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New to Site...wow..I'm not alone! (Read 4985 times)
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New to Site...wow..I'm not alone!
Jul 2nd, 2008 at 11:00am
Hello to All,

I've just recently been directed this way, cluster headaches.  After doing research, I'm 100% sure this is what I've got...only after 13years of misdiagnosis!!!  Docs have not suggested this until this year.  I'm 34 and have been getting them since I was 21, with a 4 year remission, until this past year.  Which has been the worst ever, 3months hardcore, with no sleep and shadows and minor headaches (relative term) for another three.  The minor ones this year changed location to my nose, or behind it, and eye.  Before they were mostly behind cheek and temple. upper teeth etc.

Sorry this is so long, i'm kinda relieved I've found this.  Here are some things I haven't read that i question:

Not that I'm a drunk, but if I party it up pretty good, I'll get headaches that night, but never during the "hangover" day, but they return the day after.  Has anyone else noticed this?

4 years ago, right into month two, and heavy times, 6-10 a night, and the most painful.  I used to think it was sinus pain, so I was steaming my face, after not sleeping for weeks I accidently spilled boiling water on my foot and the result was 3rd degree burn.  The burn was not 1/10th of the head pain...to be honest it really didn't even register.  But my headaches disapeared immediately.  Anyone else have similar experience involving other body pain stoping headaches?

Thanks in advance,

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Re: New to Site...wow..I'm not alone!
Reply #1 - Jul 2nd, 2008 at 11:04am
Sorry, I'm not advocating hurting ones-self to relieve pain, rather trying to figure what the body is doing physically that may help in treatment.

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Re: New to Site...wow..I'm not alone!
Reply #2 - Jul 2nd, 2008 at 11:20am
Hi DArcy,

Welcome and sorry you are in pain.  I think I read that the reason some people bang their heads during an attack  has to do with the pain receptors.  That causing pain in another area relieves helps relieve the HA pain.  This could be the same with burning your foot.  Don't do that again though!  Not a good way to manage your pain.   I'm sure that there are many wiser folks around here that can explain it better.  Clusterheads  seem to be an intelligent group. (with the exception of me!)

Go out and get some energy drinks and slam one at the first sign of a hit.  It helps for many.  Strong coffee may help too.  Applying ice helps me a lot! You may have to experiment where to place it for the best results.  For me right on top of my head and on the back of my neck works best.  Try to get to a Dr. for a diagnosis so you can get all of the proper meds that can help you.   

Hang in there!  Others will be around soon to offer more help.

Hope you are pain free soon!

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Re: New to Site...wow..I'm not alone!
Reply #3 - Jul 2nd, 2008 at 12:44pm
Hi DArcy!  Welcome to your 2nd home and 2nd family.  I'm glad you finally found us.  I went 12 years without a proper DX.  It's getting better though.  You and I are the exception these days.  Some luck (?) girl the other day had her first attack and was on this site in two days.

It's really important to get a proper diagnosis and rule out anything life threatening first.  But it does sould like you've won the wrong lottery.  What tests have you had done?  MRI?  CatScan?

What meds have you tried in the past.  There are some very effective treatments out there.  

I use 100% Oxygen at 15lpm as my primary abortive.  Knocks the beast out in 10-15 minutes if I get on it quick enough.  I back that up with energy drinks during the day to keep reattacks away.  If that fails, and it does occasionally, I fall back on Imitrex injection.  Imitrex hasn't let me down yet Wink

The other thing you'll want to look into is a good preventative medication.  Verapamil worked wonders for my last cycle knocking out 90% of my attacks leaving O2 and just a handful of Imitrex injections to mop up the rest.

This combination really gave me my life back.

Unfortunately what works for some of us doesn't work for all.  We're all different and your mileage will vary.  So your best bet is self education.  The more you know about treatments and medications available the better you'll be able to work with your Dr to find that magic combination that works for you.

Here are some links to get you started:

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So, join OUCH-US and read, read, read.  Then come back and ask all the questions you want.  There is a lot of experience with CH in this community and we're all just dying to share it with you.

