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Message started by Shannon0601 on Dec 13th, 2008 at 1:27am

Title: Expired Initrex Injections
Post by Shannon0601 on Dec 13th, 2008 at 1:27am
I saw an old topic on here about this but curious if anyone knows the effects of taking expired imitrex injections..I have a few from the last time around and they expired in november of 2007 just curious if I could still use them..I only have one new one left and tonight is pretty bad so I'm worried if I use up this last one I wont be able to get another perscription filled til Monday!  Any suggestions! Thanks!  :-[

Title: Re: Expired Initrex Injections
Post by ClusterChuck on Dec 13th, 2008 at 4:46am
From the other thread where you asked the SAME question:

ClusterChuck wrote on Dec 13th, 2008 at 4:26am:

Shannon0601 wrote on Dec 13th, 2008 at 1:22am:
that was to funny, you are only as old as you feel haha! I have a question I have some left over imitrex that expired november of 2007 is it safe to still use them does anyone know?

The date is a guide line ... Also a CYA thing for the manufacturers.

I have used trex that was three years out of date.  No problems.

I am not a pharmacist, nor a doctor, but I think it will not HURT you to use outdated trex, it is just that it may have lost some of its potency.


Title: Re: Expired Initrex Injections
Post by lashultz on Dec 13th, 2008 at 8:42am
I have also used outdated imitrex. No problems. I asked my Doc about this. He did not see any problem.


Title: Re: Expired Initrex Injections
Post by maalstroom on Dec 13th, 2008 at 9:24am
As my remissions are 2 years or two and a half, I almost always have expired Imitrex in the beginning of a new cycle.
I once asked about it at the pharmacist's, and she told me I could use old injectables. There is in rare cases a loss of potency, but barely noticeable most of the times. At least I haven't noticed.

CH comes always unexpected, so I save the ones that are left so I won't be without when needed.
I still have six from my spring cycle.


Title: Re: Expired Initrex Injections
Post by Ray on Dec 13th, 2008 at 11:53am
I agree with the others.  For longer term storage, you can keep the injectables in the refrigerator.


Title: Re: Expired Initrex Injections
Post by Shannon0601 on Dec 15th, 2008 at 11:54am
Thanks for the input

Title: Re: Expired Initrex Injections
Post by lwkreu on Dec 16th, 2008 at 12:03am
I have used 6 month out of date and didn't die (and wouldn't have cared if I did). Use at your own caution. The effectiveness decreases but anything is better than nothing. My cuurent supply expired 3 months ago and i am not throwing it out.

Title: Re: Expired Initrex Injections
Post by Shannon0601 on Dec 16th, 2008 at 12:06am
well I used the year old imitrex and it didn't do much, it helped don't get me wrong but didn't seem to be as affective but I guarentee that after this cycle I will still be saving all of my imitrex for next time around

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