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My husband suffers cluster headaches (Read 6611 times)
CH.com Newbie

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My husband suffers cluster headaches
Jul 9th, 2008 at 9:37am
I appear to have originally posted this in the wrong area, sorry... so here it is again in the right area... hope that is ok......
I joined last year when my husband's CH's left me feeling helpless and hopeless. There was nothing I could do to help him (obviously). Then, after reading through this site, I discovered that his GP was failing to give him all the info he needed and I pushed and pushed and finally got oxygen for him, which helped tremendously. So firstly thank you  Smiley.
He was in remission for some months after that, but then they came back. After seeing the neurologist he was prescribed a course of steroids which aborted the attacks for about a month. Then they started in January this year(2008)and are still going and they seem to have changed totally. They are just as frequent, but most seemed to be manageable with the oxygen and the meds. Now he is getting more unmanageable ones(the real headbanging ones), one recently actually had him collapse in the road outside our house, the oxygen really helps, but doesnt resolve it totally.
I find myself again in the situation of a helpless onlooker, desperate to help my husband, but understand that I cant, no one can, other than by being there in whatever capacity, even if that is not sitting with him at the times of the attacks. You do whatever is necessary to help.
I would hate to tell him how much that they upset me (that would upset him), because what I go through watching him is infinately so much less than what he goes through with the suffering of them, so I put on a brave face and smile compassionately and tell him I am ok, that I am coping. The fact of the matter is that I am coping, because that is what I do, but I spend each and every waking moment (even the middle of the night moments) worrying about him and hoping that this might be the last one and remission might start again, he so needs a break and so do I.
I am writing this for 3 reasons, 1 I needed to get it off my chest and you guys seemed the obvious people to tell. 2. Hopefully my experiences will help someone else to feel understood and 3 I am hoping that someone will be able to offer me words of wisdom or support that makes me feel better.
I so hate to have a winge and I know that I dont really suffer because of my husbands condition. I, in no way, want to make out that I feel that anything I go through is on a par with a sufferer, because it isnt, it isnt even close. However as the wife of a sufferer it does have its effects, mostly because I feel so helpless and because I want to help, I need to be able to help him, but I cant.
I am not looking for a cure all, because I know there isnt one. I am just looking for a place to vent when it gets difficult for me to watch his suffering and hopefully an empathetic ear.
I hope I havent over-stepped the mark on this site, as that wasnt the intention.
Thanks for listening.
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Re: My husband suffers cluster headaches
Reply #1 - Jul 9th, 2008 at 12:42pm
LOL! Nikki........so I posted to your other post..........
Oh, and to clarify.........you are a supporter, and you can certainly use the supporter's forum, but anywhere you post about you and your husband and the Beast, someone will reply.

Welcome to Clusterville, Nikki.where you WILL find help dealing with the Beast !

cathi Kiss
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Re: My husband suffers cluster headaches
Reply #2 - Jul 9th, 2008 at 1:24pm
welcome Nikki, i think i can safely say that your husband is a VERY lucky man !!!! its obvious you love and care for him DEEPLY!  God bless you and ALL supporters!!!!! you my dear are priceless to your husband i am sure!!!!!!!!  Good luck, your days and nights just got a bit better Nikki!    Tuck
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cancer shmancer,, i get cluster headaches!
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Re: My husband suffers cluster headaches
Reply #3 - Aug 1st, 2008 at 11:56pm
Hi Nikki! I'm late posting this and hopefully, you'll check back and see this.  Wink

I know exactly how you feel as I'm sure most other supporters do to. It's the hardest thing to do, short of having the beast ourselves, to watch our loved one go thru it. I'm a nurse and nuturing and helping people is my life. Knowing there is nothing I can do, kills me.  But, like everyone here has said, all we can do is be supportive. Most of  the time all I do is sit with him in the dark and be as still and quiet as possible because that's what he wants. Trust me, they appreciate it.

And, you can always come here to vent. These people on here are my saviors! They always have such encouraging words.


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« Last Edit: Aug 1st, 2008 at 11:57pm by tracyboo »  
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Re: My husband suffers cluster headaches
Reply #4 - Aug 2nd, 2008 at 7:47am
Good Morning Nik...
Sorry you all hard having such bad time of it.....fighting clusters is, indeed, a hard row to hoe for both suffer and supporter.  

Your feeling of helplessness is understandable for sure...been there done that.  My hubby was chronic for 15 years.  It does get better though...I promise.

You're doing a good job supporting, Sweetie.  It appears you are doing really all you can at this point.....advocate for him, research and study all you can here and on the OUCH site,  be willing to suggest different avenues of treatment for him and discuss them with his doctor, try different 'home remedies' (RedBull, ice, hot tea or coffee, etc.),  nag him if you must to get on the 02 immediately at onset, etc.

