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Message started by aprilhct on Mar 18th, 2009 at 10:09am

Title: help for loved one
Post by aprilhct on Mar 18th, 2009 at 10:09am
hi im new to this site. my boyfriend of 14 years has not had an attack for 10 years. now the last 2 weeks he has had them everyday. he went to the doctors and got a shot(don't know what the name was) and a perscription for naproxen sodium. still has anywhere from mild headache to severe. what else can we do? :'(

Title: Re: help for loved one
Post by flipperlips on Mar 18th, 2009 at 4:29pm
Hi there and welcome to the board.  You will find tons of great information right here on this site, so pull up a chair and get ready to read, read and read some more.  If you have any questions just ask right here and somene will be along shortly to help you out.

Has your boyfriend been diagnosed with CH from a neurologist?  If not he needs to get into a neuro that has some experience with CH.

If indeed he already has been diagnosed I'm sorry to tell you that the naproxen won't do anything to help him.  A lot of CH sufferers first line of defense is oxygen, read the link to left.  My hubby uses O2 with a Optimask (a non rebreather mask) at a flow rate 25lpm.

If the O2 isn't working some use a triptan, such as imitrex or zomig.  However the imitrex and zomig pills are not sufficient as they take to long to work.  Some use the nasal spray or injectables.  My husband uses the imitrex injections if he can't knock the beast down with the O2, but the O2 has been working great and he hasn't used imitrex in a long time.

Then there are preventative meds such as verapamil or lithium.  My husband takes 480mg of regular release verapamil daily.

Last, but not least, as a supporter you must remember to take care of yourself as well.  We can't stay strong for our sufferers if were not getting the rest and relaxation that we need.

I'm sure others will be along with some advice as well.

Hang in there!!!!

Title: Re: help for loved one
Post by Jackie on Mar 18th, 2009 at 7:21pm
Great advice from FlipperGirl.

Study everything you can here and on the OUCH site (button on the left.  There is a wealth of information that you all will find very helpful.  Knowledge is power.

Keep us posted on how you all are doing and remember there is always someone around here to help.


Title: Re: help for loved one
Post by Guiseppi on Mar 18th, 2009 at 7:53pm
Flipper has given you a great start! I'd also suggest you encourage your boyfriend to log on and get active on the board. You won't find a more comprehensive collection of information on CH ANYWHERE! And once he educates himself here, he'll be ready to "assist" his doctor in giving him a treatment program that has a prayer of helping him......unlike his current regimen! ;)

Bless your heart for being a supporter, we don't thank you enough, I'd be lost without my wife....who also found this board for me!


Title: Re: help for loved one
Post by QnHeartMM on Apr 2nd, 2009 at 2:04pm
Hi April - how's it going? Any luck with reading through the info on the site and perhaps sharing with the doctor? How about oxygen? It really helps alot of people here.


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