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New here, feeling desperate. (Read 7282 times)
CH.com Newbie

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New here, feeling desperate.
Jun 8th, 2008 at 9:34pm
Hello there.  I'm Madison.  I'm 17 and live in rurual OH.  I guess I'll just give a introduction. Smiley

I've suffered from terrible headaches since I was about 11 or 12.  My parents and I thought it was just stress for awhile because we had recently moved and I was still trying to adjust.  The headaches didn't let up so about 2 years later I saw my GP about my headaches.  I gave her my list of symptoms and she quickly diagnosed them as migraines.  I didn't really find anything she gave my helped.  I've taken everything from anti-seizure medication to birth control to anti- depressants.  I've changed my diet countless times.  I tried every home remedy for migraines out there and I could find no relief for my pain.
Recently I decided to look into these headaches a little more in depth online and the migraine symptoms just didn't seem quite right.  After taking a symptom checker quiz on a medical site I discovered cluster headaches.  It was like a light bulb went off.  My mother is reluctant to take me to see a dr. because they've been rather unhelpful in the past. 
My symptoms are as follows, terrible pain in one eye, watery eye, runny nose on the side of the pain, sweating, mild fever, and paleness.  I cock my head to the side of pain and push my palm hard against my eye.  Sometimes the pain is so severe I feel very sick.  I usually take 50mg of promethazine (phenergan) and try to sleep when I get these headaches.  If I don't take something to make me sleep I just pace around crying.  These headaches last anywhere from 20 mins to 2 days.  Some months I get no headaches but some months, like this I get them a few times a week. 
I'm at the end of my rope.  I'm afraid to sleep tonight because I'm afraid I'll wake up with a headache.   
Any advice anyone has would be very much appreciated.  No amount of any over the counter painkiller has been helping.  I feel like everyone thinks I'm being dramatic but it literally feels like there is a needle in my eye. 
If you got through all this, thanks.  I'm not usually this longwinded. Smiley
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Re: New here, feeling desperate.
Reply #1 - Jun 8th, 2008 at 10:37pm
Welcome to the board! First thing, get in to see a neurologist who specializes in headaches, so you can get a proper diagnosis. This is very important.

Some things you can try in the meantime is when you have a headache coming on, try one of the energy drinks, like Rock Star, or Red Bull, these have caffeine and taurine in them, which do help in stopping, or reducing the intensity of a hit. Caffeine is a vasoconstrictor, and the taurine helps the caffeine work faster. The faster you drink it, the faster it works. Slamming coffee helps too.

Using ice packs on the affected side help too. Frozen peas make good ice packs, and can be refrozen and re-used. Some people prefer heat, for them it works better. Also, if you are in your car, turning the A/C on high, and sticking your face in front of a vent helps. There are lot's of different meds to try, if indeed you do have clusters, then you should get on a preventative, with an abortive for breakthrough hits. But, you need to see a doc for these, and I can't emphasize enough how important it is to see a neuro who specializes in headaches, specifically cluster headaches. It's ok to call and ask if the neuro does specialize in headaches, or your doc may know, and refer you.

Some folks take melatonin at night. It's an over the counter med (actually a hormone) that helps you sleep. The usual dose is between 3  to 9 mg at night. For some people, this really helps get them through the night.

There are lot's of links to read, over to the left, that have lot's of info. Oxygen, used with a non-rebreather mask at a flow rate of 15 LPM (liters per minute) works as a great abortive, and you can get a script from the doctor for it. If not, or your insurance won't pay for it, there are other way to get it.

Hang in there, and get to a neuro, so you can get a diagnosis. We are here to support and help you, so if you have any questions, please ask!

The suggestions I made above are all non-prescription, and you can buy these at the store. Lot's of people here use them with success.

Hang in there. We are not doctor here, but have lot's of experience with CH, and can help you with support, among other things.

