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RC SEEDS AND O2 (Read 1490 times)
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Sep 20th, 2008 at 11:01pm
I know I am new too this web site and my have already upset some people, if you are reading this and I have I am very sorry.  I have been pissed for a long time and no one could understand,  I truely thought I was a freak,  but thanks to this web site I know I'm not alone.  Thanks to every one of you for helping me.  I have an O2 reg. 25lpm coming, ebay woo hoo $35 to the door.  But with out all of you I still would be suck'in 8lpm with minimal relieve.  with the help from everyone here I am hoping to get my life back, its been so long,  every day for three years seems like forever, my fuse is short but I am willing to take any advise from any one.  Ive felt alone for so long it hard to express whats really going on, I have the best wife ever she is truely my sole mate,  But I have been married before with two kids 14yo boy and 17yo daughter,  my kids have no idea what I go through Ive tryed my best to not let them see.  There mother was there when I was diagnosed with CH but she doesnt tell the kids about that.  I had full custidy of my kids until a couple years ago,  yeh she struck when my CH was at its worst and still is.  She lies to my kids to make them mad at me.  I can only hope they know what Ive done for them when they get older.  I seem to be going on  and on, all I wanted to say was My new o2 reg. is in the mail and I am hoping to atleast have a chance at taking RC seeds.  I hav'nt been able to go 72 hours with out triptans,  two or three days I will have my reg. and hopfully can go with out imi for awhile.  I know I probably sound like a freak but please send any advise I need all the help I can get right now.        thanks Phil
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Michigan, USA
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Reply #1 - Sep 21st, 2008 at 12:30am
My new o2 reg. is in the mail and I am hoping to atleast have a chance at taking RC seeds.  

Clusterbuster site and a sort from here have sound guidance.  Check the oxygen link to the left also for good results.  Heedful progress.   Smiley
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theres no smoking on the

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fayette county ohio
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Reply #2 - Sep 21st, 2008 at 12:38am
well here's some advice phil. be sure to detox from rx meds before using alternative treatments for at least a week or 2. i know it's scary but you can do it and your higher flow regulator will help. use of o2 is compatible with any kind of treatment. the higher flow will make a world of difference.

i haven't read many of your previous posts but us clusterheads can be some moody s.o.bs  sometimes.
                                                                    lots of luck brother
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Reply #3 - Sep 21st, 2008 at 3:41am
I've read a lot of your posts, while you're clearly frustrated as hell, you certainly haven't offended me. One of the most important factors in 02 treatment is starting it FAST. A 3 minute delay dramatically effects the level of relief it'll provide me. When in doubt, fire it off!

Due to my job I'm unable to avail myself of the alternative treatments, but certainly no shortage of success stories on this site. Hoping the combo of the high flow reg., and the busting, gives you the break it sounds like you desperately need.

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"Somebody had to say it" is usually a piss poor excuse to be mean.
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on my knees
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Reply #4 - Sep 21st, 2008 at 9:39am
hi Phil:
I will be calling you today.
anyway yes us clusterheads can be extremly moody and short fused at times, i too have not been very kind in my post when i am getting pounded by the beast but i always try to apologize and i always get the same responce "we understand" it is so cool to be to lose you cool at times and still be cool Cool
the high flow rate o2 will be a great help to you I hope, wish i had one but honestly can't afford one right now. my 15lpm does help though.
i don't know much about rc seed and the such except like guiseppi
my job prevents it, i know what you do for a living Phil and maybe you should look at that, but we will talk more about it  on the phone  cool!
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Reply #5 - Sep 21st, 2008 at 12:12pm
Hi Phill,

I've read your posts and the only thing that has came through is your frustration and pain in dealing with the beast and that I can certainly relate to, believe me, I've been there.

The high flow reg will make a world of difference and should make detoxing from the triptans easier.  Get on the 02 at the first twinge of the ch to kick his butt fast. 

After trying many Rx meds that either didn't work or the side effects were too much, I now use rc seeds and 02 only as my weapons to fight this God awful condition.  I still can't believe how well it has worked for me and I can now go places and do things without even giving the beast any thought at all.  I have my life back.

Good luck to you. 


P.S.  You may want to consider letting your teens know about the ch.  I have teens and they have blown me away with understanding, kindness and help when I needed it.  I hid it for many months and once they knew what I was dealing with, I never heard "oh, mom has another headache, she always has a headache!" with frustration in thier voice.  They may suprise you........The truth is better that the lies.
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theres no smoking on the

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fayette county ohio
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Reply #6 - Sep 21st, 2008 at 2:42pm
P.S.  You may want to consider letting your teens know about the ch.  I have teens and they have blown me away with understanding, kindness and help when I needed it.  I hid it for many months and once they knew what I was dealing with, I never heard "oh, mom has another headache, she always has a headache!" with frustration in thier voice.  They may suprise you........The truth is better that the lies.

yeah ch for me is hard to hide. if somebody didn't have ch and jumped around and screamed i'd have to say they were crazy. Grin
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Reply #7 - Sep 21st, 2008 at 4:45pm
Thanks I know the situation with my kids is effed up and it isn't even them it is there mom(my ex) that puts sh!t in there head.  This situation with my kids is so screwed I wish I didn't post it I just wanted to vent alittle.  As far as hiding it goes they have seen me with a good k7,  I forgot my imi I always kept it in my lunch box but I used it the night before and didn't put it back,  I call my beautiful wife(not my ex Lips Sealed) and she brought me my injector and the kids where with her,  so they have seen me with my left eye pouring and me acting like a freak.  I could go on forever trying  to explain this I'll save all the details for my Biography or the Jerry Springer show.  Cool  Phil
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Jamestown, NC
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Reply #8 - Sep 22nd, 2008 at 10:18am

You'll find that the high regulator will make a big difference, but as everyone above has said, you've got to get on the 02 at the first inkling that a hit is on the way.

My only armaments are rc seeds and 02, like Beth.  I'm absolutely astounded at how well this is working for me. 

Once you get your 02 set up, it is important to detox from all meds, including your triptans before starting the rc seeds.  I think you need to be off your meds for 5 to 7 days - this will be tough on you.  But, with the 02, and things like Red Bull, coffee, ice (or heat - whichever help you), you CAN do it.  Then start your seeds.

When you get ready to start the seeds, PM me and I'll be happy to walk you through the method that seems to be working for me.


P.S.  I also agree with Beth about bringing your children in on your CH.  Be upfront and honest with them - tell them everything - hold nothing back.  They are old enough to understand, and possibly, armed with the true knowledge of what's happening with their Dad, maybe they will think a little bit more when their Mom "comments" about you.

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Lean on me, when you're not strong, cause we all need somebody to lean on.
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Reply #9 - Sep 22nd, 2008 at 12:17pm
As your moniker say's CH is Hell. Try not to focus on the many other thing's going on in your life. It will only aggrivate the demon. Get yourself straight and kill that demon. You will take care of the rest later.
I have seen the results of the alternatives and am still amazed. I can only hope they work as well for you. Lots of good advice above, you will be fine and things will get better for you.
all the best
02, coffee and seeds works for me as well. Amazin.
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