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Message started by ClusterSufferer on Dec 23rd, 2009 at 2:18am

Title: Magnesium for cluster headaches?
Post by ClusterSufferer on Dec 23rd, 2009 at 2:18am
I ran across an article on headaches while searching the web for ways to cope with a cluster headache. I was wondering if anyone has tried a magnesium supplement or a diet high in magnesium and what their results were? here is the website and below is the article pertaining to the cluster headache part of the site. Let me know what you think.

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A deficiency in magnesium can cause regular headaches, cluster headaches, and migraines. Magnesium helps the muscles surrounding the veins and arteries relax, thereby increasing the blood flow. The following factors cause depletion of magnesium: mental stress, coffee, sugar, a high sodium diet, alcohol, cola-type sodas, tobacco, high perspiration, drugs of all types, low thyroid function, diabetes, chronic pain, diuretics, a high carbohydrate diet, and a high calcium diet. Research has found that migraine sufferers often have low magnesium (50% of all sufferers!) and high calcium levels. Magnesium taurate or glycinate may be preferable to other forms of magnesium. The deficiency of magnesium may cause chemical changes in the brain that lead to migraines. A hair analysis will show you your calcium/magnesium ratio, among other mineral and heavy metal levels.
Have your doctor test your magnesium level. However, if you have one or more of the following symptoms, it's likely you have a magnesium deficiency: muscle cramps (especially nighttime leg cramps), menstrual cramps, fatigue, constipation, heart palpitations, insomnia, and anxiety.

Cluster headaches can be eliminated by taking 400 mg of magnesium 3x a day (make sure one capsule is taken before bedtime). If you get diarrhea, cut the dosage a little. In addition, avoid glutamates. For a good overview of glutamates, and magnesium in general, visit START PRINTPAGEMultimedia File Viewing and Clickable Links are available for Registered Members only!!  You need to Login or RegisterEND PRINTPAGE

Here is another article I found pertaining to the use of magnesium:

        Treating headaches with magnesium should be obvious to the reader by now. Does magnesium work for migraine headaches? Researchers have found that patients who suffer with migraines also suffer with low magnesium levels and high calcium. In fact, most chronic headaches are caused by high calcium and low magnesium. When treated with IV magnesium 88% of those patients found complete relief of their migraines. Low-ionized magnesium and high-ionized calcium/magnesium ratios in patients with daily migrainous headaches are frequently noted. Since starting START PRINTPAGEMultimedia File Viewing and Clickable Links are available for Registered Members only!!  You need to Login or RegisterEND PRINTPAGE web site in September of 2000, Shawna Kopchu RN, its director, has given advice to hundreds of migraine patients on the use of magnesium for their migraines. Out of those patients - ALL of them got some sort of relief with the use of magnesium. Some were completely cured and others found that it decreased the frequency and intensity of the migraines they did get. Magnesium glycinate may be preferable to other forms of magnesium in its treatment of migraines.

        I have also found that regular use of magnesium prevents headaches. Since I started using magnesium for depression, I have not had a headache (unless I did something really stupid - for which I deserved a good headache). I have a friend that suffered from cluster headaches, the worst and most debilitating type of headache known to humans. People have committed suicide to be free of them. This person was really irritable (a clear sign of magnesium deficiency) and would not take magnesium, saying that if the best doctors in the field could not cure his headaches, why would he even listen to me? He suffered horrible cluster headaches for another year, and was suffering from some prescription drug overdoses and bad side effects. Finally, his girlfriend told him (after I had proselytized her for that year), that she was going to leave him if he didn't give magnesium a good college try. OK. He was in so much pain that he laid down on the floor. I did too. He knew my position on magnesium already and all he wanted to know was the dosage. I told him that if I were him, I would take, at least in the beginning, 400-mg ionizable magnesium three times a day (breakfast, mid afternoon and bedtime) totaling 1200 mg magnesium. I told him that he would eventually get diarrhea at that dosage, and that he should back off to a more sustainable dosage in about a week. I told him to avoid the toxic forms of magnesium, which would probably make his headaches worse. I also told him to avoid man-made glutamates and cut down on calcium. I didn't see them for several days, then, I heard a loud and very rapid knocking on my door about midnight. It was my friend and his girlfriend, and they were tripping over each other trying to be first to explosively and joyfully tell me the good news! NO MORE HEADACHES! PERIOD!!!!!!!! Not even a minor headache! What more can I say. Chronic headaches without clear explanation (like a well deserved hangover) are just another symptom of our sick, over-medicated, magnesium deficient society. Can you imagine the financial losses that would be incurred by pharmaceutical drug pushers if the truth were known about magnesium and its critical role in health? I suspect they would declare magnesium to be toxic and force the FDA to take it off the market. This may happen due to the Codex treaty.   

