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Cluster Headache Help and Support >> Medications,  Treatments,  Therapies >> Gaba,...Taurine and Cayenne...

Message started by WPWaterrose on Mar 5th, 2012 at 3:35pm

Title: Gaba,...Taurine and Cayenne...
Post by WPWaterrose on Mar 5th, 2012 at 3:35pm
Hello all!
I just wanted to relate something that seems to be working fro me. And a Thank you.. much of my research has come from all of you on here!
   I am in a cycle now...but I am episodic (every 18 months like clock work). Exhausted of all the different meds...I finally switched to 0xygen a few years ago. The oxygen works every time within 10 to 15 min. God bless.. But I wanted to keep researching (as we all are constantly doing..)...
I did some research and found a relationship between shingles and clusters (nerve flair ups)...which eventually led me to the natural amino acid Gaba. I also was so desperate one night bartending that I chugged 2 red bull cans.. and it helped.. and found posts about Taurine....
3 weeks ago I went for Indian food.. ate really hot and spicy that night.. and was attack free for over 24 hours after! Which led me to Cayenne...
So..  I am now taking taurine 500mg x 3, Gaba 500mg x 3 and Cayenne 470 mg x 2 per day.
I have not had an attack in over 48 hours...
I have the oxygen here waiting.. I don't think I am out of the woods.. but dear lord I think this may be helping me for now!
Any thoughts from the family?
Thank you in advance!


Title: Re: Gaba,...Taurine and Cayenne...
Post by Guiseppi on Mar 5th, 2012 at 3:52pm
Have heard of taurine working for some but not the other two. Please keep a journal on your progress and keep updating us as to its apparent effectiveness. If it keeps beasty at bay, I wouldn't change a thing!


Title: Re: Gaba,...Taurine and Cayenne...
Post by WPWaterrose on Mar 5th, 2012 at 5:33pm
Will do...  I have learned a ton from this group.. just hoping to give back!

Title: Re: Gaba,...Taurine and Cayenne...
Post by Mike NZ on Mar 6th, 2012 at 2:43am
I wonder if gaba and / or cayenne are like taurine in that they are calcium channel antagonists (or possibly they are vaso-constrictors like caffeine)?

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