Did I say welcome to the board? (I mean nuthouse!)
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Re: New here, feeling desperate.
Reply #2 - Jun 9th, 2008 at 12:00am
Well Purpey's given you a head full of stuff to digest, all awesome advice. The most critical point she makes is the correct diagnosis. I think you have CH based on the symptoms you describe, but there are literally hundreds of headache types, and the meds that help for some, are worthless and potentially harmful for others.

Start keeping a headache diary. When they start, how fast they build, how high the pain goes, (read the link on the left called "the kip scale" it's a great reference tool for pain levels)...how long they stay at peak pain, how fast they leave. When you say a headache lasts 2 days do you mean it stays at peak pain for 2 days? Or do you keep getting hit with multiple headaches for 2 days? Or is your head just sore for 2 days after? The diagnosis will be in the details so make your journal as detailed as you can.

For now, the tips Purpledog gave you should provide some relief until you can get in to see a neuro. Then get you some oxygen and find out what it's like to not fear the beast any more. We are all here for you, so glad you found us.

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Re: New here, feeling desperate.
Reply #3 - Jun 9th, 2008 at 1:14am
Hi Madison,

Great tips from the previous two posts. Definitely keep a headache journal, make good notes, and ask your GP to refer you to a neurologist.

Welcome to this board - it's a wonderful place to look for guidance, advice, and support. I am so sorry that you are suffering, as we all are, but know that you are always tougher than the headaches thrown your way.

Once you speak to your neuro you will definitely find a way to deal with the pain.

Best of luck and pain-free days and nights to you. All the best

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Re: New here, feeling desperate.
Reply #4 - Jun 9th, 2008 at 3:49am
Hi Madison and welcome.

See a neurologist asap, just so you can be sure whether it is, or isn't CH you have. Only than can you begin with meds that may help you. This is really important, as most regular stuff won't kill the pain.

O yes, the despair - such a funny little thing. But somehow we always manage to cope, dunno how but we do, and so will you. Live your life as good as you can, between the hits. Do not let the Beast take away that too, and you have won half the war.

2 day headaches? Or do you mean that shadows never leave between the attacks?

Anyway, hang on, we're all in this together.
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Bob Johnson
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Re: New here, feeling desperate.
Reply #5 - Jun 9th, 2008 at 6:33am
"Rural". Changes your options unless you are a convenient drive to the "big city" to see a good headache doc. IF you can seek a specialist, see my message on finding a doc in the section right above this one.

If your local doc is your only option, this go to the OUCH site (left) and print out the table showing the various  types of headache and features. IF you doc is open to learning from you (and many of us have had to help our doc treat us by supplying medical material)--then give him this table and the following treatment info.
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Here is a link to read and print and take to your doctor.  It describes preventive, transitional, abortive and surgical treatments for CH. Written by one of the better headache docs in the U.S.  (2002)
Michigan Headache & Neurological Institute for another list of treatments and other articles:

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for you: MANAGEMENT OF HEADACHE AND HEADACHE MEDICATIONS, 2nd ed. Lawrence D. Robbins, M.D.; pub. by Springer. $50 at Amazon.Com.  It covers all types of headache and is primarily focused on medications. While the two chapters on CH total 42-pages, the actual relevant material is longer because of multiple references to material in chapters on migraine, reflecting the overlap in drugs used to treat. I'd suggest reading the chapters on migraine for three reasons: he makes references to CH & medications which are not in the index; there are "clinical pearls" about how to approach the treatment of headache; and, you gain better perspective on the nature of headache, in general, and the complexities of treatment (which need to be considered when we create expectations about what is possible). Finally, women will appreciate & benefit from his running information on hormones/menstrual cycles as they affect headache. Chapter on headache following head trauma, also. Obviously, I'm impressed with Robbins' work (even if the book needs the touch of a good editor!) (Somewhat longer review/content statement at 3/22/00, "Good book....")