I've found over the years that the understanding and encouragement is VERY important.....be his cheering section, tell him to hang in there it will get better and that you'll hang in there with him,  encourage him to live his life as normally as possible in the PF times,  try hard not to let the beast rule your lives,  make sure he knows that you don't blame him or resent any of this and it's not his fault.  Let him know that you are more than willing to pick up the slack until it gets better....because it will get better.  

Now....it's very important for you to take some time for yourself too.  It doesn't matter what....a walk, bubble bath, visit to the salon or spa, etc.  A worn out supporter can't hold much up.... Wink

Remember there is always someone around to lend an ear....24/7.  We understand your pain, Sweetie, and we're always willing to listen.

It's hard duty for sure....you're doing a good job!

Keep in touch....

Big Hugs to you....

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Re: My husband suffers cluster headaches
Reply #5 - Aug 3rd, 2008 at 11:46pm
Nikki, I don't think I have any words of wisdom that will help make you feel better.  I wish I did.  I just know exactly what you're going through.  The sense of helplessness is the WORST!

To combat that feeling, I spend time in the Medications forum, reading up on what's working for people, especially people guinea-pigging themselves, researching things people are trying.  When Gary tries something like kudzu or busting or now Rhodiola, I provide input.

As Jackie pointed out to me two years ago, I can stock the arsenal, but Gary must choose the weapon. However, learning about things that people are trying - I find - helps me feel not quite so helpless.  At the very least, I can keep the arsenal stocked.  That, I guess, is one of my ways of coping.

So I learn as much as I can.  I share it with him when appropriate.  He has to take the steps and make the choices.  But at least he can make more informed decisions, and I don't feel completely useless.

...and of course, coming here to vent can really help!

Hang in there!


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Re: My husband suffers cluster headaches
Reply #6 - Aug 5th, 2008 at 4:00am
Bless you all, you are such a great support.

Jackie and Garys girl, thank you both. I do the same as you and do all the research into the drug possibilities... however it takes a lot to convince my other half that any new drugs are going to be apropriate!! eg verapimil with lithium, he tried verapimil some time ago and it didnt work for him, it now apears that combined with lithium it may be able to help, but he is loathed to try it because of the possible side effects of the lithuim. I understand his hesitation, and feel that perhaps in his position I would be tentative about it. After all isnt it enough to be going through the cluster headaches without the potential to kidney damage.

We have been going through this current cluster for 8 months now, at a rate of about 6 per 24 hours, at least 2 of those being overnight, so he is tired out from them too. I have finally got him to agree that if at the end of this month they are still going then he will go back to the doc and ask to see the neurologist again, and hopefully give the combined verapimil and lithium a try. The neurologist did suggest lithium back last year for him.

What is everyones view on lithium and does anyone have any suggestions or info about the side effects etc?

Also, when going through these my other half does suffer badly from mood swings, ineveitably! Life gets on top of him and sometimes he explodes. My thoughts are that perhaps the lithium could help him there too, so a double wammy. What do you guys think and is this mood swing and temper thing a usual thing with cluster sufferers?

Thanks guys,


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Re: My husband suffers cluster headaches
Reply #7 - Aug 5th, 2008 at 11:15am
Hello Nikki and welcome!

Mood swings - OMG you have no idea. My CH, who is the most wonderfully restrained, caring, nothing bothers him kind of guy, becomes nasty, mean and cocky. I tell him all the time "where's it hurt, because I want to know which area to punch on your face".  Obviously I'm kidding, but YES, there are serious mood swings but to be honest if we weren't sleeping we'd probably be real crazy too. I can tell you there have been many times when I just have to walk away from him when he gets mean and then after the headache passes he always comes and apologizes.  You must try and remember (I constantly repeat it to myself over and over again) that they don't know what they are saying or doing while going thru this and they don't mean anything by it really.

Now, I have taken some steps to make sure he gets his sleep, which helps him tremendously. I moved the O2 upstairs next to the bed and I make sure that he takes 9 mg of Melatonin every night to avoid the night hits.  Seems that if he can sleep, he can manage them better which in turns helps with the mood swings.  Try that and let me know.

If you need me I'm here.
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Re: My husband suffers cluster headaches
Reply #8 - Aug 5th, 2008 at 11:34am
blawrence, thank you, that  helps a lot, I know I am not alone.
Does your CH suffer from the mood swings and tempers even whilst not in the middle of a cluster headache.   Mine has become like it even between the headaches, not constantly, but regularly enough for it to concern me.
Whilst he is in the midst of one I expect to be snapped at if I ask him anything and I dont really have a problem with that (even though it does hurt at the time) because I understand that it is hurting and he doesnt have control anyway at that point.

My concern is that he has been in a cluster of 8 months and he is having mood swings and tempers that are going on even when he isnt in the midst of an actual attack. I am hoping that it is linked, purely because if it is then we can hopefully get some help for him with it.

I wonder if anyone else has this experience of the longer it goes on the more changes of character we see not just when having an attack but during the inbetween them bits too?