Title: Re: Magnesium for cluster headaches?
Post by vietvet2tours on Dec 23rd, 2009 at 2:30am


Title: Re: Magnesium for cluster headaches?
Post by ClusterSufferer on Dec 23rd, 2009 at 2:32am

Potter wrote on Dec 23rd, 2009 at 2:30am:


So, I take it then vietvet2tours that you've tried this without success?

Title: Re: Magnesium for cluster headaches?
Post by Guiseppi on Dec 23rd, 2009 at 3:19am
There have been several on the board, myself included, who now include magnesium supplements in our diets. My neuro suggested adding Vitamin B-2 and magnesium supplements, daily, in and out of cycle.

The hardest thing about CH is establishing hard and fast cause and effect relationships, since the damned things morph so often anyways. That being said, I'm convinced it's had a beneficial effect for me, reducing the number and intensity of my attacks. By no means is it a cure for CH, but I believe one of many useful tools I have to manage it.


Edited to add...if you start taking magnesium, add a calcium and Vitamin D supplement as magnesium leeches calcium outta your system!

Title: Re: Magnesium for cluster headaches?
Post by Brew on Dec 23rd, 2009 at 7:15am
And if you take higher doses of it, keep a supply of Pampers on hand.

Title: Re: Magnesium for cluster headaches?
Post by Marc on Dec 23rd, 2009 at 8:24am
I took 1200mg per day (3 x 400) for a month and was sure that it was gradually helping - until the CH's came roaring back full strength. Didn't have any gastric problems with it so I added another 800mg for two weeks. Still no help, except some forced weight loss at that dose.

Like so many other things, I got excited about a new treatment only to discover that it really didn't change anything for me.

Other people have reported good results with Magnesium so everyone should give it a try.


Title: Re: Magnesium for cluster headaches?
Post by Guiseppi on Dec 23rd, 2009 at 12:17pm

Brew wrote on Dec 23rd, 2009 at 7:15am:
And if you take higher doses of it, keep a supply of Pampers on hand. does keep you say???......loose? ;D


Title: Re: Magnesium for cluster headaches?
Post by Brew on Dec 23rd, 2009 at 12:22pm
In polite company we say "regular."

Perhaps "Uber-regular" would apply here. ;D

Title: Re: Magnesium for cluster headaches?
Post by vietvet2tours on Dec 23rd, 2009 at 12:24pm
I took the time to click each link and peruse the bullshit testimonials.  Click em for a good hoot .  Here's the first just for example.

Cluster. This form of headache usually strikes men who smoke and drink and will recur over several weeks, with pain generally centering in one eye.


Cluster headaches seem to respond well to chiropractic adjustment.


A deficiency in magnesium can cause regular headaches, cluster headaches, and migraines. Magnesium helps the muscles surrounding the veins and arteries relax, thereby increasing the bloodflow.


Title: Re: Magnesium for cluster headaches?
Post by Jeannie on Dec 23rd, 2009 at 12:34pm

Brew wrote on Dec 23rd, 2009 at 12:22pm:
In polite company we say "regular."