HEADACHE HELP, Revised edition, 2000; Lawrence Robbins, M.D., Houghton Mifflin, $15. Written for a nonprofessional audience, it contains almost all the material in the preceding volume but it's much easier reading. Highly recommended.

Stay in touch!


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Bob Johnson
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im not pressed in a book

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Re: New here, feeling desperate.
Reply #6 - Jun 9th, 2008 at 7:13pm
Thanks for all of the fast replies.

My mother basically refuses to have me to a dr. for this.  She has a very "everything is just fine" personality.  I am under the impression that my family thinks I'm exaggerating the pain I'm in.  I've gone to school countless times, crying in the car, begging them not to make me go only to have someone need to practically carry me to the nurse 40 mins into the day. 
In fact, she's just told me that she doesn't think they're clusterheachaches for the following, I can sleep when I get them if I take phenergan and I don't have a clear "cluster pattern". 
Has anyone heard of a migraine, but with the exact same pain as a cluster headache?  ie- Fever, stabbing pain in one eye, runny nose and eye? 
This whole "anti-dr" thing my mom is on is bothersome.
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Re: New here, feeling desperate.
Reply #7 - Jun 9th, 2008 at 7:32pm
Wow, I'm SO sorry to hear that your mom is not supporting you in figuring this out.

At some point hopefully she'll take you to a specialist to get it checked out, but until that time, try to stay positive, and read as much as you can on the topic. You will learn how to cope and people on this board will always be here to offer their support.

All the best, Madison.

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Re: New here, feeling desperate.
Reply #8 - Jun 9th, 2008 at 7:45pm
Hi Madison,
I am sorry to hear about your pain in the head, even more so, I am sorry to hear your mother is so reluctant to take you to the doctor.  I do not know your mothers reasons for "basically refusing" to take you to be seen, but you need to be seen.  You might have to take actions to be seen on your own.  What is your fathers position in all of this?  Can you schedule an appointment without involving your parent?  If this is not an option, you might want to talk to a counselor at school.  Whatever you do, you need to be seen and properly diagnosed.  I don't want to suggest causing a rift in your family, but that might just be what you have to do.  Good luck with your pain and your mom.  Let us know about your progress.

Many PF wishes
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im not pressed in a book

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Re: New here, feeling desperate.
Reply #9 - Jun 9th, 2008 at 8:41pm
Wow, I'm so amazed at how wonderfully supportive you all are.  Thank you so much. 

My mother is into natural healing and alternative medicines.  I had yet another chat with her about seeing a doctor today and she suggested breathing techniques and yoga.  Of course I would try anything to get rid of this pain but I need something to take if I do get a headache. 

I don't really think it matters what exactly this type of pain is called (cluster, sinus, migraine) it only matters to me that it literally drives me to insanity when I get a headache. 

I feel like a lunatic, racing around my room crying and I wish my mom would believe me that this is not some attention ploy.  I need help.  As night rolls around again, I'm scared to sleep.  If I wake up with another headache...I don't know what I'll do. 

Sorry for the whine.  Perhaps it would be more pleasant with some cheese.  Wink
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Re: New here, feeling desperate.
Reply #10 - Jun 9th, 2008 at 9:04pm
Madison, can you get your mom on here and have her go to the supporters page or the children w/clusters page? She would benefit from this site as much as you will.

Mom can see just how important it is for proper diagnosis and preventives to help you deal with ch.  In the meantime, try some of the naturals, like melatonin for those night hits. There is plenty of information for you here, things you can do while waiting to get to the doc- redbull, ice, melatonin.  But definitely get mom to join you on here.

