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Message started by Roy on Sep 15th, 2008 at 11:07am

Title: I'm new here today
Post by Roy on Sep 15th, 2008 at 11:07am
Hi, My name is Roy and am 64 years old and live in central New York. I am on my 3rd bout of clusters. 1st was in 1999, then 2005 and now. They started Aug 7th this time. Up to 8 per day . Last week the Neuro Dr. wants to start me on Verapamil. Have not recieved it yet tho. I am doing the oxygen . 3 days ago I started applying real hot washcloths from the microwave on 20 seconds on hugh, applied to the left side forehead and eye area, WOW, what a dif. now down to 4-5 per day and less frequent and not as painful. I do the oxy at the same time. I just had one a few minutes ago, lasted 15 minutes, awesome.

Title: Re: I'm new here today
Post by thebbz on Sep 15th, 2008 at 12:00pm
Hi Roy,
These are common CH treatments. Hang tough, hurts worse than anything but does not kill you. Keep on the 02 it is a blessing for many.
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Title: Re: I'm new here today
Post by DennisM1045 on Sep 15th, 2008 at 12:12pm
Hi Roy,

Welcome to the board!  As the saying goes; sorry you're here but damn glad you found us.

Looks like you have long remissions - just not long enough  ;)

Great you found O2!  That is my main abortive too.  Fast, effective and no side effects!

Anyway, sounds like you've found a Dr that knows his CH treatments.  That is a real good start.  Good luck with the Verapamil.  Stick around and ask any questions you might have...


Title: Re: I'm new here today
Post by Ernie Moss aka Wishbone on Sep 15th, 2008 at 12:36pm
Roy, glad you found the board and hope this cycle is a short one and you are back to PFD soon.  Unlike some unfortunate posters it does sound as if your dr has you on the right path.  At for me the O2 is a great abortive.  Good luck man.  Wishbone.

Title: Re: I'm new here today
Post by Sandy_C on Sep 15th, 2008 at 2:45pm
Hi Roy, and welcome

I'm 62, with first ever bout of Ch in 1999.  I'm also one of those females, "who don't get CH".

You have not only found the right place to get a wealth of information, but also an extended family.

I honestly cannot speak to any preventative meds because I don't use them.  You like the hot washcloth, I like ice - cold, packs, frozen peas, anything cold.  

As you will learn here, CH is not a one size fits all kind of affliction.  Everyone of us will have success with something, while others will not.

Just read  everything here.  Click all of the buttons to the left of your screen for valuable info,go to to the OUCH website for more info.

As the clusterheads on this site like to say, Welcome - we're all in the same boat.  Pick up an oar and row!

Ask anything. As I was told when I first joined,there is no stupid question other than the one you didn't ask.


Title: Re: I'm new here today
Post by MR_FLOOR on Sep 15th, 2008 at 8:44pm
Hey Roy ,

   I see you found you new home and your new family. Anyway try this if you haven't already. Energy drinks Red Bull, Monster ect. anything with the combination of Taurine and Caffeine in it slam it down as fast as you can. I know it sounds hoaky but believe me it works. Remember slam it down as fast as you can.


Title: Re: I'm new here today
Post by sandie99 on Sep 16th, 2008 at 4:27am
warm welcome! :)

Wishing you pain-free time,

Title: Re: I'm new here today
Post by AussieBrian on Sep 16th, 2008 at 11:02am
Mate, I swear by hot packs, though I've gotta tell you that many a CHead would run a mile just at the thought! I commonly combine them with ice packs, using one on the side of my face and the other on the back of my neck, switching them round every couple of minutes.

Sticking one or the other under an armpit or between the legs might also help, or at least serve to take your mind off things for couple of moments.

(If I can't beat the bastage, I can sure confuse it.)

Frozen peas are the weapon of choice here, but beware the bags frozen mixed vegetables - some of them contain carrots.

It's a fight worth fighting, Roy, and together we'll win it.

Cheers and beers,

Brian down under.

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