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Not a one time thing, questions. (Read 735 times)
CH.com Newbie

pain of the mind is worse
than pain of the body

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Meadville, MO
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Not a one time thing, questions.
Sep 23rd, 2008 at 3:17pm
I'm a lurker, who had my first attack 18mo ago and was hoping it was something else or a one time thing. The last week has let me know for sure. I'm not having as many 8+'s and O2 and RedBull Carcass has been helpful. Topomax doesn't seem to help me and after a month on it (migraines 3wks before) I feel kind of lost in my life. I have been reading this week and during my last episode and appreciate all the information. I have a neurologist appointment next week and doc appoint Fri (for other things as well).
1. On my last episode I had a 10 first then a 10 last. (I thought I was having a stroke or anyerism with my second child months away, not a thought I ever wanted to have) This one has started light and gotten a little worse is that normal? is it likely to last about the same amount of time?
2. Could three weeks of migraines trigger an episode (weather mainly the reason)?
3. Do others with migraines have more pain on their nerve side? IE migraine pain plus dull eye ache?
4.When I take a nap, or go back to sleep after waking without a headache I get a CH, can I take a nap before my regularly scheduled head stabbing and be okay (as if this pain is okay)
5. Finally is it normal to have a warm burning sensation behind my eye before and after? (plus the head stabbing of course)
Thank You
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« Last Edit: Sep 23rd, 2008 at 3:23pm by thefinerev »  

Mon. 7 . — I visited a young man in St. Thomas’s Hospital, who, in strong pain, was praising God----John Wesley's Journal Sept 7th 1741
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San Diego to Florida 05-16-2011

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Re: Not a one time thing, questions.
Reply #1 - Sep 23rd, 2008 at 3:25pm
WOW....quite a list!!! I'll take a stab at a couple!

1: Cycle starts and finishes are unpredictable. I've started cycles with shadows every few days, building to 3's and 4's every couple of days, gradually building to head bangers. Then I've gotten creamed outta the blue when I wasn't expecting a cycle. Mine always seem to fade away at the end down to nothing. Have read others who posted they get that one slammer of a ten to let them know the cycle is over.

2&3:I don't have migrains so I'm no help there.

4:When on cycle naps are a no no for me. 45 minutes into a nap I'll wake up with a slammer. Worst thing about those is I dream I'm treating it with oxygen so when I finally wake up I'm deep into the headache!!!

5: I don't get the warm sensation behind my eye, just the "head hit with a 2X4" dull ache feeling afterwards.

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CH.com Newbie

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Re: Not a one time thing, questions.
Reply #2 - Sep 23rd, 2008 at 5:03pm
Oh hell, as a new comer here I'll attempt a stab. Mind you I am episodic and going on my third year of CH's so I'm still learning myself thefinerev.

1. On my last episode I had a 10 first then a 10 last. (I thought I was having a stroke or anyerism with my second child months away, not a thought I ever wanted to have) This one has started light and gotten a little worse is that normal? is it likely to last about the same amount of time?

In my experience, they start light but painful. Say kip 3-4 then go to a 10 in a matter of a minute or two. Like Guiseppi, I can have an attack out of the blue, no shadows, no building pain,just BANG kip of 10. Mine however do seem to follow the clock. If I get a kip 10 attack it is 90% of the time around 4pm and 1am. However for the past few days I've been in perpetual shadow so who knows when the next one will be.

2. Could three weeks of migraines trigger an episode (weather mainly the reason)?

I haven't had a migraine since I was 16 so I honestly can't answer this either. Sorry Sad

3. Do others with migraines have more pain on their nerve side? IE migraine pain plus dull eye ache?

Working EMS, and having a few friends and family with migraine problems I have noticed that when they get an attack their eyes hurt along with a tense neck feeling. I'm assuming it's the light sensitivity that comes with most migraines. Like sensitive teeth, they'll hurt and ache if agrivated.

4.When I take a nap, or go back to sleep after waking without a headache I get a CH, can I take a nap before my regularly scheduled head stabbing and be okay (as if this pain is okay)

Like Guiseppi, I too can not take a nap during my cycle. It's painful enough to just attempt to sleep knowing an hour later I'll be beating my head off the floor. If I lay down and have no shadows, no pain nothing, it's hit or miss if I'll be woken up by a CH or if I'll be safe. If I shadow before laying down, forget it. I suck down the O2 to lessen or remove the shadow before I lay down to give me better chances.

5. Finally is it normal to have a warm burning sensation behind my eye before and after? (plus the head stabbing of course)

For me, I'd say yes. I have shadows before and after my attacks, from 1 hour shadows to a few hour shadows. I can best describe it as a warm cooling feeling behind my left eye with a kip 2-3 pain and completely drained of energy. A tall cool glass of water or 5 usually helps that with me though.

Good luck and PF days ahead for you I trust my friend,

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