Hang tough new little bud. We'll help any way we can.
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Re: New here, feeling desperate.
Reply #11 - Jun 9th, 2008 at 10:36pm
Hi Madison,
I think we have a lot in common. I grew up in a rural part of San Diego. Yes, it's a big city, but it's also a big county and I lived miles from anything. Until I got a car at 17 I couldn't go anywhere on my own. You mentioned crying in the car on your way to school, so I'm wondering if you are dependent on you parents for transportation??
My parents rarely took me seriously or thought I was being over dramatic. I broke my arm in two places playing soccer and my father told me "take a shower, you'll feel better" My mother finally took me to the Dr 2 days latter because I was still in pain - that's when I found out it was broken in two places.
You really need to get a proper diagnosis from a neurologist. Are there any in your area? Can you make the appointment on your own, without your parents?

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Re: New here, feeling desperate.
Reply #12 - Jun 10th, 2008 at 9:15am
I do some meditation as well, but unfortunately relaxation and breathing techniques will not help CH. I'm sure your mum means well but you need to see a proper neurologist and get some abortatives and preventatives. I'm not a huge fan of medication either, but using none for CH could bring a person to suicide. And that is no exageration! You are not overdramatizing, and not seeking negative attention - make sure your mum understands this. As said before, bring her here and have her read some of the despair we ALL go through at one time or another. Couldn't be that all those people from around the globe would all be little drama queens, now would it?

Hope you will be painfree soon.
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Re: New here, feeling desperate.
Reply #13 - Jun 10th, 2008 at 7:54pm
Hey there. I'm Felicia and I'm 16. Some times its easier to talk to a person your own age. I don't know much about the meds and things like that but if you want to rant, bitch, cry, etc. to anyone, I'm your girl. My dad has had CH since I was about 7 and my step mom has it too. Personally I have migrains occasionally so I know a little bit (but not much) about what you're going through with the school issue. Hang tough, keep your chin up, smile at death itself, fight like hell, and refuse to go down anything but hitting hard and swinging like crazy. Vibes headed your way my friend. Byes!!! <3

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I won't let myself down even if it means I can't make you proud. Its my life I gotta do what I feel is right. No one can stop me now. This clusterhead child is gonna show the world how
Felicia They.Call.Me.Alice little_black_flame@yahoo.com  
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Re: New here, feeling desperate.
Reply #14 - Jun 11th, 2008 at 4:56pm
Hi Madison

I'm Melvyn and live in rural Somrset, England.  I always think it unfair when I hear of young people being hit by CH. Do print out, and read, the article by Todd Rozen in the link mentioned in an earlier post - I found this site a few years ago and that article helped me make sense of it all - I had thought I was going nuts!

I'm a fan of Melatonin 'cos it works for me - but as you will hear time and time again - what works for some doesn't work for others. Educate yourself - then your doctor - and I pray that you find your path to PF days. I know you will find understanding and help in abundance from the people on this site - I have!!


Melvyn Smiley
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Re: New here, feeling desperate.
Reply #15 - Jun 11th, 2008 at 5:08pm
Hi again Madison,

just another thought to help you. My doctor wasn't much help but I persisted and got to a specialist neuro - I was lucky  - the specialist had a friend, also a doctor, who suffered from CH. You should have seen the letter he wrote to my doctor!

He threw the book at him!! Basically told him that he should prescribe the full works and that the patient appeared to know more about the condition than his doctor!!

By that time  - my third cycle - I had discovered Melatonin - and have never needed to see the doctor!! But I bet he acts differently when the next clusterhead walks in!!

Best of luck


Melvyn Smiley

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Re: New here, feeling desperate.
Reply #16 - Jun 11th, 2008 at 5:10pm
I dont know where you are at in OH. but there is a great dr. in pittsburgh... Dr. Robert Kaniecki.
he is on the ouch website.  i can get you his contact info if you want.
He changed my life.

maybe you could get a good headache specialist to speak to your mother over the phone, they could convince her?

she might also be more understanding if you tell her that narcotics dont help...she might be worried they will prescribe an addictive pain-killer...

