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Re: a new one for me (Read 1304 times)
Ex Member

Re: a new one for me
Jul 24th, 2008 at 11:08pm
That's what my wife Joan does. We are awfully lucky men.
She can now be called hero as well. Supporter atta boy. Kiss
all the best
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Black-Billed Magpie

Posts: 8126
Boise, Idaho USA
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Re: a new one for me
Reply #1 - Jul 25th, 2008 at 1:02am
Good to hear, Karl.  Don't know what I'd do without my supporters running interference for me when I'm in cycle.

Sorry to hear you had your first kip 9.  It's a whole different creature, isn't it?  Thing is, just like any other one, it ends.  Sometimes it's hard to remember in the midst of the thing, though. 

If your cycle ends up being anything like mine are, chances are you're in high cycle now--if so, and you continue as an episodic (and ninety percent of us are) you should begin to see the thing begin to taper off in the weeks ahead.  Hang in there.  It WILL get better.

All the best,

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"Whoever loveth me, loveth my hound."  (Thomas More, author of "Utopia", and Chancellor of England.  1477-1535)
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CH.com Alumnus

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Re: a new one for me
Reply #2 - Jul 25th, 2008 at 1:11am
Give them time; they are suffering along with us the only difference is they don’t know the beast as well as we do & it’s harder for them to come to terms with.
My wife stays out of the way when things are bad & just lets me get on with killing the SOB, I prefer to be alone when getting hit, she knows me pretty well we been married 37 years next month.
The other evening both of us sitting out back having a quiet drink & I started to yawn & Nina pipes up & says your yawning & that means your body is producing the melatonin it requires to make you tired so you should have a good night’s sleep tonight, fair dinkum it just about blew my socks off, they do listen & they do learn, we just have to learn to give them time.

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Of all the things i've lost in life the thing i miss most is my mind.
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Haverhill, Massachusetts, USA
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Re: a new one for me
Reply #3 - Jul 25th, 2008 at 6:00am
Hey Karl.  I wish you'd never had one.  They really suck don't they.  There just aren't words to describe it.

When someone goes from watching you complain about pain to watching you writhe in pain it changes something in them.  They just have to see it or hear it once.  Then, if they really love you, they come around.

Give her a hug for me for being there for you.  I've said it before but our supporters are the rock we cling to in the storm.  They are amazing people.  Thank God for them.

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Where there is life, there is hope.
Where there is Oxygen, you must use proper caution.
So be safe, don't smoke while using O2. Kill the pain and not yourself.
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must be humored a little

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Bolivar, MO USA
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Re: a new one for me
Reply #4 - Jul 25th, 2008 at 9:26am
There are a lot of non-verbal ways to tell someone is in pain.  I dont think it is possible for anyone with a kip 9 to hide the pain they are in and I think it would take an award winning performance to fake it (my eyes dont react like others do, but my wife can see it in my eyes when I am getting hit).

Because of this, I think she needed to see those signs to understand the pain you are going through.  Until it gets really bad, it can be tough for them to understand.  Remember, headaches aren't really a good description of the pain. (when my wife used to say "Do you have a headache?" I used to know she was frisky.... now it means she is afraid when she says it).

My wife is a physician and she has seen me go through CH, kidney stones, disks in my neck pushing against the nerve, and gall stones.  With all that, the only time she has almost panicked was the first bad CH she ever saw me get.  After that, she read up on CH (didn't know much about it) and has been an amazing supporter.

I think sometimes we fight so hard vs the pain that we dont realize that sometimes even the ones close to us CANT feel it with us.  If you have a great supporter or a person who supports you even 1 time, remember to thank them, hug them, and give them a kiss (if appropriate).
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You've overstayed your welcome since the day we met but it doesn't seem to matter to you.  No medications are your master, nothing makes you fret, it's a helpless feeling having nothing I can do
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