Perhaps "Uber-regular" would apply here. ;D

Hmmmmmmm...... Magnesium, you say..........    [smiley=bag.gif] to counter act the Verapamil...... hmmmmmmmm


Title: Re: Magnesium for cluster headaches?
Post by Marc on Dec 23rd, 2009 at 1:05pm

Jeannie wrote on Dec 23rd, 2009 at 12:34pm:

Brew wrote on Dec 23rd, 2009 at 12:22pm:
In polite company we say "regular."

Perhaps "Uber-regular" would apply here. ;D

Hmmmmmmm...... Magnesium, you say..........    [smiley=bag.gif] to counter act the Verapamil...... hmmmmmmmm


Yep, it does at high enough doses.

Title: Re: Magnesium for cluster headaches?
Post by monty on Dec 23rd, 2009 at 1:13pm
Research has shown that magnesium can help some people with cluster headaches. Is it a cure-all? No, nothing is. Can it help some people? That is a reasonable belief, supported by evidence.

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Title: Re: Magnesium for cluster headaches?
Post by vietvet2tours on Dec 23rd, 2009 at 1:15pm

monty wrote on Dec 23rd, 2009 at 1:13pm:
Research has shown that magnesium can help some people with cluster headaches. Is it a cure-all? No, nothing is. Can it help some people? That is a reasonable belief, supported by evidence.

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    You get a mulligan Monty

Title: Re: Magnesium for cluster headaches?
Post by Marc on Dec 23rd, 2009 at 1:35pm

monty wrote on Dec 23rd, 2009 at 1:13pm:
Research has shown that magnesium can help some people with cluster headaches. Is it a cure-all? No, nothing is. Can it help some people? That is a reasonable belief, supported by evidence.

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But that refers to Magnesium Sulfate given IV - a whole different story..........


Title: Re: Magnesium for cluster headaches?
Post by Guiseppi on Dec 23rd, 2009 at 1:42pm

Jeannie wrote on Dec 23rd, 2009 at 12:34pm:

Brew wrote on Dec 23rd, 2009 at 12:22pm:
In polite company we say "regular."

Perhaps "Uber-regular" would apply here. ;D

Hmmmmmmm...... Magnesium, you say..........    [smiley=bag.gif] to counter act the Verapamil...... hmmmmmmmm


Too bad the magnesium doesn't counter....ummm...ALL the effects of verapamil!!!!!! ;D ::)

Title: Re: Magnesium for cluster headaches?
Post by Brew on Dec 23rd, 2009 at 1:56pm

Guiseppi wrote on Dec 23rd, 2009 at 1:42pm:

Jeannie wrote on Dec 23rd, 2009 at 12:34pm:

Brew wrote on Dec 23rd, 2009 at 12:22pm:
In polite company we say "regular."

Perhaps "Uber-regular" would apply here. ;D

Hmmmmmmm...... Magnesium, you say..........    [smiley=bag.gif] to counter act the Verapamil...... hmmmmmmmm


Too bad the magnesium doesn't counter....ummm...ALL the effects of verapamil!!!!!! ;D ::)

Testify, brutha!

Title: Re: Magnesium for cluster headaches?
Post by seaworthy on Dec 23rd, 2009 at 5:39pm
Heres the best one.

Cluster headaches can be eliminated by taking 400 mg of magnesium 3x a day (make sure one capsule is taken before bedtime).

Who knew? Apparantly not some of the best neuros in the world ?  Someone should let them know.

Title: Re: Magnesium for cluster headaches?
Post by Barry_T_Coles on Dec 23rd, 2009 at 6:41pm
Maybe this will help, 3X 500mg Magnesium/calcium per day.
Fluke? luck? persistence? or it was going to happen anyway.