Thank you so much for your empathy, I really do appreciate it


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Re: My husband suffers cluster headaches
Reply #9 - Aug 5th, 2008 at 11:48am
I'm not sure I'd answer yes to this question, I can tell you that he seems to get stressed much quicker then ever before whether in or out of the cycle.  And, stress level goes up and he gets hit harder and longer then ever.  I try to keep him calm and remind him no to stress - sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't.  But remember you can't do everything. He must understand that he is in control and I would nicely remind him when he's not being hit that it really upsets you when he reacts to you that way or talks to you a certain way. Just b/c they have this condition doesn't mean we need to walk on egg shells around them we still have a voice and we have every right to make them aware of how we feel - but only when they are not being hit.

How long has he been a CH? Has he always had cycles this long?
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Re: My husband suffers cluster headaches
Reply #10 - Aug 5th, 2008 at 6:08pm
Hi Brooke,

Thank you they are wise words indeed. Yes you are right we shouldnt have to walk on egg shells, but we do have to pick the right timing to discuss these things, when they are being his is deffinately not the right time!!

He has been a CH for about 7 years and no they are not usually this long, about 3 months usually then about 6 months remission or there abouts. ie he gets 2 cycles a year usually, this is begining to look like he has gone from accute to perhaps chronic.

I have taken note of what you were saying about trying to ensure proper sleep, and perhaps this is something to tackle him about and then the doc for sleeping pills.
We do already have the o2 by the bed, along with Zomig so that he doesnt have to get up to treat one and the speed seems to be of the essence, so to speak, the faster we can get the meds etc into him the more managable the hit is. .. well mostly anyway.

Thanks once again hun,

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Re: My husband suffers cluster headaches
Reply #11 - Aug 5th, 2008 at 6:52pm
Nik - heads up on the sleeping pills, bobby couldn't stand them he said he felt like a zombie, they gave him something called trazadone and it drove him crazy, made him feel groggy the entire next day....now, i can tell you that i read on here about the melatonin, went and got it that day, this is an over the counter pill that i got at walgreens, go girl - go now.  I don't know how it works, I don't care how it works but it keeps him asleep and he doesn't have the drugged feeling the next day.  It worked the first night he took it.
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Re: My husband suffers cluster headaches
Reply #12 - Aug 6th, 2008 at 12:22pm

ur a star! I am on my way to talk to hubby and then I will order some off the internet. Just read up on the melatonin and it is what we naturally produce as kids and adolescents and it lessens in our systems as we get older... so hey it is all natural ... well kind of!
Not sure I can buy it over the counter in the UK but it is certainly available here via the internet from reputable sites.

Thank you so much,
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Re: My husband suffers cluster headaches
Reply #13 - Aug 6th, 2008 at 2:19pm
anytime girlfriend - anytime.....i'm just happy that i could offer you some advice, i rec'd some when i first started coming here that was gold - i'm glad i could do the same for you

keep me posted,
brooke Wink
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Re: My husband suffers cluster headaches
Reply #14 - Aug 6th, 2008 at 7:21pm
Nikki,  I'm responding to your question about the lithium.  I have no idea how it works as a mood stabilizer.  But I do know it has helped - in combination with verapamil (calan) a number of chronic clusterheads, at least for a number of months (someone responded to one of my questions about it saying it was a wonderful six months of relief).  It's got side effects that can be dangerous such that I think it's kidney function needs to be monitored while on it.  But it's definitely worth discussing with the Doc!

Hope the melatonin will help hubby get some sleep!  Being sleep deprived I'm sure isn't helping with the temper!   Roll Eyes  Unfortunately, it didn't help Gary before, but it has helped many, many cluster sufferers.  I do hope your hubby is one of them.


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Re: My husband suffers cluster headaches
Reply #15 - Sep 11th, 2008 at 3:14am
Hi all, Well hubby is off to the docs today, so hopfully we will get some help from her. Armed with all the wonderful advice from you guys will certainly give weight to his arguments. I will keep you posted. Again, I cant thank you all enough. Not sure I would still be on the right side of sanity if it wasnt for you guys. Thank you.

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CH.com Alumnus

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Re: My husband suffers cluster headaches
Reply #16 - Sep 11th, 2008 at 1:05pm
And thank you for being in my clusterbrother's corner.


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Where there is Oxygen, you must use proper caution.
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Re: My husband suffers cluster headaches
Reply #17 - Sep 12th, 2008 at 11:37am
Hi all, well Hubby was given pizotifen (previously known as sanomigran) an antihystamin, as a preventative. So watch this space to see how we get on with it.
I am hoping that some of you will have tried it sucessfully and can tell me that.... I personally have my reservations, based on my own experience of it years ago for migraine and what I have read recently, but I really, really hope I am wrong.  Fingers crossed!!!

I will keep you wonderful lot posted.

Thanks again,

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