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Message started by Alejandro Humphreys on Apr 3rd, 2010 at 1:17pm

Title: I love a girl with CH (Help please)
Post by Alejandro Humphreys on Apr 3rd, 2010 at 1:17pm
Hello, I´m new here and with this.

I´m Alejandro and the girl that I love has this CH, I would like to ask if you can help me to understand more about this.
I have questions about the lack of sleep  and how hard it is for people that have never seen it to understand. How embarresing it is and how other couples deal with it and how many marriages fail from it.

This is really new for me, I never heard about it or nothing in my life till I met her, and I would like if you can help me to understand more about all of this.

Thank you so much, and I will appreciate all the help.

Title: Re: I love a girl with CH (Help please)
Post by MJ on Apr 3rd, 2010 at 1:33pm

Many people end up with relationship problems due to CH.

The way your going about this can only cause problems, like joy, happiness, pleasure and satisfaction. Thats similar to getting sunshine all over you.

Folks will fill you in but read all you can on these pages and dont let anything scare you its just usually temporary situations nothing ever to be embarrased about. I,m sure she will be happier as well. Its all about being positive with a bit of pain built in.

Ann Landers

Title: Re: I love a girl with CH (Help please)
Post by Guiseppi on Apr 3rd, 2010 at 1:44pm
In love with a woman who has CH! You're an incredibly lucky man. You've found a woman who can survive regular pain most cannot even imagine. And not only survive it, live life around it. She's one you do NOT let get away.

Do lots of reading on the board. Educate YOURSELF  first, then find out what she wants you to do and not do to help. The old days of just suffering the pain are long gone. Join the supporters section on this board and learn how others deal with it. My wife has managed to stick with me over 30 years. Brew and his wonderful wife are right up there with us. There are many long term relationships on this board so it can be done.

Oh, and get her on to this board to make sure she's getting the most current treatments. Welcome to the board, you're officially a supporter now!


Title: Re: I love a girl with CH (Help please)
Post by Alejandro Humphreys on Apr 3rd, 2010 at 2:07pm
Thanks for the replies.
I really love her, this is not scaring me, I just want to know more about this, she told me she has this since she was 9 years old, she is 19 now.
I´m reading about on the board, trying to learn more about this, what I learned time ago is not to feel helpless, that doesn´t help nobody.

Thank you for the help, I will read all I can, and learn more.


Title: Re: I love a girl with CH (Help please)
Post by Mosaicwench on Apr 3rd, 2010 at 2:23pm
Yep - have been married to my clusterhead for almost 28 years.  It's not easy, especially if your loved one is chronic or into a heavy cycle.  Sometimes it feels like it will never end.  But it does.  And it will.  And it's not fatal.

Living and loving BETWEEN the hits is the key.  The minute you give this awful beast the power to upset and disrupt your lives, you've lost the battle. 

Never allow it embarrass you or her.  She didn't ask for this disease and there is nothing about which to be embarrassed.  If she gets hit in public try to steer her away from people (more for her comfort than anything else), get her cooled off (air conditioning or a cold can of soda pop for her head), if she uses Oxygen, get it for her (and she should have it with her at all times - it's a wonder treatment!), and if necessary stand with your back to her to shield her from prying and well-meaning passersby.

Hardest thing to learn is they go through it alone.  Not much we supporters can physically do except shield them.  And remain true to them.

Title: Re: I love a girl with CH (Help please)
Post by Mosaicwench on Apr 3rd, 2010 at 2:31pm
One more thing - try like heck to come to am OUCH convention, if not both, then one of you. (START PRINTPAGEMultimedia File Viewing and Clickable Links are available for Registered Members only!!  You need to Login or RegisterEND PRINTPAGE) Being in the company of so many sufferers and supporters is amazing.

Last year at the convention in St. Louis, a bunch of us went downtown to tour a Basilica.  Some wheeled their O2 behind them, some had they're shots or abortives of choice.  We stopped when someone got hit and waited 'til it was done and they could continue.  No one was left behind, no one called 911, no one snickered, no one stared.  We just chatted with each other and waited, and then moved on towards our destination.  It's a pretty good description of life with, and as, a clusterhead.

Title: Re: I love a girl with CH (Help please)
Post by QnHeartMM on Apr 4th, 2010 at 1:50pm
Pat's right - if you're at all able to join us in Atlanta in July - the trip will be well worth it for you both! See the info for "OUCH Convention" at START PRINTPAGEMultimedia File Viewing and Clickable Links are available for Registered Members only!!  You need to Login or RegisterEND PRINTPAGE

Title: Re: I love a girl with CH (Help please)
Post by Alejandro Humphreys on Apr 7th, 2010 at 2:00pm
I was reading a lot in the forum and it really helped me to learn more, thank you so much everyone. I will keep asking and reading everyday :)
I would like a lot to go there, but I can´t, I´m in Spain now, but I would like to go someday.

Have a great day everyone.


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