fine."  So I might say, "But aren't you excited???"  And he'll say, "Yeah, I guess so."  Instead of getting hurt and wondering if the thought of our living together doesn't make him as excited as it makes me, I just realize that he generally doesn't get that emotional about things.  His saying that he likes the place and talking about it positively is a great thing!) /digression done!

But anyway - it's a continuum.  I really like the thought that for the amount of pain we, as CH'ers, know and experience, we also can go that much farther in experiencing joy and happiness.  We know what it is like to be in such severe pain, so the moments without the pain are that much sweeter.  More appreciated.

As horrible as CH and pain are, in some ways they are also a gift.  We might never have opened our eyes so far or realized the strength in ourselves or the joy in those PF moments, and so on.

Anyways - I just liked your post so much that I had to comment!

With regards to the original topic, I have been suffering from CH for 5 years.  Problem is, I have suffered from various headache types since a very young age (earliest I can remember is age 8, but I don't know if I experienced headaches before that).  In January 2001, I got a chronic migraine that has never gone away, and when the CH's started in 2003, it took me awhile to figure out that that severest pain that came and went was a different beast.  It was only actually with the help of some people (BillyJ comes to mind, in particular) in an old chat room closely related to this board (Thanks Mast and Elaine!) that I was able to get it sorted.  At the time, I knew that my one diagnosis wasn't explaining the severe headaches that seemed to come at various times throughout the day, but I didn't know how to effectively get across the message of two headache types to my headache specialist.  My former neurologist (HA specialist) had moved out of the country in 9/03, and I saw my current neuro (at same clinic) in 11/03, and when I first described the CH pain, he said, "There's no point in trying to treat or abort those headaches."  This because I wasn't really separating the two types well in explaining them, and he thought I was describing part of the chronic migraine.  By a hospital stay in 12/03, I knew better to separate out the headaches (ie. one makes me sleep, the other makes me pace/rock; and so on), and I could then tell him based on tracking those severe attacks that they came at the exact same intervals every day (5pm, 7pm, 9pm, 11pm, 2am, 4am).  It was then that he diagnosed me with CH.

I cannot pinpoint the exact time they started.  I had a figure skating accident in March (I think?) of that year, and at the time had a concussion and neck sprain.  In the months after that, I began to notice what at first seemed like shorter lasting severe headaches that came many times a day (20-40 at first even!), but then by the fall had come and were lasting longer periods of time....45-60 minutes usually.  So I think that's really when the CH started.

What always struck me as odd was that I was already seeing a headache specialist and still didn't get an accurate diagnosis right away.  Granted, I only went a couple months without sleeping more than a couple hours a night rather than the years that some people went, but it was long enough.

I truly believe that looking at the amount of years that some here have suffered and yet are still carrying on living life just goes to show that it IS possible to have a fulfilling life in spite of CH.  You just take it day by day, hit by hit, and enjoy all the PF moments you get.  (Or, at least in my case, reduced pain moments I get - since I'm never without some form of head pain.  But hey, I know now to be very happy when my pain drops to a lower level!)

And Charlie has been without CH hits for a number of years now, right?  One of my dad's best friends got CH when he was in law school and was chronic from day one for nine years straight until one day they up and went away.  They weren't so savvy with the med knowledge of CH back then, and his dentist told him the only change he could detect was that his saliva seemed different.  For years, he attributed that as the reason they were gone.  When I was trying to sort my headaches apart, I spoke with him, and he said hearing me talk about CH made him truly remember the pain for the first time in years.  He has not had a CH since 1980, I believe!  

They CAN go away - you never know when one day you'll wake up, and they'll be gone.  If that's not a reason to keep on living and keep on having hope, then I don't know what is!  Prepare for the worst, but hope for the best - that's my motto when it comes to living with chronic pain.

Sorry for the long post!  /rambling done!

Carrie :)

Title: Re: Who's been a Beast Warrior the longest?
Post by Bob P on Sep 8th, 2008 at 7:06am
Episodic 38 years.

Been 3 years since my last cycle.  Maybe I'm just too old for the sucker!

Title: Re: Who's been a Beast Warrior the longest?
Post by icedragon on Sep 8th, 2008 at 12:03pm
Sure, I will play along.  Mine started 15 years ago after suffering a pretty bad concussion in a car accident on interstate 15 in 1993.  Although, I was misdiagnosed until my wife figured it out in 2001, and was not properly diagnosed by a "good doctor" (the first doc I mentioned it to was an ignoramus) until the end of 2002.  I find it interesting how common it is for people to go on with out a proper diagnosis.  I remeber reading a post on here not too long ago from a newbie that had been misdiagnosed for 40 years.  That is simply amazing to go on that long with out proper meds or prevents.  Maybe that should be the next question:  Who has battled the beast the longest while going undiagnosed?


Title: Re: Who's been a Beast Warrior the longest?
Post by Ray on Sep 8th, 2008 at 12:56pm
There are many good responses here!  Thanks for the input.

I was blessed to be diagnosed on my first cluster attack by a family practice doctor!  That was in April, 1987, so I lose by a long shot.  I've had migraines off and on since I was about 5 and only rarely suffer from them now.

Back in the era before triptans, I was searching for the "holy grail" of a cure -- and had no life to speak of.  I sought out the "experts" in the field of headaches, even traveled abroad to see a couple of them.

Once I was able to use O2 and Imitrex, I settled into a mode where I lived life to the fullest extent possible between attacks.  I kept the O2 and Imitrex close by, avoided my known triggers (alcohol, gasoline vapors, flashing/flickering lights) as much as possible.

I can understand, and become miserable during a CH, and take a little while to bounce back from a really bad one, but the effects of the headaches no longer are a major influence on the rest of my life.

I've been chronic from the first hit....

Wishing you all well,


Title: Re: Who's been a Beast Warrior the longest?
Post by Guiseppi on Sep 8th, 2008 at 8:21pm
30 years, began when I was 18.....quick do the math, he's not quite 50 yet!!!! ;D I skipped my fall cycle so I am now officially announcing I have out grown them and will immediately sell my regulator, get all those ugly E-Tanks outta my garage, flush all those pills and be done with all of you! Bye! ;)


( ::)What??? it could happen!)

Title: Re: Who's been a Beast Warrior the longest?
Post by superhawk2300 on Sep 9th, 2008 at 5:21pm
reminds me of my favorite definition of "Relative"

3 seconds with your hand on a red-hot pan seems like an eternity

3 hours with your hands on a red-hot woman seems like 3 seconds

Title: Re: Who's been a Beast Warrior the longest?
Post by gore2424 on Sep 9th, 2008 at 6:22pm
26 total years here
82-99 Episodic spring and fall only
then 99-present chronic
PLEASE NOTE had two years pain free time "dates unknow"

Title: Re: Who's been a Beast Warrior the longest?
Post by BobG on Sep 10th, 2008 at 8:27pm
Let's see.....................61 now, clusters started at (about) 26 so that would be ........borrow 10 from the six, 11-6=5, 5-2=3....
that would make it about 35 years for me.

But hey, who counting?

Title: Re: Who's been a Beast Warrior the longest?
Post by Linda_Howell on Sep 10th, 2008 at 8:44pm

   21 years.  Chronic the whole time.

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