Good luck...


edited to add: I do a lot of things to distract my mind from the pain.  However I've never found that hurting myself was a good way to go.
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« Last Edit: Jul 2nd, 2008 at 12:46pm by DennisM1045 »  

Where there is life, there is hope.
Where there is Oxygen, you must use proper caution.
So be safe, don't smoke while using O2. Kill the pain and not yourself.
dennism1045 dennism1045 524417261 DennisM1045 DennisM1045  
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Re: New to Site...wow..I'm not alone!
Reply #4 - Jul 2nd, 2008 at 1:16pm
I've thought of cutting my head off just below the hypothalamus. But couldn't hold still long enough. Cheesy
all the best and welcome
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Re: New to Site...wow..I'm not alone!
Reply #5 - Jul 2nd, 2008 at 4:39pm
Thanks all,   Jean I'll try out the energy drink thing...as far as Ice, well I think I'll stay away from that.  I live in Northern Ontario, and tried jammin' my head in a snow bank, man did I regret that, 2x the pain in seconds.

DennisMI045 I'm waiting for the neurologist to respond to my family doc with a date.  I've had 2 CatScans, and numerous xrays, as I ran to walk in clinicks, off hours.  They always thought it was sinus problems, but couldn't see anything in the above tests.  Then the Docs listened (not hospital docs, or walk ins, I think they thought I was seeking drugs or something) when I said, the pain is..well you all know, and I explained where the pain was and the freequency, both my family doc, and the Ears Nose and Throat Specialist n(who didn't see anything) talked about Cluster headaches...and hear I am.

I have not tried any drugs or o2 yet, and you all know pain killers don't work.  One Doc gave me Percs once, I sure was high, but still full of pain, that was a terrible experience.  Sorry for rambling but a bit of weight off my shoulders explaining this to folks who really understand.  Hopefully by this fall, that's usually when mine begin,  I'll be rambling about success stories.

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Re: New to Site...wow..I'm not alone!
Reply #6 - Jul 2nd, 2008 at 4:54pm
Hi again,

Some people have luck with applying heat during a hit............the thought of that make me cringe!  Funny how different it can be for each of us while still being the same.   

Take care,

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"It's all a grand illusion when you think you're in control." ~ Kenny Chesney
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Hugs to ya

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Re: New to Site...wow..I'm not alone!
Reply #7 - Jul 3rd, 2008 at 10:59am
Welcome to Clusterville. The one thing that's consistant around here is that we're all different... heat/cold is the one thing that's about 50/50 split. Whatever works for YOU do it.

Drinking is pretty well a "no-no" while in cycle (some of us it doesn't bother, but for the most part - stay away from alcohol during cycle).

Energy drinks at the first sign of a hit will "sometimes" kill it. O2 for "most" of us is our first line of defense.

In an "emergency" (when I'm out without meds or O2 - which is not often) I down 3 Excedrin ES and some strong coffee (or a Red Bull), BUT don't do this often as the Excedrin can cause rebounds.

As to hurting yourself.... this has happened to a number of us in the past (and present). I've come up with bruises that I couldn't explain (don't remember how they got there - some there was no way - how do you get a bruise UNDER your arm for goodness sakes?), but during a hit I do get a little violent at times. Can't say I've ever had it divert the pain. Have had the thought that if I broke my toe with a hammer it Might. (never did it, but thought about it).  Smiley

Stick around, tell us about yourself, ask questions. We're here to support and help in any way we can. Again, welcome ...

Hugs BD

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Re: New to Site...wow..I'm not alone!
Reply #8 - Jul 3rd, 2008 at 6:08pm
Thanks Barbara, right now I'm taking lots of folks advice and reading alot.  When I used to think it was a sinus' issue, I'd get up right away, have the kettle full, have the bowl on the kitchen table with a towel nearby.   I believed that steaming out my face would help sometimes, again..if I cought it early enough.  So maybe there is something there, heat for me?

