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ARGHGH#*%#)(%*#)(%*#)(! (Read 1067 times)
CH.com Junior

Posts: 25
x0|Banora Point|Australia||0|0
Gender: male
Aug 10th, 2008 at 9:01am
So my CH came back mid May this year. I'm in a new city and go to a local doctor. He was nice enough but unwilling to prescribe anything actually useful for CH. I figure lets just hope this is a short cycle I can't afford to see 10 doctors trying to find a decent one atm.

I've soldiered on with bugger all sleep with 2 months, I had no internet or even PC access until this week so I couldnt even come and seek some refuge here during the sleepless nights. I was doing ok unmedicated and all until last night where I had back to back kip 10's that last hours leaving me pretty shattered in the morning, the residual pain left me unable to catch up on any sleep during the day. I figure I'll get some sleep early and not 5 meters from bed another CH starts Sad a good 3 hours before they normally kick in and its already ramped up to about a 9 Sad

I really just want this cycle to be over Sad

PS Hi everyone  Tongue

Painfree wishes to all
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« Last Edit: Aug 10th, 2008 at 9:14am by Spoticus »  
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CH.com Hall of Famer

CH - It's all in your

Posts: 3851
Cairns, Qld, Australia
Gender: male
Re: ARGHGH#*%#)(%*#)(%*#)(!
Reply #1 - Aug 10th, 2008 at 9:17am
There's no such thing as gravity, Spoticus.  The world sucks.  'Specially when docs won't do the right thing and at least read up on something they may not know that much about.

As an alternative, I had a lot of luck with panadol washed down with serious coffee.  Then there's Red Bull, the energy drink, that a lot of people are now using at first hint of an onslaught.  Kudzu and melatonin are getting good press and available without a script.

Then there's ClusterBusters, a route I can't even consider, but all alternatives must be looked at and personal decisions made.

Out of interest, have you noticed a distinct upsurge in attacks since the last election?  I have.

Cheers and beers,

Brian up North

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My name is Brian. I'm a ClusterHead and I'm here to help. Email me anytime at briandinkum@yahoo.com
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CH.com Junior

Posts: 25
x0|Banora Point|Australia||0|0
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Re: ARGHGH#*%#)(%*#)(%*#)(!
Reply #2 - Aug 10th, 2008 at 9:29am
lol Brian, maybe since Nelson started trying to scrounge every last sympathy vote hehe. I hope you've been ok, apart from the last 6 months I do lurk here regularly, just dont post much. Hi to Annette, Barry and the other aussies too if your around.

Yeah I have been meaning to check into Melatonin and Kudzu but living without internet/home phone an uncooperative doc and lack of sleep in general made it all a bit too hard really. I do have some Red Bull in the fridge, I cant really say if it helps consistantly or not but I guess the placebo effect is better than nothing when it gets real bad. Its always better to be doing something than nothing with CH. That said Red Bull is a pretty expensive medication as I have found out lol and sometimes it just leaves you feeling awake when you need to try grab any hours you can during the night.
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« Last Edit: Aug 10th, 2008 at 9:35am by Spoticus »  
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CH.com Hall of Famer

CH - It's all in your

Posts: 3851
Cairns, Qld, Australia
Gender: male
Re: ARGHGH#*%#)(%*#)(%*#)(!
Reply #3 - Aug 10th, 2008 at 9:47am
I know just how you feel, mate.  When the doctor offers to turn down the lights and asks if you'd like a nice lie down, you know you're on a bum steer.

On the brighter side, and very importantly, click here Multimedia File Viewing and Clickable Links are available for Registered Members only!!  You need to Login or Register;

It was put together by our good friend, Mad Mangey-Dog Barry from Karatha, along with his parole officer Mr Happy and it outlines all the goodies you'll need to set up your own O2 - no doctors required.

As to Annette, she had a bit of bad luck and deleted herself from the site.  The details don't matter but I, for one, wish her good health and a fine life.  As to the other Aussies here, they're a good mob if a somewhat weird mob, just don't send beer to Mattus no matter his pleadings.  (I'll send you the correct address for beer-vouchers via PM, so he can't see it and hack in.)

Keep smiling, keep killing 'im beastie, and I'm doing justice to a tinnie with your name scratched into the label.

My shout


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My name is Brian. I'm a ClusterHead and I'm here to help. Email me anytime at briandinkum@yahoo.com
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