i bet everyone here has felt desperate quite a bit, but we must keep going... i wish you the best of luck.
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« Last Edit: Jun 11th, 2008 at 5:12pm by icculus »  
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Re: New here, feeling desperate.
Reply #17 - Jun 11th, 2008 at 7:44pm
Madison,here's an open letter to Mom..........
Dear Mom,
There are lots of arguments for whole medicine, and healing, but, when soo many people who deal with the same affliction, and there are YEARS and years of time and trials behind them, the words they use here should be taken at full face value.
...some here have found great success with RC seeds, as well as other altenative medicines,
the first line is a Neurologist's Diagnosis
Please Mom, read what Madison prints out for you. His pain is real and he needs an advocate.....CHs are reputed to be the worst pain known to man.do you want Madison to waste time in abject
pain, doing his own trial and error?

Please, let's get Madison on the road to controlled CH. Look into 02.read all the bullets on the right, and ASK questions.........
we're here to help, any way we can, but get an appt for Madison to see a Neuro.......soon..........

Welcome to Clusterville. Welcome to the family.

Wishing you PFRS(pain-free, real soon)

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Re: New here, feeling desperate.
Reply #18 - Jun 11th, 2008 at 8:02pm
Aw cathi, that letter to his Mom was great.  (Can y'all see why this lady is on my team at Family Services?)  I would only add this:

mom, your son is hurting.  no Mom wishes to see their child hurting.  Please believe him when he says it does and get him to a Dr.

This whole "anti-dr" thing my mom is on is bothersome.

it is to me too.   No, Dr.s do not have all the answers, but I have yet to see anyone else prescribe oxygen or  an MRI to rule out others things.

Hang in there Madison.  Ask any questions you want here...we're all "with' you and will help[ in any way we can.

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Hurt people.....hurt people.   Think about it.
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im not pressed in a book

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Re: New here, feeling desperate.
Reply #19 - Jun 11th, 2008 at 8:30pm
Thank you all so much!

I had another talk with my mom about seeing a dr and well, she didn't give in to that but she did have our GP call in some imitrex for me.

Also, back when I first started getting these headaches I did see a dr. to rule out and type of tumor or other type of problem.  I  luckily, don't have any dire health concerns. 

I would love to talk to a specialist but I don't think circumstances will allow it at the moment.  I don't have my license yet (soon, hopefully Smiley) and I do rely on my fulltime working parents for transportation.  I realized I hadn't mentioned my dad in all this.  He is here. He works long hours and has about an hour drive so practical day to day things are up to mom and I as I'm an only. 

Thanks to all of you I'm still new here but now feeling hopeful.
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Re: New here, feeling desperate.
Reply #20 - Jun 11th, 2008 at 8:48pm
Madison,  While she's having that Imitrex called ion you might want to ask her to ask for oxygen.  One of our more natural abortives.

    Tell the Dr. to write it for as many e-tanks as needed.  With a regulator that goes to 15 lpm (liters per minute) and a non-rebreather mask.  Any dr. worth anything,  will know what that is.  You can then take that to an oxygen supplier like "Lindcare"  or "  Apria"    which are nationwide and they will set you up.   (If you give me the exact city you live in I will look up the addresses and phone numbers for you.


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Hurt people.....hurt people.   Think about it.
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Re: New here, feeling desperate.
Reply #21 - Jun 11th, 2008 at 9:47pm

I hope that I'm not overstepping my boundaries, but I believe that one of the above folks would be happy to speak to your mother over the phone about cluster headaches.  Not as a doctor, but maybe as an advocate for you in obtaining some help that you desperiately need. What do you think?  If you can arrange that with your mother, give a P.M. (personal message) to one these folks.  I know they would gladly speak with her.

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Re: New here, feeling desperate.
Reply #22 - Jun 11th, 2008 at 10:34pm
dont get the imitrex pills, they dont work fast enough.
the nasal spray works very good.
the injections are even faster, but probly a harder sell on mom.
if you get the injections, read the imitrex tip...it usually only takes 2 to 3 mg to be effective.
and as usual, their are a lot of ppl here willing to help.
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