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Chiropractors (Read 5528 times)
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Aug 4th, 2008 at 11:26pm
Yes...Chiro's really do help. Not only are they good for the autonomic nervous system, they help clusters and migraines. Not a cure, but I have found relief in the form of longer remission periods. Worth a shot

Kim  Smiley
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Re: Chiropractors
Reply #1 - Aug 5th, 2008 at 2:05am
Glad you have found some relief-  Its interesting though-  not many folks have reported success with Chiropractors and relief of clusters. I cannot speak from experience here- I have never seen a chiropractor for anything.

Are they helping you now with your constant HA's?  Please tell us how it is helping your clusters and hits

PF times to you

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Re: Chiropractors
Reply #2 - Aug 5th, 2008 at 8:55am
During the long time that I have been here I have never heard anyone one say that chiropractic care helped there clusters.  It always leaves disapointment.  I personally have tried a chirpractor and found no relief despite best efforts.  I also tried physical therapy and cranial sacrial therapy with no luck.  Could it just be that your cycle is going out of peak?
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Re: Chiropractors
Reply #3 - Aug 5th, 2008 at 11:57am
Chiropractors (good ones) are great for relieving musculo-skeletal problems. The hypothalamus is not a muscle, nor is it a bone. They can do nothing to relieve CH. If you're getting relief from a chiro, then you don't have CH.
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Re: Chiropractors
Reply #4 - Aug 5th, 2008 at 2:30pm
The hypothalimus is only one of the causes to CH.( their best theory) Yes, the chiro is musculoskeletal- BUT , you must be aware of how it affects the nervous and vasculor system. So before anyone jumps to conclusions. Do some research. In the back of the neck area lies the central nervous system whick controls EVERYTHING, including the hypothalimus. It is not a cure, but it does appear to have some effect on my CH. (Longer remission periods). In no way has my CH's gone away, nor when they hit, they are still the same pain frequency. I hope that some of you will try to see a chiropractor and see how it may benefit you. I've had CH's for 15 years now. I do not anticipate the next one until sometime in the fall. Just because the name "newbie" appear with my screen name here does not mean I don't know what I'm talking about, and for some that suggest that I do not have CH, are very welcome to take my next CH...try it on for size and then tell me I don't have them. Characteristics of clusters can be different from one sufforer to another, but still the same bottom line...they hit...you hold your head and rock back and forth ...puke if you don't get your meds quick enough, and then it's gone until the next hit. This is just advice, and the chiro does have some effect...maybe little, but I'll take that little effect  Smiley Smiley Smiley Smiley Smiley Smiley Smiley Smiley Smiley Exclaim Wink
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Re: Chiropractors
Reply #5 - Aug 5th, 2008 at 2:39pm
Apparently I went to the wrong school. A pox on me.
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Re: Chiropractors
Reply #6 - Aug 5th, 2008 at 5:13pm
So Brew went to the wrong school and apparently I have had no schooling because I am just confused- Chiropractors help with cluster headaches but not with pain.  Longer remission times?  maybe that's a connection I can see-  maybe having to do with the effect that chiropractors help with tension?   One might question whether it was the chiropractor or just how your cycle goes-  I certainly don't have answer-  The beast is mysterious!

Anyway-  I do still hope you're next cycle is shorter and hoping you get more painfree days.  Theres alot to learn on this site and so much information that can benefit us- Smiley
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Re: Chiropractors
Reply #7 - Aug 5th, 2008 at 6:13pm
Funny, I did some research and could not find anything saying the back of the neck area controls everything.  None the less, I am glad you found something to help control your CH/pain.  I tried a back quack for years and it did not seem to help what so ever. 

As to the suggestion that you do not have CH, I believe comes from another thread you started.  I believe you said something in the way of yu are in pain 24/7.' That would not be a Cluster Headache but more like a Constant Headache.  If I am wrong please correct me, but this is the way it read to me.
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Re: Chiropractors
Reply #8 - Aug 5th, 2008 at 8:20pm
As to the suggestion that you do not have CH, I believe comes from another thread you started.  I believe you said something in the way of yu are in pain 24/7.