Day of last hit      2/10/2006      First big break
Today's date      20/06/2007      First day of getting hit again
           261      =      Days since last hit

Day of last hit      20/06/2007      High cycle started again
Today's date      9/08/2007      High cycle ended
           50            Days getting hit

Day of last hit      9/08/2007      Low cycle started
Today's date      1/06/2008      Low cycle ended
           297            Days since last hit

Day of last hit      1/06/2008      High cycle started again
Today's date      24/07/2008      High cycle ended
           53            Days getting hit

Day of last hit      24/07/2008      Low cycle started
Today's date      24/12/2009      
           518            Current pain free run


Title: Re: Magnesium for cluster headaches?
Post by monty on Dec 24th, 2009 at 1:08am

Marc wrote on Dec 23rd, 2009 at 1:35pm:
But that refers to Magnesium Sulfate given IV - a whole different story..........


Really? Are you suggesting that magnesium isn't absorbed when taken orally? It is true that an IV drip is faster, and for aborting a particular CH or treating a heart attack, it would be preferred. But for prevention, the body doesn't care if the magnesium is from an IV ... only that it is there.

As a group, clusterheads are quite deficient in magnesium - more than any other group of headache patients. The clusterheads with the lowest magnesium levels were most likely to respond. Is there evidence that oral sources of magnesium won't treat the deficiency, or that orally ingested Mg isn't a calcium channel blocker?

Title: Re: Magnesium for cluster headaches?
Post by Marc on Dec 24th, 2009 at 8:43am
No, Monty - I don't believe that I said that oral doses are not absorbed.

I was only pointing out that magnesium sulfate administered via IV to abort headaches was referred to in the articles - not magnesium taken orally as a preventative.

Reduced magnesium levels measured during an attack does not necessarily tell me that low levels helped cause the attack.

I didn't say that Magnesium supplements are bad. My comment was that some people have reported success and that it should be tried. If it cures your CH's, that's a truly wonderful thing.

Hoping all is well with you and yours,


Title: Re: Magnesium for cluster headaches?
Post by ellebelle on Jul 14th, 2012 at 5:21pm
I myself suffer with cluster headaches, and they are hand on heart the WORST thing I have ever experienced. I get them for around April, my cycle lasting 2 months and i get around 8 attacks a day lasting about 45 minutes to an hour and a half. I cannot do anything and get so depressed throughout my cycle often feeling like i want to mad! the only thing that makes me feel better is bashing my head against the wall. Cluster headaches are exhausting they feel like they go on for days when each one only lasts under an hour! The only thing which worked for me is magnesium. Thank GOD for magnesium!!! my CH were prevented taking these tablets, and now i swear by them! I hope it works for my next CH cycle!

Title: Re: Magnesium for cluster headaches?
Post by Guiseppi on Jul 14th, 2012 at 6:14pm
Welcome to the board ellebelle. Take some time to check out the board, the links on the left, and see what all is available now for CH. the old days of chewing aspirin and pounding our heads on the concrete are past tense. For abortives we have oxygen, Imitrex injections, energy drinks, there are numerous prevents to try, let us know what meds you've tried in the past. Maybe we can give you some ideas to take back to your doc.


Title: Re: Magnesium for cluster headaches?
Post by Doc Leila on Jul 17th, 2012 at 2:23pm
I saw a new doctor for my CH today. After seeing countless GP's neurologists homeopaths and naturopaths, Magnesium was suggested for the first time. He gave me an intravenous dose in his rooms and started me on Mag glyc orally. His rational was to use the IV dose to abort an attack and oral dose to chronically keep my levels up and hopefully prevent another attack.
He also did an extensive (expensive) food allergy test, saying that food allergies increase the amount of inflammation in your body chronically, so that when you are in cycle its so much easier to trigg your system.

Awaiting results of mag and bloood tests.... Wish me luck!

Title: Re: Magnesium for cluster headaches?
Post by Doc Leila on Jul 18th, 2012 at 3:27pm
Still no headache, though its only been 24 hrs. Seeing same doctor again tomorrow for acupuncture... Wondering if i should take another iv dose.

Any suggestions??  :-?

Title: Re: Magnesium for cluster headaches?
Post by vietvet2tours on Jul 18th, 2012 at 6:04pm

Doc Leila wrote on Jul 18th, 2012 at 3:27pm:
Still no headache, though its only been 24 hrs. Seeing same doctor again tomorrow for acupuncture... Wondering if i should take another iv dose.