This year sucks, I normally got them in October and they usually end around Chrismas, and that will be it for the year.  This year, after a four year remission, I got them on December 28(thought I was in the clear for another year...no), were real heavy until the end of March.  Since then, I get one every 2-4 days on average (going on 7 months??), but they are different, they last longer and not as painful, but I don't do anything..I just wait for them to pass so I can pass out again.  And my cheak is heavy all day (feels like it has caved in), I'm betting this fall is going to rock.  That's why I'm bustin' my butt to get to a doc that can help.

Cheers, and as I do some research I should be able to ask questions that haven't been answered yet.

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Re: New to Site...wow..I'm not alone!
Reply #9 - Jul 3rd, 2008 at 6:49pm
Hi D'Arcy and welcome,

don't apologise  for'going on' I think we all know that euphoric feeling of finally being diagnosed - A bit like that epitaph on the gravestone  - 'I told you I was sick'  - and also finding this site.

Just the realization that it isn't all in the mind and that there are lots of us out there fighting just the same battle.

I went for 9 years before the Dr confirmed CH. Used Imitrex in the past but did suffer from rebounds. Tried some other preventatives but they didn't work.  Didn't get round to tryng  O2 as an abortive because I found that Melatonin worked for me - this cycle and last one.

As has been said we all vary in our symptoms and reaction to different meds etc. here's hoping you find something that works for you. In the meantime take the advice here to learn and arm yourself against the beast.

Regards & PF days ( and this is just the place to rant )

Melvyn Smiley
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Re: New to Site...wow..I'm not alone!
Reply #10 - Jul 4th, 2008 at 1:42pm
You're sure right about the euphoric feeling.  Not happy about the fact that no one gets cured, but the understanding is crazy.  As I read these posts I say to myself "I've been there" and as I viewed a short video of someone having one (someone directed me to that site) I watch the guy holding his head and shaking his knees radically....Man, that could be me in that video.  Only difference is I've never let anyone watch me, I usually lock myself in the bathroom or run outside behind my shed.  My dad knew about the headaches in the past, but last year he witnessed one (briefly while I ran outta the washroom to move outside), he said he had no clue, and couldn't understand how I could tolerate such pain...well I can't.

I just missed the call, but my doc called and likely has the appt with the Neurologist.  Finally getting somewhere!!!!!!!!!!!
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Re: New to Site...wow..I'm not alone!
Reply #11 - Jul 4th, 2008 at 1:56pm
Hi D'arcy,

Yes most of us prefer to be alone when we battle the beast - and I'm no exception. I usually sit in the conservatory - or kneel in the dining room and bang my head on the floor - when it gets up towards a 9 or 10.

The fact is tho' that we do get through them. The knowledge that we will win somehow gets us through the hits - don't you think?

Best of luck with your neuro - make sure you read lots and print out the info. Some neuro's are great and well up on CH but, sadly it appears that some are not so good.

regards & PF days,

Melvyn Smiley
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Re: New to Site...wow..I'm not alone!
Reply #12 - Jul 10th, 2008 at 10:37am
I'd like to send a BIG THANKS to all,

My last headache got stopped in it's tracks with Red Bull.  It's strange cause I never know if it's gonna be 1 or a 10.  I chugged one down after about 5 to 10 mins of denying I was actually going to get hit...or a bad one anyway.  But about another 5-10 minutes after chugging one I had stopped it at a K5, and continued with the evening!  Damn!  That's never happend before.

Again, thanks!  I'm very glad to have found this site and you folks.

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Re: New to Site...wow..I'm not alone!
Reply #13 - Jul 10th, 2008 at 10:48am
Yeah!    Glad you found something to help!    

PF wishes!