Actually, I based my suggestion on what I read in this thread:
Yes...Chiro's really do help...they help clusters and migraines.
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Re: Chiropractors
Reply #9 - Aug 5th, 2008 at 9:04pm
Actually, I based my suggestion on what I read in this thread

Yes, Brew, what you say is true, but also in the other thread, where she made foolish claims, and then changed her story.

If she really IS in pain, it is not clusters, or at least not JUST clusters.

We all know the effect chiropractors have on clusters ... NONE what so ever!

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Re: Chiropractors
Reply #10 - Aug 7th, 2008 at 2:15pm
Dayam Chuck, throwing around the caps are we? Angry
Bone crackers are not a treatment for CH. PERIOD!
thebbz Cheesy

So before anyone jumps to conclusions. Do some research.
Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Your killin me. Hows 29 years of research grab ya. Grin Grin Grin Grin I have had mine triggered by the bone cracker. Angry
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« Last Edit: Aug 7th, 2008 at 2:18pm by N/A »  
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Re: Chiropractors
Reply #11 - Aug 7th, 2008 at 2:36pm
Although there are many types of headaches, including migraine, tension, cluster, and dehydration headaches, most chiropractors agree that almost all headaches are in some way caused by spinal dysfunction. Although the connection between headaches and spinal dysfunction may not be immediately apparent, understanding a little about chiropractic medicine may help.

Chiropractors believe that most bodily ailments occur when there's a breakdown in the ability of the brain to communicate with the rest of the body. Your brain communicates with your body by sending signals that travel down your spinal cord to nerves that exit your spine through small openings between your vertebrae. These nerves travel throughout your body, forming a communications network known as the nervous system. However, in some cases the vertebrae of your spine become misaligned and compress these nerves, interfering with their ability to transmit signals to and from the brain. When this occurs, it can cause dysfunction and pain in virtually any part of the body that's supplied by the affected nerve, including your head. This is why chiropractors generally treat headaches by using a procedure known as spinal manipulation. The goal of this procedure is to realign the vertebrae, which removes pressure from the nerve and restores the nervous system to its original state. In some cases, a chiropractor may also recommend massage and hot and cold therapy to help relieve some of the pain associated with headaches.

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Re: Chiropractors
Reply #12 - Aug 7th, 2008 at 2:42pm
Chiropractors believe a whole lot of things.

That doesn't make them true.

If they make you feel better, keep going and keep shelling out your hard-earned cash. But don't for one second try to dupe the unsuspecting into believing what you believe. You are in a very, very small minority.

There are lots and lots of people here who've tried chiropractic to relieve CH, and they all report it doesn't work. I include myself in that group.
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Re: Chiropractors
Reply #13 - Aug 7th, 2008 at 2:47pm
Poppycock! They may relieve secondary HA, but not clusters
thebb Smiley
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Re: Chiropractors
Reply #14 - Aug 7th, 2008 at 5:19pm
Heres how I see it-  Lots of new people come to this board looking for help and for the experience and guidance of those who have been down many avenues looking for help.   The experience of these folks is priceless.  They have heard somewhere that chiropractors or massage or whatever treatment will help them, began to get excited and rushed to get the treatment and boom - yet another failed treatment and still in pain. then thru trial and error and lots of $ , they find the most effective treatments and guess what those most effective treatments are ones that are shared by many-

What the experience collectively tells us is what has worked for many and what hasn't worked for most.  Part of this message board in my opinion- is to get folks to the right kinds of treatment and help them avoid going down the wrong avenue in search of pain relief. 

Hence Chiropractors-  all the experience has told us that Chiros don't help CH.  Plain and simple.  Do they help with others things?  Probably... no experience here. 

We want to point people toward the treatments that reportedly have the most success in getting people pain free and able to manage their lives better. 