Any suggestions??  :-?

We really don't give Medical advice cuz none of us even pretends to be a Doctor.


Title: Re: Magnesium for cluster headaches?
Post by Linda_Howell on Jul 18th, 2012 at 7:57pm

I am amazed that you dug this thread out of the archives of 2009...two years ago.   Acupuncture will not help CH

Title: Re: Magnesium for cluster headaches?
Post by palm on Sep 2nd, 2012 at 5:09pm
I tried taking a 500mg magnesium supplement every day for a week, right before going to bed. BAD!!!~!~

The frequency (but not intensity) of my CH increased by a factor of 10 fold! Not recommended!!!

Looking magnesium up, that makes sense. Magnesium is a vasodilator, but my CH responds very well to vasoconstrictors (like cafergot, etc).

I then tried avoiding all foods high in magnesium, but that doesn't seem to have any beneficial effect.

Title: Re: Magnesium for cluster headaches?
Post by Clutch-Hicks on Feb 16th, 2017 at 10:23am
I have been suffering from CH for about 25 years and sympathize deeply with all of you.  Each cycle I find new ways to deal with the pain that comes with them.  Imitrex is the only drug I have used that knocks them out.  I take the injectors mainly since the oral form takes too long to take effect.  While Imitrex is a godsend, it is also fairly expensive.  $50 for 2 injectors.
I just started taking 500mg of Magnesium.  I will try anything if there is a chance it will help.  I took my first dosage today and will keep track of my attacks to see if this is helping. :)

Title: Re: Magnesium for cluster headaches?
Post by Clutch-Hicks on Feb 17th, 2017 at 6:07pm
After 2 days of about 1000mg of Magnesium i have noticed a difference in the intensity and length of my attacks.   It hasn't rid me of them but, it has made them more tolerable.  I have started D3 caplets today to see if they help.

Title: Re: Magnesium for cluster headaches?
Post by Glassman on Mar 19th, 2017 at 5:21am
For what it's worth....I experienced four days PF during this cycle after doing an hour session at Float Spa (an isolation tank in warm water with 1000 pounds of dissolved magnesium). P.S. I'm not advertising, I received this as a gift from my wife.

Title: Re: Magnesium for cluster headaches?
Post by Batch on Mar 19th, 2017 at 11:16am
Hey Clutch-Hicks,

If you're going to start taking vitamin D3, download the anti-inflammatory regimen by clicking on the following link.  That way you'll see all the other vitamin D3 cofactors and doses including Omega-3 fish oil, magnesium, zinc, boron, vitamin A (retinol) vitamin K2 and and the 3-month course of vitamin B 50 complex as well as the rest of the suggested treatment protocol needed to prevent your CH. The cofactors are just as important as the vitamin D3 as they play a role in vitamin D3 metabolism and help improve vitamin D3 effectiveness as a CH preventative.

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Results from the online survey of 187 CHers taking this regimen since December of 2011 to April 15 2016 are in the download.

I just ran the stats on the latest download of the survey database. The good news is the overall raw efficacy has moved up from 81.3% on 15 April 2016 to 82.3% on 31 December 2016. The pain free response climbed from 54.5% to 56.7%.  The best news is the overall raw efficacy for CHers reporting during 2016 found 93.3% of participating CHers experienced a significant decrease in frequency, severity and duration of their CH within 30 days with the pain free response up to 70%. 

I attribute this increase in efficacy during 2016 to an increased availability of the pdf version of the anti-inflammatory regimen treatment protocol (improved compliance), increased emphasis on using the 2-Week vitamin D3 loading schedule at the start of regimen, and the addition of Benadryl (Diphenhydramine HCL) to the regimen in 2015 to counteract the effects of allergies that flood the system with histamine.

The other interesting finding from the survey data is I'm seeing more CHers reporting their autoimmune disorders are also responding to this regimen.

Take care and please keep us posted on your results from taking this regimen to prevent your CH.

V/R, Batch

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