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"It's all a grand illusion when you think you're in control." ~ Kenny Chesney
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Re: New to Site...wow..I'm not alone!
Reply #14 - Jul 15th, 2008 at 1:52pm
Just an update,

Docs agree it's CH, I guess that's a diagnosis?  I live in a smaller northern city (Sudbury Ontario) and the Neurologist likely won't get back to me for a appt. for a couple months.  I've got presciptions for O2 and imitrex.  Unfortunate deal is as I get rushed out of the docs office, I realize it is the pill form of Imitrex and 02 prescribed at 7Lpm.  As I read here, pills won't do it and 7Lpm is not adequate.  I'm taking this in my own hands and seeking help in a larger center (Ottawa ON likely, or T.O) and have emails out asking Dr.'s familiar with CH who I should be in contact with to help me.  I'm on month 8...figure I've gone chronic?...very cool...

Cheers to you all for your help.

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Re: New to Site...wow..I'm not alone!
Reply #15 - Jul 15th, 2008 at 2:04pm
Nope not chronic by US standards. Get the 02 with a high flow regulator, then you can adjust the flow rate up to the recommended level. You will find between the 02 and the caffeine you wont need the imitrex and will be able to save it for the bad ones....usually at night.
   Call the doc and see if they can change the imitrex to the injectable, but try the pills in case they work. Remember it takes some time for the triptan in pill form to reach theraputic levels so hit the caffeine and 02 till the pill kicks in. I hope that makes sense. I should have put an eh or two in there....eh?
all the best
thebb Smiley
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Re: New to Site...wow..I'm not alone!
Reply #16 - Jul 15th, 2008 at 2:19pm
Makes sense, I'll make sure I get the O2 with a high flow regulator.  A good friend of mine is pharmasist and has directed me to a colleague in town that has dealt with CH folks.  I'm sure he'll hook me up and hopefully give me some good advice.

Another question, once I get into heavy cycle, I know I'm going to get hit within the first 0.5hr to 0.75hrs of falling a sleep.  Does it work if I take a imitrex pill before hitting the sac?  Or, is that bad practice?

Thanks eh!
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Re: New to Site...wow..I'm not alone!
Reply #17 - Jul 15th, 2008 at 2:32pm
I assume you have the 100mg. Yes it works like that, no I wouldn't do it nightly unless there were no choice. It is an abortive not a prevent. But sometimes ya gotsta do what ya gotsta. Try melatonin over the counter for the nighttime hits. 3 to 9mg. It works for many of us. Use the trex sparingly it is known to cause rebound headaches.
all the best
Never mix triptans, like taking frova with imitrex or relpax.
it is a bad bad thing indeed
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« Last Edit: Jul 15th, 2008 at 2:34pm by N/A »  
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Re: New to Site...wow..I'm not alone!
Reply #18 - Jul 15th, 2008 at 7:12pm
I use Imitrex pills instead of the injections because of my insurance.  They will only give me two shots a month!  Sometimes I do that denial thing too.  Hmmmm........ Is this really a hit?  Duh!  Of course it is.... You know it is......Take the pill!  ( talking to myself)  When I'm smart enough to take the Trex  the instant I feel the hit coming I can be PF in about 30 mins. 

I don't really have a doc.  My OB/GYN said that I could just use him as my GP but for some reason I feel worried about asking him for the 02.  I know I really should.... I hear that it is MARVELOUS!

PF wishes,

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« Last Edit: Jul 16th, 2008 at 4:02pm by Jeannie »  