I welcome that-  its hard enough to wade thru the BS as it is.  So what you may see Kimberly is folks rushing to discourage Chiro as a legitimate form of treatment for CH and probably pretty passionately. 

Thank god for those who have tried it and found it didn't work and I probably would be going every week

Now- if it helps you in any way- keep on keeping on-  Do it!  I am glad it does help you.   But remember that newbies will try anything -  Doesn't it make sense to steer them to the most effective treatments and docs out there? 

Hoping you're still pain free and glad you decided to join the group here.   Smiley


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Re: Chiropractors
Reply #15 - Aug 7th, 2008 at 6:01pm

Chiropractors are great!  I've had vast experience with them, for things ranging from 7 compressed vertebrae, one fractured vertebrae, a hip displacement, etc, and have astounding success.  He has saved me from back surgery and hip replacement surgery.  So, yes I am a believer in chiropractic treatment - whole-heartedly. 

However, my chiro, who has treated me for all of these things over the last 20 years, cannot do one thing to alleviate my CH, and he has tried.  He has been able to stop back pain, menstrual pain, muscle pain and, yes headache pain - the regular kind.  He can't touch my CH and he freely admits this.  My chiro does not claim to be able to "fix" everything, but he does "fix" those things that are within the realm of chiropractic medicine.

So, if you are finding any relief from your pain with your chiro, keep doing it.  But please don't push chiropractic as a magic bullet for CH to others, especially newbies.  It's been tried by hundreds of us and has been found to be completely useless combating CH.

Good luck

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Re: Chiropractors
Reply #16 - Aug 7th, 2008 at 9:37pm
Kimmie wrote on Aug 4th, 2008 at 11:26pm:
Yes...Chiro's really do help. Not only are they good for the autonomic nervous system, they help clusters and migraines. Not a cure, but I have found relief in the form of longer remission periods.

Kimberly, I am sure you will find that your longer remission and any other changes are due entirely to the orneriness of the beast.  Just when you think you have it figured out, the beast changes things, just to mess with your head.

Chiropractors are GREAT for what they can do, but totally worthless as far as cluster headaches are concerned.

I am glad you are getting longer remissions, whatever the reason!

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Re: Chiropractors
Reply #17 - Aug 10th, 2008 at 11:10pm
I have been recently going to to a chiropractor for lower backpain who is also a friend. We've had alot of time to talk about Cluster headaches. He said he was told in school that it can help some forms of heachaches but there was no logical reason it would help cluster headaches. I was kind of suprised at his reponse but welcomed his honesty.

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« Last Edit: Aug 12th, 2008 at 9:46am by cash5542 »  
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Re: Chiropractors
Reply #18 - Aug 11th, 2008 at 11:47pm
Keep it up Kimmie and I'll start saying you're crazier than a sprayed cockroach......

Chiropractors do NOTHING for cluster headache. I's been discussed and discussed, and rediscussed and the overwhelming answer is "Nope".

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Re: Chiropractors
Reply #19 - Aug 12th, 2008 at 1:23pm
If this works for you Kimmie, that's awesome. 

I went for a month only to leave with shadows and then moderate k5 CH.  Needless to say I quite going because as much as the chiro said it would work, it didn't.  I have been curious of accupunture, but never tried that yet.  I'm a naturalist who refuses to take drugs like Topamax, but uses abortive drugs like Sumatriptan (Imitrex).  I haven't gone to my neuro in years and he is actually retired, but i'm so into trying O2.  You can't get much more natural than that during a bout.
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Re: Chiropractors
Reply #20 - Aug 12th, 2008 at 4:44pm
seasonalboomer wrote on Aug 11th, 2008 at 11:47pm:
Keep it up Kimmie and I'll start saying you're crazier than a sprayed cockroach......

Chiropractors do NOTHING for cluster headache. I's been discussed and discussed, and rediscussed and the overwhelming answer is "Nope".


I take that as a compliment!!!  Smiley
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