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Message started by BarbaraD on Sep 17th, 2008 at 7:41pm

Title: My 50,000 mile checkup
Post by BarbaraD on Sep 17th, 2008 at 7:41pm
Went in for my neuro checkup yesterday. As ya'll know I haven't been doing real great the last six months or so. He was not real happy about that (I'm his problem child and have been for 10+ years).

Anyhow, he put me on cymbalta (usually used for firbra myalgia). He said he'd been having some luck with it for migraines and we were going to try it for CH (I'm also his testing board).

Only problem with the cymbalta. Cigarettes are making me sick as the devil.  :o That's one of the side effects (the other is it kills your appetite  :'( ) So I've been going thru today without the benefit of cigarettes or much food. If this keeps up I can probably save enough on cigarettes to buy the damn medicine! ;D Right now I'm on samples.

He also gave me some Ergotomine in sublingual form. Haven't been doing the ergotomine lately, but it's sorta neat. Easy to carry and just put it under your tongue. Whole lot better than carrying a bottle of pills with ya. Comes in little foil packets. Those of you using ergotomine (Cafergot) might ask for it.

I told him to up his O2 regulators to 25lpm, He thought that was interesting and said he would. He also said he refers all his CH patients to this site. I've given him permission to give them my number. He said they all complain about being alone with CH. He KNOWS I understand that one.

Anyhow, anyone in the East Texas area, RICHARD HAMER is the doc to see for CH. He LISTENS to his patients and does know what CH is. I know of about 40 patients he's treating for CH cause I've sent most of them to him.

Ok, enough of that -- I'm good for another 50,000 miles.... The cymbalta is going to straighten me out. I'm gonna be out of this crappy mood before the month is over (he told me to give it a day or two to start working).

And the good news is ..... drum roll please..... the next time I see him I'll be on MEDICARE (with a supplement) and won't have to PAY anything....  ;D :D ;D :D

Hugs BD

Title: Re: My 50,000 mile checkup
Post by CH-HELL on Sep 17th, 2008 at 8:03pm
Hi BD,  Thanks for the update, I go to the doctor tommorow and will ask about Cymbalta/Lyrica.  I get body aches and pains from triptans and Cymbalta sounds like it wound help for that too,  so keep us updated.  I wont try it yet I want to detox off all meds for awhile, but when I get done with that cymbalta maybe worth a try.  Thanks and hope it works for you.  Phil

Title: Re: My 50,000 mile checkup
Post by DennisM1045 on Sep 17th, 2008 at 8:43pm
You expect us to believe you only have 50,000 miles on that chassis?  :-*

I hope this tweak in your meds gets things to settle down for ya.  That and the end of the storm season should help out.



Title: Re: My 50,000 mile checkup
Post by Karl on Sep 18th, 2008 at 5:22am
hi Barbarad:
glad you got the low mileage check up. I hope it cymbalta  works well for you.
I have tried it but had to stop cause it gave me terrible runs and sbdominal discomfort, but hope you get the benefit you need.
hang in there I need your advice to keep me going. :D

Title: Re: My 50,000 mile checkup
Post by ClusterChuck on Sep 18th, 2008 at 2:32pm

DennisM1045 wrote on Sep 17th, 2008 at 8:43pm:
You expect us to believe you only have 50,000 miles on that chassis?

Nope!  Wasn't ME that brought up the question of the EXTREMELY low mileage number ... Nope ... Not me!

Chuck, the GOOD boy ...

Title: Re: My 50,000 mile checkup
Post by Linda_Howell on Sep 18th, 2008 at 3:23pm

Only problem with the cymbalta. Cigarettes are making me sick as the devil.

What a flipping fantastic side-effect.  I have 1/2 a mind to get my Dr. to give me a script for that if for no other reason than that.

Thanks for that Dr.s name.  I'll be adding it to my data-base for others who are always asking me for names of Dr.s in their area.

(Hmm.  I'm not deleting it but what I said about a half a mind....I am sure will be fodder for certain people here. )   Knock yourself out Chuckles.   ;D

Title: Re: My 50,000 mile checkup
Post by Ernie Moss aka Wishbone on Sep 18th, 2008 at 6:35pm
Barb, good luck with the med, sure hope this is the ticket to get you back is good spirits and feeling great.  You're a real credit to clusterheads for steering them to a doc that knows what is going on.

Linda don't worry about ole Chuckles.   [smiley=bigguns.gif]I spoke with NurseRat (she and I are good terms now that I send stud muffin intern her way) (and boy is CC pissed) and she has assured me that the jacket will at all times remain on, securely fastened and she will personally monitor his posts.  ;D

Title: Re: My 50,000 mile checkup
Post by Guiseppi on Sep 18th, 2008 at 11:26pm
Congrats Barb!! Hope it's even more succesful then you hope! I tried the sublingual ergotamine in the 80's but it was by itself and didn't help at all. Betcha it'd kick ass now if I combines it with the 02, may try that next!


Title: Re: My 50,000 mile checkup
Post by MR_FLOOR on Sep 19th, 2008 at 2:47am

BarbaraD wrote on Sep 17th, 2008 at 7:41pm:
he put me on cymbalta

Hugs BD

Hey Barb,

 Cymbalta is the nastiest med I have ever had the pleasure of being on I cant even begin to tell you about the side affects I had. I agree everybody is different but it's not just me, since I have been off them I have talked to a half dozen people who shared there distaste for that crap. All I can say is be careful and if there is another option to take something else do it. Good luck.


Title: Re: My 50,000 mile checkup
Post by BarbaraD on Sep 19th, 2008 at 6:45am

So far so good.... I did read all the side effects (and if that don't scare you nothing will). I take it at night, so maybe I'll sleep them off. Hope so anyhow. So far Trazadone has been the only thing I could take without a reaction as far as anti-depressants go.

I told him my "goal" is to get off meds totally and just use O2. But right now I'm just not ready for that leap of faith. Not during a high cycle.

All I can do is keep my fingers crossed that it works.

Hugs BD

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