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Message started by shark boy on Sep 23rd, 2008 at 1:35pm

Title: dumb question
Post by shark boy on Sep 23rd, 2008 at 1:35pm
Hi to all..we all have our own triggers, I have a boat load of them. I've been 2 years free, and I've been a good boy the whole time. Looks like the beast is back. I have learned that keeping a diary on what I eat,drink and do and the prevenatives I take really helps. O.K. hers the dumb question...I went to the dentist 46 days ago and the beast started to wake up 3 days later, I got rid of him with 02 in just 4 min. then again and agin maybe 3, 4, times a night o2 did the trick. but yesterday he got pissed off and came out to get me. had 2 attacks both lasted 40,45 min. the last one was a 10. QUESTION: has any one gone to the dentist and had a problem with the beast????? man this is stupid.

Title: Re: dumb question
Post by Brew on Sep 23rd, 2008 at 1:39pm
Short answer: Me, no. Others, definitely.

I'll let them elaborate - they're the experts.

Title: Re: dumb question
Post by Linda_Howell on Sep 23rd, 2008 at 2:13pm

Not a dumb question at all.  Honest.

If you go here:  START PRINTPAGEMultimedia File Viewing and Clickable Links are available for Registered Members only!!  You need to Login or RegisterEND PRINTPAGE  You will see where the Trigeminal nerves are that are activated when we have an attack.  One of those nerves goes down into the jaw and centers near the teeth on the side affected.  I have always said it feels like someone is driving a nail into every tooth on that one side.

I suppose it follows then that drilling around that nerve by a dentist could also trigger an attack.  This is only theory and I am not a Dr. nor do I play one on T.V.   ;)


Title: Re: dumb question
Post by Bob_Johnson on Sep 23rd, 2008 at 2:44pm
While Linda and I share other stuff--this not one.

Have never had dental stuff trigger an attack.

Title: Re: dumb question
Post by thefinerev on Sep 23rd, 2008 at 3:21pm
My first episode began with a beginning hit on the way home from getting a cavity drilled and filled. I thought they had inserted a spy chip in my head( watch to many movies). That ended up being a 10 and they ended a month later exactly. I have wondered about it was well.

Title: Re: dumb question
Post by CH-HELL on Sep 23rd, 2008 at 3:24pm
I was 21 when I got my first filling and two months later I was diagnosed with CH, it probably is not related but I have extreme pain in my upper molars when I get hit.  I have even asked my dentist to pull them out, he said I was crazy :D maybe I'll pull them out on my own the next time I get hit witha k 10.  I'll let you know if it helps..     Phil

Title: Re: dumb question
Post by Guiseppi on Sep 23rd, 2008 at 3:28pm
I have even asked my dentist to pull them out, he said I was crazy  maybe I'll pull them out on my own the next time I get hit witha k 10.  I'll let you know if it helps..     Phil

I'm sure you're joking!!!  ;DBut please don't do this! The picture of the trigeminal nerve shows you why you'd think plucking teeth would stop the won't!!!!!

As to the original question, I've been lucky, dental work has never triggered a cycle or an attack.


Title: Re: dumb question
Post by Brew on Sep 23rd, 2008 at 3:28pm
There are people here who have had all their teeth pulled due to the pain associated with CH.

The connection between dental pain and CH pain is a lot closer than some might think.

Title: Re: dumb question
Post by CH-HELL on Sep 23rd, 2008 at 3:37pm
Yes sorry I was joking but I have thought about it, and I am in no way recomending anyone do this.    Phil

Title: Re: dumb question
Post by [johnny] on Sep 24th, 2008 at 4:15pm

wrote on Sep 23rd, 2008 at 3:28pm:
There are people here who have had all their teeth pulled due to the pain associated with CH.

The connection between dental pain and CH pain is a lot closer than some might think.

yeah the pain is very similar. when i was a kid i went to the dentist a few times to get x-rays just to find there was nothing wrong.

Title: Re: dumb question
Post by Barry_T_Coles on Sep 24th, 2008 at 6:54pm

wrote on Sep 23rd, 2008 at 3:24pm:
I was 21 when I got my first filling and two months later I was diagnosed with CH, it probably is not related but I have extreme pain in my upper molars when I get hit.  I have even asked my dentist to pull them out, he said I was crazy :D maybe I'll pull them out on my own the next time I get hit witha k 10.  I'll let you know if it helps..     Phil

Been there done that & still get pain in the jaw exactly where the teeth where.
I miss them teeth, I was sorta kinda attached to them.

Title: Re: dumb question
Post by on my knees on Sep 24th, 2008 at 8:46pm
i have never had alot of pain in the jaw or teeth, but if i did i would be looking to yank them suckers.
i have ringing in the ears but thats thanks to the navy ( i think ) :-/

Title: Re: dumb question
Post by jay on Sep 25th, 2008 at 9:03am
I can give you some recent experiance about that as I had to have a impacted wisdom tooth out a couple of weeks ago, it was a bad experiance as it took over an hour for it to be removed and my CH have been bad for the last few weeks.

It has also set off a major Trigeminal neuralgia attack as well. I told the dental hospital about the CH and my neuralgia and they said they didnt think it would set off any attacks but to be honest I dont think they really had a clue.

All I know with my tooth being taken out my attack levels did increase and still got pain in my teeth even where they have removed the wisdom teeth I would always warn people to be very careful before even going near a dentist as if it does or not set off attacks I have had bad experiance and would hate to see other folk go through this :'(

Title: Re: dumb question
Post by jay on Sep 25th, 2008 at 9:05am
I can give you some recent experiance about that as I had to have a impacted wisdom tooth out a couple of weeks ago, it was a bad experiance as it took over an hour for it to be removed and my CH have been bad for the last few weeks.

It has also set off a major Trigeminal neuralgia attack as well. I told the dental hospital about the CH and my neuralgia and they said they didnt think it would set off any attacks but to be honest I dont think they really had a clue.

All I know with my tooth being taken out my attack levels did increase and still got pain in my teeth even where they have removed the wisdom teeth I would always warn people to be very careful before even going near a dentist as if it does or not set off attacks I have had bad experiance and would hate to see other folk go through this :'(

Title: Re: dumb question
Post by shark boy on Sep 25th, 2008 at 1:58pm
i dont know what to say, I want to thank all of you for taking time out of your day to help me with this "dumb" question.

thank you for your kind response..

shark boy

Title: Re: dumb question
Post by Tara Ann on Sep 25th, 2008 at 2:11pm
I have very bad teeth.  It doesn't take the dentist to trigger me but rather the toothaches/abcesses that I get quite often.  I to believe its because that fun trigmenel nerve is to blame.  

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