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Message started by Whipsmart on Sep 26th, 2008 at 8:05am

Title: CH and Sinus Infection
Post by Whipsmart on Sep 26th, 2008 at 8:05am
About two weeks ago my cluster cycle started up again.  I only had two nasty ones that oxygen took to task.  The others were pretty low level.  Then I was hit with a sinus infection.  Meds helped, but the sinus pressure and insane amounts of mucous didn't make a nice mixture with clusters.  

Anyone have any history with this?  I saw my cluster doc last night, and he had a few ideas.  I just wanted to hear what others have done.

Title: Re: CH and Sinus Infection
Post by CH-HELL on Sep 26th, 2008 at 9:38am
I have two ideas on this.  To start I wil say that I had sinus surgery a few years ago and havn't had a sinus infection since,  but I still have all the fun stuff that goes with CH runny nose and can't breath through my nosrals when the beast hits.
 1. The sinus infections could be cuased by the constant swelling of the sinus cavity when in a CH cycle.

 2.  Sinus infections, colds, ear infections, allergies and almost any thing that goes with the changes in weather can trigger a episodic cluster cylce.

This is just my thinking,  and this is the run around that doctors did to me for years,  if I got a sinus infection and started a CH cycle it was the trigger and if I started a cycle and got a sinus infection it was because of the swelling of my sinuses.

Okay Whipsmart what did your doctor say?  Good luck and hope you are pf soon.          Phil

Title: Re: CH and Sinus Infection
Post by kevmd on Sep 26th, 2008 at 9:42am
You will find a ton of us were misdiagnosed with sinus infections or told that an actual sinus infection was causing our headaches.  By all means, treat the sinus infection but do not expect the treatments to get rid of your CH.  Hope your cycle is a short one

Title: Re: CH and Sinus Infection
Post by Whipsmart on Sep 27th, 2008 at 10:49am

wrote on Sep 26th, 2008 at 9:38am:
I have two ideas on this.  To start I wil say that I had sinus surgery a few years ago and havn't had a sinus infection since,  but I still have all the fun stuff that goes with CH runny nose and can't breath through my nosrals when the beast hits.
 1. The sinus infections could be cuased by the constant swelling of the sinus cavity when in a CH cycle.

 2.  Sinus infections, colds, ear infections, allergies and almost any thing that goes with the changes in weather can trigger a episodic cluster cylce.

This is just my thinking,  and this is the run around that doctors did to me for years,  if I got a sinus infection and started a CH cycle it was the trigger and if I started a cycle and got a sinus infection it was because of the swelling of my sinuses.

Okay Whipsmart what did your doctor say?  Good luck and hope you are pf soon.          Phil

My doc said he wanted to get me out of pain and break the cycle, but he doesn't know what he's dealing with in my sinuses.  He doubled my depakote to help with the "mingrainey" type headaches during the day.  He put me on a three day treatment of Migranal nasal to keep away the headaches.

I take a dose of 4mg Migranal three times a day for three days in each nostril.   :o He said no Maxalt while taking Migranal and for 24 hours after the treatment.  No indocin either.  He said that he could put me on a round of steroids, but since he didn't know what was going on in the sinuses he couldn't be certain of the results.  He scheduled me for a CT scan of my sinuses.  Then I go back to check out the results.

So far it's working.  My sinuses are stilled stuffed up, but I don't have the headaches to go along with it.  That works for me.  Thank God for good insurance paying for all this stuff.

Title: Re: CH and Sinus Infection
Post by [johnny] on Sep 28th, 2008 at 8:27am
best advise i can give is don't blow your nose to hard and avoid sneezing if possible. both are huge triggers for me.

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