"It's all a grand illusion when you think you're in control." ~ Kenny Chesney
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Ernie Moss aka Wishbone
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Re: New to Site...wow..I'm not alone!
Reply #19 - Jul 15th, 2008 at 8:29pm
My heart goes out to you.  Fortunately I was diagnosed correctly immediately but for abortive treatment a different story.  I am on my 4th neurologist.  I am too many meds for preventative and who knows if they work, but thus far am chicken to taper off all.  But for abortive Imitrex or Zomig nasal spray work, but both are expensive, but I think you said you are in Canada so if your MD would prescribe that would not be an issue.  Also O2 is critical.  You do need a regulator for at least 15L per minute 25L would be better.  If I am awakened with a 8-10 and are able to use an Imitrex or Zomig Spray and get on O2 I still have a good chance to abort fairly quickly.  My problem right now is I have a concentrator at home and not O2 tanks so I am not getting near enought O2 so it takes longer.  With the O2 from the tanks I can abort usually in 10-15 minutes, but with the concentrator it does take longer due to lower flow rate and lower % of O2.  As everyone has and will say what works for one want work for another, but I think most everyone does agree O2 has the highest % of abortive success.  Coffee, red bull etc. do help, but probably the biggest point to remember "don't try and be a hero" action is critical the sooner you attack the greater rate of success in aborting the attack in the shortest amount of time.  If you get O2 and you are questioning if it is a hit the maybe you just get on the O2 and nothing else and see it that alone works.  If if wasn't a hit, what the heck, O2 isn't going to hurt you.  I hope this helps and God Bless You.  Wishbone.
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Re: New to Site...wow..I'm not alone!
Reply #20 - Jul 16th, 2008 at 10:01am
Advice is well taken and is arming with questions/info for when I see a specialist, thanks yet again.  I'm lucky in the way that I'm usually experiencing heavy shadows when I'm awaken.  My eyes open, and I'm like..I wonder why I'm awake?...oh yeah..here it goes.  I usually have quite a bit of notice before full on pain, so pills may work.  BTW, I'm 4 days since the last hit....after stopping to have my daily beer/or beers....damn you all!  Kidding, but knowledge is a dangerous thing!
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Re: New to Site...wow..I'm not alone!
Reply #21 - Jul 20th, 2008 at 9:46am
If the shadows start getting heavy - hit the O2 for a while. That will sometimes abort them... Won't hurt you.

Beer????  Smiley Smiley Smiley Oh yeah ...have one for me too..... Cheesy Cheesy  and a glass of RED wine while you're at it... Grin Grin Grin  (Geezzz I've got to get some caffeine and some O2 down -- that hurts to THINK about it!!!)

Hugs BD
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Re: New to Site...wow..I'm not alone!
Reply #22 - Jul 20th, 2008 at 10:30am
Hi DArcy and welcome. So you are from the Big Nickel, eh! You have been given some very good advise and I might add that I use o2 at 15 lpm as an abortive and 480mg Verapamil as my prevent. I have used a couple of Prednisone tapers at the start of my cycles which stopped the HA's in their tracks, but made me feel really crappy.

My Neuro is so helpful and is willing to work with me with my clusters. I am presently out of cycle but have all my arsenal at the ready. Full o2 tanks (M-tank at home, and two e-tanks for my car and workplace) and meds ready at the Pharmacist when I need them so that way I do not have to wait for an appointment to see my Neuro to get the scripts.

I hope you find your "cocktail" that works for you and if I can help in anyway let me know.

Welcome again to your new family and sorry you had to find us.

From a fellow Ontarian,  Barry Smiley
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Re: New to Site...wow..I'm not alone!
Reply #23 - Jul 23rd, 2008 at 11:40am
Hi Barry, good to meet you.  During this time of the occassional headache and not the crazy 6 to 10 a day I've got the opportunity to try a few methods.  Haven't had a HA in a while, but I've been chugging the redbull at the first signs.  The neuro here in sudbury is too busy, I've got a contact for a HA specialist in Ottawa (were my family is) so I'm going to try to hook up out there and hopefully find the proper "coctail".  I would just really prefer to deal with somebody familiar with CH's. 

I may call on you (if you don't mind) if I can't get in with a specialist?  Possible your Neuro may have some info?  I really appreciate the offer of help...CHeers!

A good friend of mine building a log cabin lives down your way, beautiful country.

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Re: New to Site...wow..I'm not alone!
Reply #24 - Jul 24th, 2008 at 7:30am
Hi Darcy. I will help you in any way I can. Let me know how you make out with the HA Doc in Ottawa. My Neuro is in Huntsville and I will PM you his name and addy if you want, but you have to be referred by a GP to see him.

Please keep me up to speed on how you are doing.

    Barry Smiley
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